Content Posted in 2025
A 40-week phase 2B randomized, multicenter, double-blind, placebo-controlled study evaluating the safety and efficacy of memantine in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Salman Bhai, Todd Levine, Dan Moore, Robert Bowser, Andrew J. Heim, Maureen Walsh, Aziz Shibani, Zachary Simmons, James Grogan, Namita A. Goyal, Raghav Govindarajan, Yessar Hussain, Tania Papsdorf, Tiffany Schwasinger-Schmidt, Nick Olney, Kim Goslin, Michael Pulley, Edward J. Kasarskis, Michael Weiss, Susan W. Katz, Suzan Moser, Duaa Jabari, Omar Jawdat, Jeffrey Statland, Mazen M. Dimachkie, Richard Barohn, and Neuromuscular Study Group and Western ALS Consortium Memantine ALS Study Group
Abnormal Regulation of Mitochondrial Sphingolipids during Aging and Alzheimer’s Disease, Simone M. Crivelli, Zainuddin Quadri, Ahmed Elsherbini, Hemendra J. Vekaria, Patrick G. Sullivan, Wenbo Zhi, Pilar Martinez-Martinez, Stefka D. Spassieva, and Erhard Bieberich
A brief report on juvenile amyotrophic lateral sclerosis cases in the United States National ALS Registry: 2010– 2018, Jaime Raymond, Jasmine Berry, Edward J. Kasarskis, Theodore Larson, D. Kevin Horton, and Paul Mehta
A Comparative Study of Cave System Calcium Isotope Ratios: Implications for Quantitative Reconstruction of Paleorainfall From Speleothems, Cameron B. de Wet, Elizabeth M. Griffith, Andrea Erhardt, and Jessica L. Oster
A Comparison of Devices for Race Day Characterization of North American Turfgrass Thoroughbred Racing Surfaces, Peter Schmitt, Wayne T. Sanderson, John Trey Rogers III, Tyler J. Barzee, and Michael L. Peterson
A Content Analysis of Media Coverage of the Introduction of a Smoke-Free Bylaw in Vancouver Parks and Beaches, Arezu Moshrefzadeh, Wendy Rice, Ann Pederson, and Chizimuzo T. C. Okoli
Adapting the serious illness conversation guide for unhoused older adults: a rapid qualitative study, Abigail Latimer, Natalie D. Pope, Chin-Yen Lin, JungHee Kang, Olivia M. Sasdi, Jia-Rong Wu, Debra K. Moser, and Terry A. Lennie
A Decision-Support System for the Sustainable use of Australian Monsoonal Tallgrass Woodlands, J A. Bellamy, D Lowes, and N D. Macleod
Administration At Odds: Why OSHA Standards May Be Impractical for Construction Workers Compensated on a Piece Rate Basis, Hector Gagnet
Advances in Forage Legumes: A SubSahara African Perspective, B H. Dzowela
Advances in Research and Development with Sylosanthes and Other Tropical Pasture Legumes, D F. Cameron, C P. Miller, L A. Edye, and J W. Miles
A Flower Color Marker in the Tropical Forage Legume Centrosema brasilianum (L.) Benth., Brigitte L. Maass and A M. Torres
A Framework for AI Implementation in Construction: Use Cases, Challenges, and Benefits for Contractors, Jaqueline de Aquino Leite Gomes
Agronomic Evaluation of Centrosema Germplasm on Acid Utisol in the Humid Tropics of Peru. II. Centrosema tetragonolobum Schultze-Kraft & Williams, Gerhard Keller-Grein
Agronomic Evaluation of Centrosema Germplasm on an Acid Utisol in the Humid Tropics of Peru. I. Centrosema macrocarpum Benth., Gerhard Keller-Grein
Agronomic Evaluation of Centrosema Germplasm on an Acid Utisol in the Humid Tropics of Peru. III. Selected Centrosema rubescens Benth. Accessions, Gerhard Keller-Grein and F Passoni
A Himalayan Slivipastroral System: Will it Meet the People's Need?, K S. Rao
A Legume Ley System in Australia's Semi-Arid Tropics, R L. McCown, K Thiagalingam, T Price, P S. Carberry, R K. Jones, N P. Dagliesh, and D.C I. Peake
Alzheimer’s disease and inflammatory biomarkers positively correlate in plasma in the UK-ADRC cohort, Kate E. Foley, Zachary Winder, Tiffany L. Sudduth, Barbara J. Martin, Peter T. Nelson, Gregory Jicha, Jordan P. Harp, Erica M. Weekman, and Donna M. Wilcock
A Mechanical Model for Stress Relaxation of Polylactic Acid/Thermoplastic Polyurethane Blends, Yi-Sheng Jhao, Hao Ouyang, Chien-Chao Huang, Fuqian Yang, and Sanboh Lee
Amperometric bio-sensing of lactate and oxygen concurrently with local field potentials during status epilepticus, Eliana Fernandes, Ana Ledo, Greg A. Gerhardt, and Rui M. Barbosa
A multi-objective optimization model for cropland design considering profit, biodiversity, and ecosystem services, Caleb H. Geissler, Nathan L. Haan, Bruno Basso, Ames Fowler, Douglas A. Landis, Tyler J. Lark, and Christos T. Maravelias
Amyloid-β predominant Alzheimer’s disease neuropathologic change, Gabor G. Kovacs, Yuriko Katsumata, Xian Wu, Khine Zin Aung, David Fardo, Shelley L. Forrest, and Peter T. Nelson
Analysis of Growth Characteristics and Evaluation as Fodder Resources of Tropical Leguminous Browses in Subtropical Area in Japan, Y Kawamoto and M Honma
Analysis of the Thermal Aging Kinetics of Tallow, Chicken Oil, Lard, and Sheep Oil, Yun-Chuan Hsieh, Hao Ouyang, Yulin Zhang, Donyau Chiang, Fuqian Yang, Hsin-Lung Chen, and Sanboh Lee
Analysis of Traffic Crash Data in Kentucky 2019-2023, Paul Ross, Eric Green, Chris Blackden, Christopher Van Dyke, Teng Wang, and Mohammad Majidi
Androgen aggravates aortic aneurysms via suppression of PD-1 in mice, Xufang Mu, Shu Liu, Zhuoran Wang, Kai Jiang, Timothy S. McClintock, Arnold Stromberg, Alejandro V. Tezanos, Eugene S. Lee, John A. Curci, Ming C. Gong, and Zhenheng Guo
An Effective P Application Method for Dactylis glomerata, M Hojito, A Nishimune, and M Noshiro
A New Breed of Handicappers in Town: The Effects of AI on the Horse Racing Industry, Lauren K. Repa
A New Deal for Dealerships: How a New FTC Rule Could Change the Way Americans Purchase Vehicles, Joshua Wetzel
Animal Feed Research in Eastern and Southern Africa: Historical and Actual Priorities, Samuel C. Jutzi and J C. Tothhill
Animal Production and Dynamics of Pangola Grass, Ryegrass, and White Clover as Influenced by Grazing Pressure, A De Moraes and G E. MAraschin
Animal Production from Tropical Semi-Arid Savannah Woodland in Subcoastal Queensland, Australia, H G. Bishop, H J. Chamberlain, R M. Dodt, T B. Hilder, G A. Lambert, and E R. Anderson
An Integrated Approach to Soil-Plat-Animal Interactions on Grazed Legume-Based Pastures on Tropical Acid Soils, M J. Fisher, C E. Lascano, R J. Thomas, M A. Ayarza, I M. Rao, G Rippstein, and J.H M. Thornley
An International Perspective of Dairying in New Zealand, M Murphy
An Introduction to Infophilia, A Positive Psychology of Information, Anita S. Coleman
A Novel Interaction of Nesidiocoris tenuis (Hemiptera: Miridae) as a Biological Control Agent of Bactericera cockerelli (Hemiptera: Triozidae) in Potato, Gabriela Esparza-Diaz, Raul Villanueva, and Ismael E. Badillo-Vargas
Anterior circulation location-specific results for stent- assisted coiling – carotid versus distal aneurysms: 1- year outcomes from the Neuroform Atlas Stent Pivotal Trial, Ricardo A. Hanel, Gustavo M. Cortez, Brian T. Jankowitz, Eric Sauvageau, Amin Aghaebrahim, Eugene Lin, Ashutosh P. Jadhav, Bradley Gross, Ahmad Khaldi, Rishi Gupta, Donald Frei, David Loy, Lori Lyn Price, Steven W. Hetts, Osama O. Zaidat, and ATLAS Investigators
Application Of Machine Learning in Transportation Engineering, Ali Gorji Sefidmazgi
A Pyrrole Modified 3,4-Propylenedioxythiophene Conjugated Polymer as Hole Transport Layer for Efficient and Stable Perovskite Solar Cells, Yuanhao Tang, Ke Ma, Wenhao Shao, Yoon Ho Lee, Ashkan Abtahi, Jiaonan Sun, Hanjun Yang, Aidan H. Coffey, Harindi R. Atapattu, Mustafa Ahmed, Qixuan Hu, Wenzhan Xu, Raunak Dani, Limei Wang, Chenhui Zhu, Kenneth R. Graham, Jianguo Mei, and Letian Dou
Arachus spp.: Introduction and Evaluation of New Accessions in Seasonally Flooded Land in the Brazilian Cerrado, E A. Pizarro, J.F. M. Valls, M A. Carvalho, and M.J D'Avila Charchar
A Reading of the Gospel According to Luke as a Response to the Tragic Tradition, James M. Donovan
Arthropod arbiters: natural enemy communities mediate the effects of landscape and local-scale complexity on Lygus-induced crop loss in organic strawberries, Adrian Lu, David J. Gonthier, Amber Sciligo, Karina Garcia, Taiki Chiba, Gila Juárez, and Claire Kremen
A single hydrogen bond that tunes flavin redox reactivity and activates it for modification, Debarati Das and Anne-Frances Miller
A Social Media–Delivered Melanoma Prevention Program for Young Women Engaged in Frequent UV Tanning: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial, Jerod L. Stapleton, Sharon L. Manne, Sherry L. Pagoto, Allison Leip, Kathryn Greene, Joel Hillhouse, Allison S. Merritt, and Brent J. Shelton
Astrocytic mitochondrial transfer to brain endothelial cells and pericytes in vivo increases with aging, Gopal V. Velmurugan, Hemendra J. Vekaria, Samir P. Patel, Patrick G. Sullivan, and W. Brad Hubbard
Astrocytic stress response is induced by exposure to astrocyte-binding antibodies expressed by plasmablasts from pediatric patients with acute transverse myelitis, Chad Smith, Kiel M. Telesford, Sara G. M. Piccirillo, Yamhilette Licon‑Munoz, Wei Zhang, Key M. Tse, Jacqueline R. Rivas, Chaitanya Joshi, Dilan S. Shah, Angela X. Wu, Ritu Trivedi, Scott Christley, Yu Qian, Lindsay G. Cowell, Richard H. Scheuermann, Ann M. Stowe, Linda Nguyen, Benjamin M. Greenberg, and Nancy L. Monson
A System for Objective Condition Assessment of Astrebla spp. Pastures at the Paddock Level for Better Grazing Management, D G. Phelps, J J. Bushell, O.J H. Bosch, D J. Kent, and I F. Beale
A Time for Change- Issues Arising from the XVII International Grassland Congress Developed World Viewpoint, Barney Foran
Attainment and Distribution of Competitive Equilibrium in Tropical Grass-Legume Mixtures, P G. Tow
Audio Diaries in Identity Research, Darin Freeburg and Katie Klein
Axonal injury, sleep disturbances, and memory following traumatic brain injury, Emma M. Tinney, Goretti España-Irla, Aaron E. L. Warren, Lauren N. Whitehurst, Alexandra N. Stillman, Charles H. Hillman, Timothy P. Morris, and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Azithromycin reduces hemoglobin-induced innate neuroimmune activation, Chirayu D. Pandya, Hemendra J. Vekaria, Miriam Zamorano, Amanda L. Trout, Rodney M. Ritzel, Gary Guzman, Christopher Bolden, and Patrick G. Sullivan
Beef Cow Adaptation to Hot Dry Climates, T.D A. Forbes, J W. Holloway, and B G. Warrington
Beef Production from Commercial Leucaena leucocephala Pastures in a Dry Subtropical Environment, R L. Clem, C R. Esdale, M J. Conway, and D Macintyre
Beyond the Numbers: Capturing Impactful Patron Interactions in Library Data, Jenica Ibarra, Triveni Kuchi, and Julie Still
Biliverdin Reductase-A integrates insulin signaling with mitochondrial metabolism through phosphorylation of GSK3β, Chiara Lanzillotta, Antonella Tramutola, Simona Lanzillotta, Viviana Greco, Sara Pagnotta, Caterina Sanchini, Silvia Di Angelantonio, Elena Forte, Serena Rinaldo, Alessio Paone, Francesca Cutruzzolà, Flavia Agata Cimini, Ilaria Barchetta, Maria Gisella Cavallo, Andrea Urbani, D. Allan Butterfield, Fabio Di Domenico, Bindu D. Paul, Marzia Perluigi, and Joao M.N. Duarte
Blood biomarkers in Down syndrome: Facilitating Alzheimer’s disease detection and monitoring, Melissa E. Petersen, Lisi Flores-Aguilar, Elizabeth Head, Laia Montoliu-Gaya, Andre Strydom, Sarah E. Pape, Juan Fortea, Nicholas J. Ashton, Chinedu Udeh-Momoh, Sid E. O’Bryant, Dwight German, Florin Despa, Mark Mapstone, and Henrik Zetterberg
Borrelia burgdorferi PlzA is a cyclic-di-GMP dependent DNA and RNA binding protein, Nerina Jusufovic, Andrew Krusenstjerna, Christina R. Savage, Timothy C. Saylor, Catherine A. Brissette, Wolfram Zückert, Paula J. Schlax, Md A. Motaleb, and Brian Stevenson
Bothriochloa pertusa- A Useful Grazing-Tolerant Grass for the Seasonally Dry Tropics?, R J. Jones and A Kerr
Breeding for Rust Resistance in Marcoptilium atropurpureum, R A. Bray
Building Sustainable Community-Academic Partnerships while Implementing a Nutrition-Based Blackberry Garden Program at a Senior Center, Dawn Brewer, Annie Koempel, Abbey L. Moellering, Tammy Stephenson, Amy Kostelic, Julie Plasencia, Alexis Sheffield, Ben Guerrant, and Alethia Price
Bundle for quantifying vaginal blood loss after childbirth, Mariana Torreglosa Ruiz, Nayara Freitas Azevedo, Cynthya Viana de Resende, Maria Paula Custódio Silva, Divanice Contim, Luciano Marques dos Santos, Monika Wernet, and Ana Linares
Calculation of elastic constants of bulk metallic glasses from indentation tests, Zhitong Xu, Ming Liu, and Fuqian Yang
Calliandra calothyrsus - A Potential New Shrub Legume for Tropical Animal Production?, B Palmer, R A. Bray, and T M. Ibrahim
Cancer research provides a model for advancing clinical trials in dementia in the era of disease-modifying Alzheimer’s-type dementia therapies, Gregory Jicha, Thomas Tucker, Susanne Arnold, and Peter T. Nelson
Carfilzomib-Loaded Ternary Polypeptide Nanoparticles Stabilized by Polycationic Complexation, Preye Mike Agbana, Ji Eun Park, Piotr G. Rychahou, Kyung-Bo Kim, and Younsoo Bae
Case Studies and Causes of Weed Invasion of Sown Pastures on the Wet Tropical Coast of Eastern Australia, H G. Bishop, T B. Hilder, G A. Lambert, and E R. Anderson
Cattle and Wildlife Ranching in the Zimbabwe Midlands: Are they Economically Compatible?, URS P. Kreuter and John P. Workman
Cattle Growth and Diet Responses to Legume and Phosphorus Supply, C P. Miller and R E. Hendricksen
CD8+ T cell metabolic flexibility elicited by CD28-ARS2 axis- driven alternative splicing of PKM supports antitumor immunity, G. Aaron Holling, Colin A. Chavel, Anand P. Sharda, Mackenzie M. Lieberman, Caitlin M. James, Shivana M. Lightman, Jason H. Tong, Guanxi Qiao, Tiffany R. Emmons, Thejaswini Giridharan, Shengqi Hou, Andrew M. Intlekofer, Richard M. Higashi, Teresa W. M. Fan, Andrew N. Lane, Kevin H. Eng, Brahm H. Segal, Elizabeth A. Repasky, Kevin P. Lee, and Scott H. Olejniczak
Ceramide-mediated orchestration of oxidative stress response through filopodia-derived small extracellular vesicles, Zainuddin Quadri, Ahmed Elsherbini, Simone M. Crivelli, Salim S. El-Amouri, Priyanka Tripathi, Zhihui Zhu, Xiaojia Ren, Liping Zhang, Stefka D. Spassieva, Mariana N. Nikolova‑Karakashian, and Erhard Bieberich
Characterization and Prelimiary Evaluation of a Large Germplasm Collection of the Tropical Forage Legume Stylosanthes scabra vog., Brigitte L. Maass and R Schultze-Kraft
Checklist and key to species of stink bugs (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Pentatomidae) of Kentucky, United States of America, Armando Falcon-Brindis and Raul Villanueva
Chronologically inappropriate morphogenesis (Chinmo) is required for maintenance of larval stages of fall armyworm, Xien Chen, Jinmo Koo, Surjeet Kumar Arya, and Subba R. Palli
Cigarette Smoke-Induced Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition: Insights into Cellular Mechanisms and Signaling Pathways, Sarah Mohammed Alqithami, Amrita Machwe, and David K. Orren
City Beautification and Homelessness: Differing Priorities of Cities Considered Beautiful and Ugly, Katia Davis
Clay minerals origin and paleoclimate implications in quaternary deposits of the Saïs Plain, Fez-Morocco, Ayman Agharabi, L. Karrat, Frank R. Ettensohn, N. Har, L. Gourari, H. Bedelean, C. Balica, and C. V. Mircescu
Clinical Trial Protocol for BEACH: A Phase 2a Study of MW189 in Patients with Acute Nontraumatic Intracerebral Hemorrhage, Radhika Avadhani, Wendy C. Ziai, Richard E. Thompson, W. Andrew Mould, Karen Lane, Angeline Nanni, Michael Lacobelli, Matthew F. Sharrock, Lauren H. Sansing, Linda J. Van Eldik, and Daniel F. Hanley
Clinician Attitudes and Experiences in Screening Patients for Social Determinants of Health Using PRAPARE, Pranav Rane, Mathew B. Weimer M.D., and Adam Baus
Clover-Based Pasture Systems for Intensive Sheep Production in the Central Highlands of Papua New Guinea, S Sivasupiramaniam, A K. Benjamin, and J Pitala
Coal Ash Triggers an Elevated Temperature Landfill Development: Lessons from the Bristol Virginia Solid Waste Landfill Neighboring Community, Reagan Patton Witt and Marcelo I. Guzman
Cognitive decline, Aβ pathology, and blood–brain barrier function in aged 5xFAD mice, Geetika Nehra, Sasivimon Promsan, Ruedeemars Yubolphan, Wijitra Chumboatong, Pornpun Vivithanaporn, Bryan J. Maloney, Anusorn Lungkaphin, Bjoern Bauer, and Anika M. S. Hartz
Cold-Inducible RNA Binding Protein Impedes Breast Tumor Growth in the PyMT Murine Model for Breast Cancer, Daniel A. Lujan, Joey L. Ochoa, Ellen J. Beswick, Tamara A. Howard, Helen J. Hathaway, Nora I. Perrone-Bizzozero, and Rebecca S. Hartley
Commercialization of Arachis pintoi cv. Amarillo in Northern Australia, B G. Cook
Common consumer residual insecticides lack efficacy against insecticide-susceptible and resistant populations of the German cockroach (Blattodea: Ectobiidae), Johnalyn Gordon, Marla J. Eva, Sudip Gaire, Arthur G. Appel, and Zachary C. DeVries
Comparative Outcomes Following Randomization to a Pilot Facebook-Based HIV Prevention Intervention Among Appalachian Women Involved in the Criminal Legal System, Megan F. Dickson, Erika Pike, and Michele Staton
Comparative Ruminal Nitrogen Degradability of Tropical Browse and Alfalfa Hays, S Toure-Fall and B Michalet-Doreau
Comparative Use of Digitaria decumbens and Cynodon nlemfuensis by Local Suckling Ewes in Martinque (FWI), Maryline Boval, Gisele Alexandre, M Mahieu, P Cruz, and M Meuret
Competitive Effects of Trees on Pasture are a Function of Rainfall Distribution and Soil Depth, J C. Scanlan and G M. McKeon
Completing the Interstate Journey in Cyberspace: Dark Kitchens, Meal Delivery Drivers, and the Federal Arbitration Act, John Lambert
Complexity and Convergence of Electrostatic and van der Waals Energies within PME and Cutoff Methods, Jaroslav Koča, Chang-Guo Zhang, and Radka Svobodová Vařeková
Conditional deletion of CEACAM1 in hepatic stellate cells causes their activation, Harrison T. Muturi; Hilda E. Ghadieh; Suman Asalla; Sumona G. Lester; Getachew D. Belew; Sobia Zaidi; Raziyeh Abdolahipour; Abhishek P. Shrestha; Agnes O. Portuphy; Hannah L. Stankus; Raghd Abu Helal; Stefaan Verhulst; Sergio Duarte; Ali Zarrinpar; Leo A. van Grunsven; Scott L. Friedman; Robert F. Schwabe; Terry D. Hinds, Jr.; Sivarajan Kumarasamy; and Sonia M. Najjar
Congress Outlook from the Developing Countries' Perspective, Bede N. Okigbo
Conservation of Biodiveristy in Managed Rangelands, with Special Emphasis on the Ecological Effects of Large Grazing Ungulates, Domestic and Wild, Patrick Duncan and Peter J. Jarman
Considerations of variations in ionospheric field effects in mapping equatorial lithospheric Magsat magnetic anomalies, Dhananjay Ravat and W. J. Hinze
Contribution of Parkia biglobosa to the Feeding Value of Pasture Systems in West Africa, Elly N. Sabiiti, J Cobbina, and J Lambourne
Conversations by Design: Student Research Using Oral Histories, Jennifer Bartlett and Patrick Lee Lucas
Correction to Oz, H.S.; Ebersole, Jeffrey L. Application of Prodrugs to Inflammatory Diseases of the Gut. Molecules 2008, 13, 452-474, Helieh S. Oz and Jeffrey L. Ebersole
Cripping Girlhood on Service Dog Tok, Anastasia Todd
Crowdsourced geospatial data is reshaping urban sciences, Xiao Huang, Siqin Wang, Tianjun Lu, Yisi Liu, and Leticia Serrano-Estrada
Crowdsourcing Geospatial Data for Earth and Human Observations: A Review, Xiao Huang, Siqin Wang, Di Yang, Tao Hu, Meixu Chen, Mengxi Zhang, Guiming Zhang, Filip Biljecki, Tianjun Lu, Lei Zou, Connor Y. H. Wu, Yoo Min Park, Xiao Li, Yunzhe Liu, Hongchao Fan, Jessica Mitchell, Zhenlong Li, and Alexander Hohl
Crustal Composition and Moho Variations of the Central and Eastern United States: Improving Resolution and Geologic Interpretation of EarthScope USArray Seismic Images Using Gravity, H. L. Zhang, Dhananjay Ravat, and A. R. Lowry
Cryo-EM reconstruction of oleate hydratase bound to a phospholipid membrane bilayer, Michael L. Oldham, M. Zuhaib Qayyum, Ravi C. Kalathur, Charles O. Rock, and Christopher D. Radka
Cultivated Pasture, Forage on Offer and Animal ResponseG, G E. Maraschin, A De Moraes, L.F. A. Da Silva, and J Riboldi
Current Attitudes and Barriers Among Appalachian Patients Towards Orthopaedic Surgery, Dylan Smith MD; Justin B. West MS; Wade Smith MD; Micah MacAskill MD; Jonathan Lash; and Matthew W. Bullock DO, MPT
Current Practices in Rock Scaling, Daryl J. Greer and Kean H. Ashurst Jr
Cyp6g2 is the major P450 epoxidase responsible for juvenile hormone biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster, Qiangqiang Jia, Liu Yang, Jiamin Wen, Suning Liu, Di Wen, Wei Luo, Weihua Wang, Subba R. Palli, and Li Sheng
Dalrye - A Farm Business in Southern New South Wales, T R. Hutchings
Data reporting quality and semantic interoperability increase with community-based data elements (CoDEs). Analysis of the open data commons for spinal cord injury (ODC-SCI), Anushka Sheoran, Kenneth A. Fond, Lex Maliga Davis, J. R. Huie, Romana Vavrek, P. J. Axtman, Vance P. Lemmon, John L. Bixby, Ubbo Visser, John C. Gensel, Karim Fouad, Adam R. Ferguson, Jeffrey S. Grethe, Anita Bandrowski, Maryann E. Martone, and Abel Torres-Espin
Decentralized clinical trials for medications to reduce the risk of dementia: Consensus report and guidance, Leanne Howard, Carla Abdelnour, Erin Abner, Ricardo F. Allegri, Hiroko H. Dodge, Serge Gauthier, Camilla M. Hoyos, Gregory Jicha, Patrick G. Kehoe, Catherine J. Mummery, Adesola Ogunniyi, Nikolaos Scarmeas, Xiaoying Chen, Jodie R. Titiner, Christopher R. Weber, and Ruth Peters
Deciphering cellular heterogeneity in Spodoptera frugiperda midgut cell line through single cell RNA sequencing, Surjeet Kumar Arya, Douglas A. Harrison, and Subba R. Palli
Defective Interfering RNAs: Foes of Viruses and Friends of Virologists, Kunj B. Pathak and Peter D. Nagy
Defining Religion: Death and Anxiety in an Afro-Brazilian Cult, James M. Donovan
Deforestation for Pasture in the Humid Tropics: Is it Economically and Environmentally Sound in the Long Term?, E Adilson Serrao, C Uhl, and D C. Nepstad
Deforestation in Pakistan, Inayat U. Chaudhry
Deforestation in the Savanna Context: Problems and Benefits for Pastoralism, W H. Burrows
Depressive Symptoms and Sleep Quality Mediate the Relationship between Race and Quality of Life among Patients with Heart Failure: A Serial Multiple Mediator Model, Jia-Rong Wu, Debra K. Moser, Chin-Yen Lin, Ambrose A. Chiang, and Barbara Riegel
Depth to Curie temperature across the central Red Sea from magnetic data using the de-fractal method, Ahmed Salem, Chris Green, Dhananjay Ravat, Kumar Hemant Singh, Paul East, J. Derek Fairhead, Saad Mogren, and Ed Biegert
Derivation and Testing of Nutrient Norms for White Clover, Marta J. Rodreiguez
Detecting cognitive decline in high-functioning older adults: The relationship between subjective cognitive concerns, frequency of high neuropsychological test scores, and the frontoparietal control network, Justin E. Karr, Jonathan G. Hakun, Daniel B. Elbich, Cristina N. Pinheiro, and Frederick A. Schmitt
Determinants of Herbaceous Species Composition on Wildlife Utilization Areas in the Eastern Transvaal Lowveld of South Africa- A Preliminary Investigation, M.J S. Peel and G C. Stuart-Hill
Determining the Key Education Priorities Related to Heart Failure Care in Nursing Homes: A Modified Delphi Approach, James McMahon, David R. Thompson, Christine Brown Wilson, Loreena Hill, Paul Tierney, Jan Cameron, Doris S. F. Yu, Debra K. Moser, Karen Spilsbury, Nittaya Srisuk, Jos M. G. A. Schols, Mariëlle van der Velden-Daamen, and Gary Mitchell
Developing a Cross-Asset Allocation Mechanism, Jon Wilcoxson, Bryan Gibson, and Bethany Paris
Development of Forage Systems for Dairying in Subtropical Australia, R J. Moss and K F. Lowe
Development of New Stylosanthes Cultivar for Australia from Naturally Occurring Genotypes, L A. Edye and T J. Hall
Development of Rhizoma Peanut for Forage in Lower South, USA, Gordon M. Prine and Edwin C. French
Development of Synthetically Accessible Glycolated Polythiophenes for High-Performance Organic Electrochemical Transistors, Bowen Ding, Vianna N. Le, Hang Yu, Guanchen Wu, Adam V. Marsh, Edgar Gutiérrez-Fernández, Nicolás Ramos, Martina Rimmele, Jaime Martín, Jenny Nelson, Alexandra F. Paterson, and Martin Heeney
Diabetes screening among women with polycystic ovary syndrome: a descriptive study of commercial claims, 2011–2019, Jacklyn Vollmer, W. Jay Christian, and Mary E. Lacy
Diet and Migration in the Prehistoric Populations in the Greater Nicoya Region of Nicaragua, Ashley Nichols Whitten
Digitaria milanjiana Ley Pasture for Banana Cropping in Tropical North Queensland, Australia, T J. Hall, G D. Walduck, and R W. Walker
Distribution of Phosphorus and Aluminum in Acidic Pasture Soils and Effects on Growth of Subterranean Clover, M J. McLaughlin and T R. James
Driven to Debate: House Bill 7 and the Potential Consequences of Fully Autonomous Vehicles on Public Roads in Kentucky and on a National Scale, Claire Gussler
Dual Light Emission of CsSnI3-Based Powders Synthesized via a Mechanochemical Process, XUAN HUANG, Xiaobing Tang, Xiyu Wen, Yuebin Charles Lu, and Fuqian Yang
Dual-Process Theory of Information Seeking Behavior, Daniel W. Eller
Dynamics of Stylosanthes scabra in Tropical Savanna Woodland in Eastern Australia after Treatment with Tebuthiuron, E R. Anderson, P V. Back, M T. Rutherford, M J. Conway, and D J. Myles
Dynamics of the Vegetation of a Natural Pasture Under Different Levels of forage-on-offer and Soil Types, Ilsi I. Boldrini, Gerzy E. Maraschin, and Joao Riboldi
Economic and Ecological Features of Livestock and Wildlife Utilization in Africa, J I. Barnes
Economic Stock Farming in Harmony with an Arid Ecosystem on Smitskraal Ranch - A Holistic Approach, J D. Ivy, S F. Ivy, A J. Ivy, and M P. Ivy
Editorial to “Heat Flow: Recent Advances”, Vladimir Cermak, Shaopeng Huang, Dhananjay Ravat, and Massimo Verdoya
Effectiveness of auricular acupressure in managing sleep quality, mood, and quality of life in parents of children with cancer: A pilot randomized controlled trial, Yi-Chien Chiang, Shih-Hsiang Chen, Debra K. Moser, Yu-Chuan Wen, Yu-Ting Ling, and Ya-Chu Hsiao
Effect of Gliricidia Provenances on the Yield of Soybean and Cassava in an Alley-Cropping System, I M. Nitis, W Puger, M Suarna, W Sukanten, and K Lana
Effect of hydrogen sulfide content on the combustion characteristics of biogas fuel in homogenous charge compression ignition engines, Mohammad Alrbai, Adnan Darwish Ahmad, Sameer Al-Dahidi, Ahmad M. Abubaker, Loiy Al-Ghussain, Hassan S. Hayajneh, and Nelson Akafuah
Effect of mitochondrial oxidative stress on regulatory T cell manufacturing for clinical application in transplantation: Results from a pilot study, Roberto Gedaly, Gabriel Orozco, Lillie J. Lewis, Deepa Valvi, Fanny Chapelin, Aman Khurana, Giovanna E. Hidalgo, Aaron Shmookler, Aashutosh Tripathi, Cuiping Zhang, Joseph B. Zwischenberger, and Francesc Marti
Effect of Rate and Placement of Phosphorus on the Establishment of Legume-Based Tropical Pastures on Oxisols, J M. Spain, R Gualdron, C Perdomo, and P Avila
Effect of Shrubs and Trees on Growth and Yield of Cenchrus ciliaris in the Three-Strata Forage System, W Suanten, I M. Nitis, S Putra, and K Lana
Effect of Soil Moisture on the Growth and Development of Seedlings of Some Grass Species, J Jargiello and Wanda Harkot
Effect of Supplementation on Pasture Selection by Grazing Steers. I. Quality of Ingested Forage, O R. Rosso, P O. Gomez, and F Overjero
Effect of Tillage on Regeneration of Annual Pasture Legumes in Cereal-Livestock Farming Systems, E D. Carter and P G. Fulwood
Effects of Cutting Heights and Cutting Frequencies on the Annual Yield of Leucaena and Calliandra Hedges, O Ncamihigo and P Brandelard
Effects of external pressure on cycling performance of silicon-based lithium-ion battery: modelling and experimental validation, Kai Zhang, Yinan He, Junwu Zhou, Xinyang Wang, Yong Li, and Fuqian Yang
Effects of ferrite and graphite phases on scratch characteristics of nodular cast iron, Zhitong Xu, Ming Liu, Chenghui Gao, and Fuqian Yang
Effects of Fertilization and Liming on the Improvement of Native Pastures, Maria E.V Lourenco, R.J. M. De Carvalho, and Maria de L.A.P da Silva
Effects of Grain Supplement for Steers Grazing Stargrass Pastures on Subsequent Feedlot Gains and Carcass Characteristics, G.M.J Horton, W D. Pitman, and E M. Hodges
Effects of Phosphogypsum, Phsophorus and Lime on Andropogon gayanus Kunth, V T. Paulino and E Malavolta
Effects of Short-Term Rotations of Monocultures and Mixtures of Legumes and Grasses with Rice in the Subtropical Zone of South-Western China, S R. Zhou, Y G. Yu, K Mao, X M. Gan, and Z L. Pu
Efficacute de la Fertilization Minerale Des Prairies en Sol Alluvial, L Solimowski, R Lyszczarz, and R Dembek
Elephants and Mouseholes, Loper Bright, and Democracy: Is the Supreme Court’s Assault on the Administrative State Anti-Democratic?, Bradley Simpson
Elevated free cholesterol levels due to impaired reverse cholesterol transport are a risk factor for polymicrobial sepsis in mice, Qian Wang, Ling Guo, Dan Hao, Misa Ito, Chieko Mineo, Philip W. Shaul, and Xiang-An Li
Endosymbiont diversity across native and invasive brown widow spider populations, Monica A. Mowery, Laura Cecilia Rosenwald, Eric G. Chapman, Yael Lubin, Michal Segoli, Thembile Khoza, Robin Lyle, and Jennifer A. White
Energy and Environmental Analyses of a Solar–Gas Turbine Combined Cycle with Inlet Air Cooling, Ahmad M. Abubaker, Adnan Darwish Ahmad, Binit B. Singh, Yaman M. Manaserh, and Loiy Al-Ghussain
Engaged Pedagogy and the Three C's: Incorporating Student Emotions Within Institutions of Higher Education, Kathryn Mattingly Flynn
Engineering the Coherent Phonon Transport in Polar Ferromagnetic Oxide Superlattices, In Hyeok Choi, Seung Gyo Jeong, Do-Gyeom Jeong, Ambrose Seo, Woo Seok Choi, and Jong Seok Lee
Enhancing Thermal Stability of Perovskite Solar Cells through Thermal Transition and Thin Film Crystallization Engineering of Polymeric Hole Transport Layers, Sanggyun Kim, Sina Sabury, Carlo A. R. Perini, Tareq Hossain, Augustine O. Yusuf, Xiangyu Xiao, Ruipeng Li, Kenneth R. Graham, John R. Reynolds, and Juan-Pablo Correa-Baena
Enhancing translation: A need to leverage complex preclinical models of addictive drugs to accelerate substance use treatment options, Christa Corley, Ashley Craig, Safiyah M. Sadek, Julie A. Marusich, Samar N. Chehimi, Ashley M. White, Lexi J. Holdiness, Benjamin C. Reiner, and Cassandra D. Gipson
Enlarged perivascular space burden predicts declines in cognitive and functional performance, Timothy Justin Libecap, Colleen A. Pappas, Christopher E. Bauer, Valentinos Zachariou, Flavius D. Raslau, and Brian T. Gold
Environmental sustainability in gynecologic oncology, Allison L. Swiecki-Sikora, Mariel V. Becker, Laura M. Harbin, Elizabeth Knapp, Rashmi T. Nair, Marcelo I. Guzman, David A. Atwood, Syed Z. Ali, and Charles S. Dietrich
Establishing a Student-Run Mobile Clinic in Appalachian Kentucky: A Community-Based Pilot Program to Address Health Inequities, Bradley A. Firchow and John C. Cornelius
Establishment and Animal Production based on Tropical Grass-legume Pastures, Marta Monzote and F Funes
Estimating Socio-Economic Status for Alzheimer’s Disease Trials, D. M. Rentz, J. D. Grill, D. P. Molina-Henry, Gregory Jicha, Michael S. Rafii, A. Liu, Reisa A. Sperling, Paul Aisen, and R. Raman
Estrogen’s sex-specific effects on ischemic cell death and estrogen receptor mRNA expression in rat cortical organotypic explants, Amanda L. Trout, Christopher J. McLouth, Jenna Westberry, Tomoko Sengoku, and Melinda E. Wilson
Evaluation and Development of Desmanthus virgatus on Medium- to Heavy Textured Soils in Queensland, Australia, B G. Cook, T.W.G Graham, R L. Clem, T J. Hall, and M F. Quirk
Evaluation of Animal Productivity and Pasture Yield after Treatment of Brigalow (Acacia harpopylla) Regrowth with Tebuthiuron, G W. Fossett and P C. Venamore
Evaluation of Brachiaria decumbens and Brachiaria brizantha Under Grazing, V.P B. Euclides, A H. Zimmer, and M P. Oliveria
Evaluation of Panicum maximum Cultivars Under Grazing, V.P B. Euclides, M.C M. Macedo, A Vieira, and M P. Oliveira
Evaluation of Pastures for Sustained Beef Production in Subtropical New South Wales, P T. Mears, D L. Garden, and R W. Dicker
Evaluation of Ten Alternative Treatments for the Management of Harlequin Bug (Murgantia histrionica) on Brassica Crops, Sarah Clark, Ricardo Bessin, David J. Gonthier, and Jonathan L. Larson
Evaluation of Wild Nut-Producing Arachis Species for Forage, A E. Kretschmer Jr, C E. Simpson, T C. Wilson, and W D. Pitman
Expanding Karst Groundwater Tracing Techniques: Incorporating Population Genetic and Isotopic Data to Enhance Flow-Path Characterization, Benjamin Tobin, Benjamin V. Miller, Matthew Niemiller, and Andrea Erhardt
Extended conformations of bifurcating electron transfer flavoprotein constitute up to half the population, possibly mediating conformational change, Sharique A. Khan, Alan Hicks, Wellington C. Leite, James Byrnes, Biswajit Gorai, Maria-Andrea Mroginski, Hugh O'Neill, and Anne-Francis Miller
Extracellular vesicles released by ALL patients contain HNE-adducted proteins: Implications of collateral damage, Jenni Ho, Suriyan Sukati, Tamara Taylor, Sherry Carter, Brittany Fuller, Amy Marmo, Caryn Sorge, John A. D'Orazio, D. Allan Butterfield, Subbarao Bondada, Heidi Weiss, Daret K. St. Clair, and Luksana Chaiswing
EZH2 Inhibition Promotes Tumor Immunogenicity in Lung Squamous Cell Carcinomas, Tanner DuCote, Xiulong Song, Kassandra J. Naughton, Fan Chen, Daniel Plaugher, Avery R. Childress, Abigail R. Gellert, Erika M. Skaggs, Xufeng Qu, Jinze Liu, Jinpeng Liu, Fei Li, Kwok-Kin Wong, and Christine F. Brainson
Factors Influencing the Availability of Soil Cobalt and Its Uptake by Herbage, J E. Paterson, D A. Klessa, and A MacPherson
Family-Centered Care for LGBTQ+ Parents of Infants in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: An Integrative Review, Olivia S. Yinger, Aubrey E. Jones, Keisa Fallin-Bennett, Chelsea Gibbs, and Rachel H. Farr
Family Engagement in Public Libraries: Protective Factors and Play, Tammie Benham
Fattening Heifers on Nitrogen Fertilized and Irrigated Pastures: A Productive and Sustainable System for the Tropics?, F Champanhet and M Mahieu
Feed Resources for Intensive Smallholder Systems in the Tropics: The Role of Crop Residue, O B. Smith
Fine-Scale Mangrove Species Classification Based on UAV Multispectral and Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Using Machine Learning, Yuanzheng Yang, Zhouju Meng, Jiaxing Zu, Wenhua Cai, Jiali Wang, Hongxin Su, and Jian Yang
Fire and Grazing Interact to Manipulate Pasture Composition in Heteropogon contortus (black speargrass) Pastures, D M. Orr and C J. Paton
Firefighter Health: A Narrative Review of Occupational Threats and Countermeasures, Drew E. Gonzalez, Sarah N. Lanham, Steven E. Martin, Richard E. Cleveland, Thad E. Wilson, Emily L. Langford, and Mark G. Abel
First-Year Stand Development of Subtropical Grass Seedlings and Influence by Initial Plant Density, Bruce Anderson and L E. Moser
Flexibility - The Key to Managing a Northern Beef Property, T H. Mann
Fly Ash-based Geopolymer: Water, Curing Temperature, and CaO Content Effects on Microstructure and Compressive Strength, Lujain Salem and Young Hoon Kim
Forage News [2024-12], University of Kentucky
Forage News [2025-01], University of Kentucky
Forage News [2025-02], University of Kentucky
Forage Production from in situ Herbicide Treatment of Semi-Arid Woodlands and Scrub Regrowth, A R. Murphy, C O. Love, and G W. Fossett
Free and forced vibrations of elastically restrained cantilever with lumped oscillator, Alireza Babaei, Johné Parker, and Paria Moshaver
Frequency of low ImPACT scores among adolescent and young adult student-athletes with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and/or learning disorder, Philip Schatz, John Cuzzupe, Justin E. Karr, Nathan E. Cook, and Grant L. Iverson
Friction and Texture Equipment Correlation Study, David Hacker, Kean H. Ashurst Jr., and Clark Graves
From Local Income Tax to Local Sales Tax in Kentucky: An Examination of LFUCG, Zachary Vogl
From Research Findings to Decision Tools: Supporting Local Choices, Margo Gustina
Game Production on Private Land in South Africa, J C. Pauw and M J.S Peel
Genomic studies of the equine bloodworm, Strongylus vulgaris, Nichol Ripley
Geodatabase and Automation Code Used for Past and Real-Time Dynamic Landslide Hazard Maps in Eastern Kentucky, Nathaniel O'Leary, L. Sebastian Bryson, and Jason M. Dortch
Geographic and temporal trends in pediatric and young adult brain tumors in Kentucky, 1995–2019, W. Jay Christian, C. J. Walker, Jaclyn K. McDowell, B. Huang, T. C. Tucker, John L. Villano, and Eric B. Durbin
Geotherms from the temperature-depth–constrained solutions of 1-D steady-state heat-flow equation, Dhananjay Ravat, P. Morgan, and A. R. Lowry
Getting Students Excited About Chemistry, Jovita Daraezinwa
Glioblastoma Standard of Care: Effects on Tumor Evolution and Reverse Translation in Preclinical Models, Louis Rodgers, John L. Villano, Anika M. S. Hartz, and Björn Bauer
Glycine latifolia- A Potentially Useful Native Legume for Clay Soils in Tropical and Subtropical Australia, M C. Rees, R M. Jones, A.H D. Brown, and J N. Coote
Go west: Population genomics reveals unexpected population fluctuations and little gene flow in Western hemisphere populations of the predatory lady beetle, Hippodamia convergens, Arun Sethuraman, Schyler O. Nunziata, Angela Jones, John J. Obrycki, and David W. Weisrock
Grassland Opportunities in the Subtropical Region of South America, G E. Maraschin and A.V A. Jacques
Grass-Legume Balance Under Grazing in the Humid Tropics of Costa Rica, M Ibrahim and L't Mannetje
Grazing Potential of Desiccation-Tolerant Tropical and Subtropical Grasses, Y A. Sutaryono and D F. Gaff
GroupMe in the Classroom, Christopher Huggins
Growth and Faceting of Tungsten and Oxides in Scandate Cathode Particles during In Situ Heating in the Scanning Electron Microscope, Huanhuan Bai and Thomas John Balk
Growth and Mineral Nutrition in Dichanthium aristatum Sward Shaded by Tress, P Cruz, N M. Munier-Jolain, R Tournebize, and H Sinoquet
Habitual Offender Statutes: A Need for Change, Jacob Bush
Handbook for the Recently Admitted Subtitle: A practical guide for the University of Kentucky's Doctor of Social Work students., Priscila Llamosa
Hardseededness of Medicago polymorpha Under Field Conditions in the Subhumid Mediterranean Zone of Chile, Julia R. Avendano, Alejandro L. Del Pozo, and Carlos M. Ovalle
Health Literacy and Perceived Control: Intermediary Factors in the Relationship Between Race and Cardiovascular Disease Risk in Incarcerated Men in the United States, Jennifer L. Miller, Misook L. Chung, Lovoria B. Williams, Alison R. Connell, Zyad T. Saleh, Abdullah S. Alhurani, Alison L. Bailey, Mary Kay Rayens, and Debra K. Moser
Heart failure in nursing homes: A scoping review of educational interventions for optimising care provision, James McMahon, David R. Thompson, Jan Cameron, Christine Brown Wilson, Loreena Hill, Paul Tierney, Doris Yu, Debra K. Moser, Karen Spilsbury, Nittaya Srisuk, Jos M. G. A. Schols, Mariëlle van der Velden, and Gary Mitchell
Hemp regulates the fitness of corn earworm (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) and its tachinid (Diptera) parasitoids, Armando Falcon-Brindis and Raul Villanueva
Higher Glycemic Index and Glycemic Load Diet Is Associated with Slower Disease Progression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, Ikjae Lee, Hiroshi Mitsumoto, Seonjoo Lee, Edward J. Kasarskis, Michael Rosenbaum, Pam Factor-Litvak, and Jeri W. Nieves
HIV-1 mRNA knockdown with CRISPR/CAS9 enhances neurocognitive function, Kristen A. McLaurin, Hailong Li, Kamel Khalili, Charles F. Mactutus, and Rosemarie M. Booze
How Moehrl v. National Association of Realtors Increases Transaction Costs for the Potential Homebuyer, Brooke Allison
Identification and Use of Key Grass Species in the Assessment of Range Condition in South Africa, Andrew C. Beckerling and Winston W. Trollope
Identification of RNAi-Related Genes and Transcriptome Assembly of Loblolly Pine (Pinus taeda, L.) Seedlings Exposed to Insect-Specific dsRNA, Zachary Bragg and Lynne K. Rieske
Identification of the pan‑allergen tropomyosin from the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius), Johnalyn Gordon and Zachary C. DeVries
Impact of amyloid and cardiometabolic risk factors on prognostic capacity of plasma neurofilament light chain for neurodegeneration, Keun You Kim, Eosu Kim, Jun-Young Lee, and Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative
Impact of burnout and professional fulfillment on intent to leave among pediatric physicians: The findings of a quality improvement initiative, R. Thomas Collins II, Aric Schadler, Hong Huang, Scottie B. Day, and John A. Bauer
Impact of Grazing Pressure on the Plant Population Dynamics of Heterpogon contortus (black speargrass) in Subtropical Queensland, D M. Orr and C J. Paton
Impact of gut microbiota and its metabolites on immunometabolism in colorectal cancer, Madison Flory, Paloma Bravo, and Asfaqul Alam
Impact of State Abortion Policies on Family Medicine Practice and Training After Dobbs v Jackson Women’s Health Organization, Karen L. Roper, Sarah Jane Robbins, Philip Day, Grace Shih, and Neelima Kale
Impacts of anthropogenic sedimentation on shell-bed habitats in Lake Tanganyika, Africa, Michael Soreghan, Andrew Cohen, Michael M. McGlue, Kevin M. Yeager, Emily Ryan, Alison Johns, and Ishmael Kimirei
Impaired Driving Among Rural Appalachian Women in the Year Following Incarceration, J. Matthew Webster, Megan F. Dickson, Shawn M. Jamison, and Michele Staton
Importance of Legume Nitrogen Fixation in Sustainability of Pasture in the Cerrados of Brazil, G Cadisch, E F. Carvalho, A R. Suhet, L Vilela, W Soares, J M. Spain, S Urquiaga, K E. Giller, and R M. Boddey
Improving Hill Agriculture Systems in Nepal: A Case Study, B N. Tiwari and J B. Abington
Improving Livestock Production using the Heavy-Duty Blade Plough on Pastures Infested with Brigalow Suckers, P Filet, J Agnew, R Barnett, and J Clewett
Increased Perceived Confidence in Professional Role Skills among Undergraduate Dietetic Students Following Simulation-Based Learning Experiences, Makenzie Barr-Porter, Elizabeth Combs, Lauren Batey, Dawn Brewer, Aaron Kyle Schwartz, and Tammy Stephenson
Increasing Cool-Season Production from Irrigated Leucaena leucocephala, D Pratchett and S Petty
Increasing the Germination of Seed of Fine-Stem Stylo (Stylosanthes guianesis var. Intermedia) using a Heated, Rotating Cylinder, Colin J. Paton
Independent evolution of oleate hydratase clades in Bacillales reflects molecular convergence, Robert J. Neff, Priscilla C. Lages, Shannon K. Donworth, James D. Brien, and Christopher D. Radka
Influence de la Fertilization sur La Repartition de la Biomasse Vegetale en Prairie Temporaire, R Lyszczarz
Influence of Four Veterinary Antibiotics on Constructed Treatment Wetland Nitrogen Transformation, Matthew Russell, Tiffany L. Messer, Deborah A. Report, Richard L. Smith, Shannon L. Bartelt-Hunt, Daniel D. Snow, and Ariel P. Reed
Influence of NPK Fertilizer on Chrysopogon-Agrostis Swards, T Totev and V Vulkov
Influence of Phosphorus Fertilization on Bahiagrass and Water Quality, G G. Payne and J E. Rechcigl
Influence of Sulfur and Nitrogen on Bahiagrass, J E. Rechcigl, G G. Payne, and R J. Stephenson
Inhibited Surface Diffusion in Nanoporous Multi-Principal Element Alloy Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Thermal Dealloying, Tibra Das Gupta and Thomas John Balk
Inhibition of Carbohydrate Metabolism Potentiated by the Therapeutic Effects of Oxidative Phosphorylation Inhibitors in Colon Cancer Cells, Lichao Guo, Baochen Zhang, Wen Zhang, Yanqi Xie, Xi Chen, Xueke Sun, David S. Watt, Chunming Liu, H. Peter Spielmann, and Xifu Liu
Insights into the influence of income variability on cardiovascular risk in non-elderly adults with type 2 diabetes, Ketrell McWhorter
Integrated Gamebird Farming as an Incentive to Promote Biodiversity and Conservation of Rangelands, P J. Wiljoen and C R. Hurt
Integration of Wildlife and Cattle on Communal Lands in KaNgwane, South Africa, M Stalmans, A Van Wyk, and M T. Mentis
Integrin α6β4 Upregulates PTPRZ1 Through UCHL1-Mediated Hif-1α Nuclear Accumulation to Promote Triple-Negative Breast Cancer Cell Invasive Properties, Min Chen, Parvanee A. Karimpour, Andrew Elliott, Daheng He, Teresa Knifley, Jinpeng Liu, Chi Wang, and Kathleen L. O’Connor
Interaction between riluzole treatment and dietary glycemic index in the disease progression of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, Ikjae Lee, Hiroshi Mitsumoto, Seonjoo Lee, Edward J. Kasarskis, Michael Rosenbaum, Pam Factor-Litvak, and Jeri W. Nieves
Introduction to Section One - Featured Essays From Presenters at the UK Teaching Excellence Symposium, Trey Conatser
Introduction to Section Two - GradDegree+ Pedagogy Development Track Reflections, Ashley Sorrell
Investigating Suicide Risk Factors Among Appalachian West Virginian Adults, Erin D. Caswell, Angela M. Dyer, Summer D. Hartley, Caroline P. Groth, Mary Christensen, Sahiti K. Tulabandu, Bryce K. Weaver, and Ruchi Bhandari
Investigating the Effect of Microwave Pretreatment on Bastnasite Grinding for Comminution Energy Reduction and Rare Earth Recovery, Kaveh Asgari, Qingqing Huang, Rick Q. Honaker, and Edward Sabolsky
Investigating the Structure and Performance of Electrodes Made by Dry and Wet Slurry Processes, Kubra Uzun, Bhamiti Sharma, Bradley R. Frieberg, Ming Wang, Jiazhi Hu, Anita Li, Xiaosong Huang, and Yang-Tse Cheng
Is Ley Farming in Mediterranean Zones just a Passing Phase?, T G. Reeves and M A. Ewing
It’s Getting Hot in Here, So Turn Off All Your (Gas) Stoves, Antonio C. Ellzey
Joint environmental and social benefits from diversified agriculture, Laura Vang Rasmussen and Ingo Grass
Kentucky Traffic Collision Facts Calendar Year 2023 Report, Paul Ross, Eric Green, Chris Blackden, Kenneth R. Agent, and Chris Van Dyke
Knockdown of ketohexokinase versus inhibition of its kinase activity exert divergent effects on fructose metabolism, Se-Hyung Park, Taghreed Fadhul, Lindsey R. Conroy, Harrison A. Clarke, Ramon Sun, Kristina Wallenius, Jeremie Boucher, Gavin O'Mahony, Alessandro Boianelli, Marie Persson, Sunhee Jung, Cholsoon Jang, Analia S. Loria, Genesee J. Martinez, Zachary A. Kipp, Evelyn A. Bates, Terry D. Hinds Jr., Senad Divanovic, and Samir Softic
Land Condition and Overgrazing: A Management Paradox for the Savannas of Northern Australia, Andrew J. Ash, John G. Mcivor, and Joel R. Brown
Large-Scale Property Demonstrations of the Effect of Sexa stylo and Phosphorus on Beef Cattle Growth in Central Queensland, Australia, C H. Middleton, K J. Murphy, G W. Blight, and Vicki-Lee Hansen
Legumes in African Star Grass- Herbaceous Legume Pastures as a Partial Substitute for Concentrate Feed for Dairy Production, Francis Asiedu, B Ahmed, R Paterson, R Simpson, and R Motta
Ley Farming in Smallholder Systems in North-East Thailand, Suchint Simaraks
Liming and Phosphate Fertilization on Forage Production, Mineral Composition and Nodulation on Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) millsp.), V T. Paulino, N L. Costa, and C.G S. Pedreira
Local strain quantification of a porous carbon fiber network material, Robert N Quammen and Paul F. Rottmann
Long Live Tax Exceptionalism? - The Impact of Loper Bright I.R.C. § 7805, Alex Heaton
Long-term agricultural management reduces abundance and alters community structure of ground beetles (Coleoptera: Carabidae), Cynthia M. Fiser, Nathan L. Haan, and Douglas A. Landis
Lowering Cocksfoot Yields Caused by Manganese Toxicity and Molybdenum Deficiency Caused by Acidifying Effect of Ammonium Nitrate Application, H Gembrazewski and Urszula Sienkiewicz
Lunar Magnetic Field Models From Lunar Prospector and SELENE/Kaguya Along‐Track Magnetic Field Gradients, Dhananjay Ravat, M. E. Purucker, and N. Olsen
Machine-Learning-Assisted Design of Deep Eutectic Solvents Based on Uncovered Hydrogen Bond Patterns, Usman Lame Abbas, Yuxuan Zhang, Joseph Tapia, Md Selim, Jin Chen, Jian Shi, and Qing Shao
Magnetotelluric insights into the formation and reactivation of trans-crustal shear zones in Precambrian basement of the eastern U.S. Midcontinent, Benjamin S. Murphy, Michael S. DeLucia, Stephen Marshak, Dhananjay Ravat, and Paul A. Bedrosian
Major Beef Production Gains from Commercial Rain-Fed Leucaena-grass Pastures in Central Queensland, Australia, J H. Wildin
Making of Viral Replication Organelles by Remodeling Interior Membranes, Peter D. Nagy and Zsuzsanna Sasvari
Management and Use of Complex Landscapes: Some Implications of Spatial Variation for Pasture and Animal Production, J A. Taylor and S J. Cook
Managing Woody Weeds in Grazing Ecosystems: Application for Tropical Woodlands of North-eastern Australia, Joel R. Brown, John G. McIvor, and Andrew J. Ash
Manufacturing supported loose-nanofiltration polymeric membranes with eco-friendly solvents on an R2R System, David Lu, Kwangjun Jung, Ju Young Shim, Tequila A. L. Harris, and Isabel Escobar
Mapping recent timber harvest activity in a temperate forest using single date airborne LiDAR surveys and machine learning: lessons for conservation planning, G. Bursh Fisher, Andrew J. Elmore, Matthew C. Fitzpatrick, Darin J. McNeil, Jeff W. Atkins, and Jeffery L. Larkin
Mapping urban form into local climate zones for the continental US from 1986–2020, Meng Qi, Chunxue Xu, Wenwen Zhang, Matthias Demuzere, Perry Hystad, Tianjun Lu, Peter James, Benjamin Bechtel, and Steve Hankey
Maximizing Mining Operations: Unlocking the Crucial Role of Intelligent Fleet Management Systems in Surface Mining’s Value Chain, Arman Hazrathosseini and Ali Moradi Afrapoli
Measuring Library Co-Production with Mediation Models, Margo Gustina
Mechanisms and mass transfer kinetics of Cr(VI) adsorbed by mussel shell incorporated adsorptive membrane, Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky, Nur Atikah Abdul Salim, Mohd Hafiz Puteh, Tiffany L. Messer, Mohd Hafiz Dzarfan Othman, Juhana Jaafar, Ahmad Fauzi Ismail, and Mukhlis A. Rahman
Media through the lens of Scientific Reductionism: The Gene-ius of Genetic Determinism in Gattaca, Asmita Lehther
Mediation by Fatalism of the Association Between Symptom Burden and Self-care Management in Patients With Heart Failure, Ashmita Thapa, Misook L. Chung, Jia-Rong Wu, Abigail Latimer, Terry A. Lennie, Gia Mudd-Martin, Chin-Yen Lin, Jessica Harman Thompson, JungHee Kang, and Debra K. Moser
Mediators of the Association Between Cognitive Function and Self-care Behaviors in Patients Hospitalized With an Exacerbation of Heart Failure, Jia-Rong Wu, Chin-Yen Lin, Abigail Latimer, Muna Hassan Hammash, and Debra K. Moser
Meeting Community Need in the Classroom: Creative Collaborations Between Students and Cooperative Extension, Liz Combs and Heather Norman-Burgdolf
Meeting the Challenge of Adapting Leucaena leucocephala to the Acid Oxisols and Utisolds of South America and South-East Asia, E M. Hutton and Chin Peng Chen
Metabolic reprogramming driven by EZH2 inhibition depends on cell–matrix interactions, Teresa W-M Fan, Jahid M. M. Islam, Richard M. Higashi, Penghui Lin, Christine F. Brainson, and Andrew N. Lane
Methanogenesis kinetics of organic matter of the leachate in an up-flow anaerobic sludge blanket reactor, Mohamad Ali Fulazzaky, Ali Yuzir, Tiffany L. Messer, and Agus Sofyan
Microbial community assembly across agricultural soil mineral mesocosms revealed by 16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing data, Daniel Lee, Fernanda C C Oliveira, Richard T. Conant, and Minjae Kim
Microfiltration Membrane Pore Functionalization with Primary and Quaternary Amines for PFAS Remediation: Capture, Regeneration, and Reuse, Sam Thompson, Angela Gutierrez, Jennifer Bukowski, and Dibakar Bhattacharyya
Milk Yield of Cows with Different Genetic Potential on Grass and Grass-Legume Tropical Pastures, C E. Lascano and P Avila
Mineral Supplementation and Phosphorus Fertilizer Application on Native Pastures in North-East Argentina, R M. Pizzio and O Royo Pallares
miR-27a-3p regulates intestinal cell proliferation and differentiation through Wnt/β-catenin signalling, Chang Li, Yuning Zhou, Yinping Jiang, Zhijie Yin, Heidi L. Weiss, Qingding Wang, and B. Mark Evers
Mixed-Species Grazing in the Highland Sourveld of South Africa: An Evaluation of Animal Production Potential, M B. Hardy and N M. Tainton
Mnemonic utilization in stroke education: FAST and BEFAST adoption by certified comprehensive stroke centers, Christopher Hogge, Larry B. Goldstein, and Sushanth R. Aroor
Molecular Control of Triplet-Pair Spin Polarization and Its Optoelectronic Magnetic Resonance Probes, Obadiah G. Reid, Justin C. Johnson, Joel D. Eaves, Niels H. Damrauer, and John E. Anthony
Molecular mechanisms and comparative transcriptomics of diapause in two corn rootworm species (Diabrotica spp.), Melise C. Lecheta, Chad Nielson, B. Wade French, Emily Nadeau, and Nicholas M. Teets
Moving lab-based in-person training to online delivery: The case of a continuing engineering education program, Catherine Maware, David M. Parsley II, Kun Huang, Gerry M. Swan, and Nelson Akafuah
Multi-Objective Design Optimization of Power Converters for Electric Aircraft Propulsion, Ben Luckett
Multiomics analysis to explore blood metabolite biomarkers in an Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative cohort, Takaki Oka, Yuki Matsuzawa, Momoka Tsuneyoshi, Yoshitaka Nakamura, Ken Aoshima, Hiroshi Tsugawa, and Alzheimer’s Disease Metabolomics Consortium
Multi-Physics Modeling of Immersion Cooled Electric Power Apparatuses, Reza Ilka
Myosin XVA isoforms participate in the mechanotransduction-dependent remodeling of the actin cytoskeleton in auditory stereocilia, Ana I. López-Porras, Ava M. Kruse, Mark T. McClendon, and A. Catalina Vélez-Ortega
NAC1 promotes stemness and regulates myeloid-derived cell status in triple-negative breast cancer, Chrispus Ngule, Ruyi Shi, Xingcong Ren, Hongyan Jia, Felix Oyelami, Dong Li, Younhee Park, Jinhwan Kim, Hami Hemati, Yi Zhang, Xiaofang Xiong, Andrew Shinkle, Nathan L. Vanderford, Sara Bachert, Binhua P. Zhou, Jianlong Wang, Jianxun Song, Xia Liu, and Jin-Ming Yang
N(alpha)-acetyltransferase 40-mediated histone acetylation plays an important role in ecdysone regulation of metamorphosis in the red flour beetle, Tribolium castaneum, Sharath Chandra Gaddelapati, Smitha George, Anilkumar Moola, Karthi Sengodan, and Subba Reddy Palli
Natural Arches of Kentucky, Steven L. Martin
Neural mechanisms of respiratory interoception, Pei-Ying Sarah Chan, Lu-Yuan Lee, and Paul W. Davenport
Neurotensin modulates ovarian vascular permeability via adherens junctions, Andrew Pearson, Ketan Shrestha, Thomas E. Curry, and Diane M. Duffy
New insights into the ovulatory process in the human ovary, Misung Jo, Mats Brännström, James W. Akins, and Thomas E. Curry
New voices for a better society, Stephanie J. Diem, Baindu L. Bayon, Hussam Mahmoud, Mary L. Garcia- Cazarin, Michael J. Martin, Clare C. Rittschof, Patricia Silveyra, Umut A. Gurkan, Alison Boland- Reeves, Dalal Najib, and Flannery Wasson
Nitrate Removal by Floating Treatment Wetlands under Aerated and Unaerated Conditions: Field and Laboratory Results, Jenna McCoy, Matt Chaffee, Aaron Mittelstet, Tiffany L. Messer, and Steve Comfort
Novel endoscopic approach for treatment of malignant tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF): A case report, Haris Zia, Matthew D. McCoy, Jamie L. Sturgill, Walid Hadid, and Ashish P. Maskey
NSD3::NUTM1 Fusion Sarcoma Mimicking Malignant Peripheral Nerve Sheath Tumor with Prolonged Survival, Jing Di, Ali M. Alhaidary, Chi Wang, Jinge Liu, Sainan Wei, Joseph Valentino, and Therese J. Bocklage
NudCL2 is required for cytokinesis by stabilizing RCC2 with Hsp90 at the midbody, Xiaoyang Xu, Yuliang Huang, Feng Yang, Xiaoxia Sun, Rijin Lin, Jiaxing Feng, Mingyang Yang, Jiaqi Shao, Xiaoqi Liu, Tianhua Zhou, Shanshan Xie, and Yuehong Yang
Of Hearth and Home: Professional Wellness After Hours, Timothy J. Ainger, Meriem Bensalem-Owen, Joanna Fong-Isariyawongse, and Matthew William Luedke
On the Origin and Evolution of the Mosquito Male-determining Factor Nix, James K. Biedler, Azedah Aryan, Yumin Qi, Aihua Wang, Ellen O. Martinson, Daniel A. Hartman, Fan Yang, Atashi Sharma, Katherine S. Morton, Mark Potters, Chujia Chen, Stephen L. Dobson, Gregory D. Ebel, Rebekah C. Kadling, Sally Paulson, Rui-De Xue, Michael R. Strand, and Zhijian Tu
Open Access and Citation Impact: Modality, Funding, Publisher, and Disciplinary Trends at the University of Kentucky, Ben Rawlins and Mitchell Scott
Optimal sizing of country-scale renewable energy systems towards green transportation sector in developing countries, Loiy Al-Ghussain, Adnan Darwish Ahmad, Ahmad M. Abubaker, Mohamed A. Mohamed, Muhammed A. Hassan, and Nelson Akafuah
Optimization, Characterization, and Comparison of Two Luciferase-Expressing Mouse Glioblastoma Models, Louis Rodgers, Julia A. Schulz Pauly, Bryan J. Maloney, Anika M. S. Hartz, and Bjoern Bauer
Our Mythic Potential: The Hero's Journey and the Library's Story, Sarah Beth Nelson and Andra Matthews
Overcoming Limitations on the Productivity of Browsing Ungulates in Africa, Norman Owen-Smith
Overcoming Students' Resistance to the Flipped Classroom, Koji Tanno
Oxidative stress alters mitochondrial homeostasis in isolated brain capillaries, Gopal V. Velmurugan, Hemendra J. Vekaria, Anika M. S. Hartz, Björn Bauer, and William Brad Hubbard
Paradox lost: wide gape in the Ordovician brachiopod Rafinesquina explains how unattached filter-feeding strophomenoids thrived on muddy substrates, Benjamin F. Dattilo, Rebecca L. Freeman, Kyle Hartshorn, David Peterman, Aaron Morse, David L. Meyer, Lindsay G. Dougan, and James W. Hagadorn
Pasture Growth Around Broad-Leaved Trees Planted for Grassland Stability, A Neal Gilchrist, J R. DeZ Hall, and A G. Foote
Pasture Legumes in Cuba: Past, Present, and Future, F Funes and Marta Monzote
Pastures as the Secondary Components in Tree-Pasture Systems, Chin Peng Chen
Pathways to Discover: Exploring Transdisciplinary Learning With Primary Sources, Matthew Strandmark
Patient Denial of Myocardial Infarction in the Prehospital Phase: Prevalence and Correlates, Mona A. Abed, Amani A. Khalil, and Debra K. Moser
Perennial Arachis germplasm for the Subtropics and Tropics, K H. Quesenberry, A E. Ruttinger-Lamperti, and C A. Kelly
Performance and Environmental Assessment of Biochar-Based Membranes Synthesized from Traditional and Eco-Friendly Solvents, Abelline Katusiime Fionah, Isaac Oluk, Laura Brady, Diana M. Byrne, and Isabel Escobar
Performance of Desmanthus virgatus Accessions in the Caribbean, M B. Adjei and K Albrecht
Performance of Ley Farming Systems Including Annual Legumes and Mixtures of Legumes with Grasses at Cukurova in Turkey, V Tansi, T Saglamtimur, and H Baytekin
Persistence of an Erect and a Prostrate Paspalum species as Affected by Shade and Defoliation, C C. Wong and W W. Stur
Persistence of Roundleaf Cassia in Grazed Pastures - A Conceptual Model, R M. Jones, C K. McDonald, and G A. Bunch
Perspectives on the clinical use of anti-amyloid therapy for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease: Insights from the fields of cancer, rheumatology, and neurology, Gregory Jicha, Erin Abner, Elif Pinar Coskun, Mark Huffmyer, Thomas Tucker, and Peter T. Nelson
Phenological Development of Line 8400 Stylo and Alyeclover Planted at Two Dates in Subtropical Florida, M J. Williams, C G. Chambliss, and J B. Brolmann
Physicochemical Property Effects on Immune Modulating Polymeric Nanoparticles: Potential Applications in Spinal Cord Injury, Daniel J. Kolpek, Jaechang Kim, Hisham Mohammed, John C. Gensel, and Jonghyuck Park
Physiological adaptation/phenotypic plasticity: a vital core concept from the medical and health care perspective, Thad E. Wilson and Kristen Metzler-Wilson
Planetary health learning objectives: foundational knowledge for global health education in an era of climate change, Kathryn H. Jacobsen, Caryl E. Waggett, Pamela Berenbaum, Brett R. Bayles, Gail L. Carlson, René English, Carlos A Faerron Guzmán, Meredith L. Gartin, Liz Grant, Thomas L. Henshaw, Lora L. Iannotti, Philip J. Landrigan, Nina Lansbury, Hao Li, Maureen Y. Lichtveld, Ketrell McWhorter, Jessica E. Rettig, Cecilia J. Sorensen, Eric J. Wetzel, Dawn Michele Whitehead, Peter J. Winch, and Keith Martin
Planning for a Farming Future, Bruce Milne
Plant Phenolics: Extraction, Analysis and Their Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties, Russell J. Mumper and Jin Dai
Plasma S100β is a predictor for pathology and cognitive decline in Alzheimer’s disease, Geetika Nehra, Bryan J. Maloney, Rebecca Smith, Wijitra Chumboatong, Erin L. Abner, Peter T. Nelson, Björn Bauer, and Anika M. S. Hartz
Platelet-derived thrombospondin 1 promotes immune cell liver infiltration and exacerbates diet-induced steatohepatitis, Taesik Gwag, Sangderk Lee, Zhenyu Li, Alana Newcomb, Josephine Otuagomah, Steven A. Weinman, Ying Liang, Changcheng Zhou, and Shuxia Wang
POC@FWCD: A Critical Discourse Analysis of Black@ Instagram in K-12 Independent Schools, Chaka Cummings
Population-based cross-sectional analysis of cannabis use among Kentucky adults, 2020– 21, Sydney Shafer, Gunnar Kennedy, and W. Jay Christian
Potential of Chamaecytisus palmensis (tagasaste) in the Summer Rainfall Areas of South Africa, Norman F.G Rethman and Willem A. Van Niekerk
Potential of Crotalaria ochroleuca (marejea) in Traditional Crop and Livestock Production Systems in Tanzania, S V. Sarwatt
Powered Haulage Fatalities in Appalachian Coal Mines, Nirmala T. Myers, Noemi B. Hall, Nadia T. Saif, and A. Scott Laney
Predicting the Association of Metabolites with Both Pathway Categories and Individual Pathways, Erik D. Huckvale and Hunter Moseley
Predicting the Emergence of Annual Pasture Legumes in Cereal-Livestock Farming Systems of South Australia, E D. Carter and P G. Oorter
Predicting the Pathway Involvement of All Pathway and Associated Compound Entries Defined in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes, Erik D. Huckvale and Hunter Moseley
Prediction of Live-Weight Gain of Cattle Grazing Pastures on Brigalow Soil, M Hirata, C K. McDonald, and R M. Jones
Prelimiary Evaluation of Albizia julibrissin as a Woody Warm-Season Forage, David I. Bransby
Production and Growth Characteristics of Sixteen Gliricidia provenances Grown in a Dryland Farming are in Bali, W Puger, I M. Nitis, K Lana, M Suarna, and W Sukanten
Production of alinite-chlormayenite clinker and its hydration behavior with increasing gypsum content, Marco Simoni, Aniruddha Baral, Zhili Ren, Tristana Y. Duvallet, Robert B. Jewell, Christiane Rößler, and Theodore Hanein
Productivity of Silvipastoral Areas and Management Needs in Arid Regions of India, N C. Jain
Prospects for More Sustainable Cropping Systems in Central Italy Based on Subterranean Clover as a Cover Crop, F Caporali, E Campiglia, and R Paolini
Protease expression in the human and rat cumulus–oocyte complex during the periovulatory period: a role in cumulus–oocyte complex migration, Ketan Shrestha, Muraly Puttabyatappa, Michelle Arelia Ann Wynn, Patrick R. Hannon, Linah Al-Alem, Katherine L. Rosewell, James Akin, and Thomas E. Curry
Protocol for a feasibility randomized controlled trial of gentle yoga in older patients discharged from phase II cardiac rehabilitation, Geunyeong Cha, Misook L. Chung, Nicholas R. Heebner, Ulf G. Bronas, Martha J. Biddle, Chin-Yen Lin, JungHee Kang, Jia-Rong Wu, Jessica H. Thompson, Ashmita Thapa, and Debra K. Moser
Protocol for modeling and simulating lithiation-induced stress in largely deformed spherical nanoparticles using COMSOL, Yong Li, Yungpeng Guo, Yunhao Wu, Yin Rao, Kai Zhang, Dashun Liu, and Fuqian Yang
Public Health Access and Service for All, AUSTIN NUGENT
Public Librarians' Roles in Natural Disasters: Stories of Leadership and Resilience, Denise Lyons, April Hobbs, Feili Tu-Keefner, Denise Gomez, and Marcia A. Mardis
Public library lending programs increase radon testing in rural communities, Stacy Stanifer, Kathy Rademacher, Whitney Beckett, King Simpson, Mary Kay Rayens, Amanda Thaxton Wigging, and Ellen J. Hahn
Pulsing-induced healing of a surface crack of a nickel-based alloy, Liwei Wang, Mingming Quan, Zhen Tan, Ming Liu, Dianlong Wang, Xiao Yang, Ying Liu, Yaning Mao, Zhimin Liang, and Fuqian Yang
Putting biomonitors to work: native moss as a screening tool for solid waste incineration, Sarah Jovan, Eleonore Jacobson, Jason M. Unrine, Nasser Jalili‑Jahani, and Bruce McCune
Qualitative and Quantitative Responses of Dwarf and Tall Napiergrass Selections in Puerto Rico, A Sotomayor-Rios, S Torres-Cardona, W Hanna, and A Quiles-Belen
RAC Survey Results - HERD Quant Report - June 2023, Baron G. Wolf, Erin Wallett, Katherine Robershaw, and Min Xiao
Reconciling Arguments about the Self-Preserving Soul with Evolutionary Theory, James M. Donovan
Recurrent Selection for Partial Resistance to Anthracnose Disease in Shrubby Stylo (Stylosanthes scabra), D F. Cameron, R A. Boland, S Chakraborty, B Jamieson, and J.A G. Irwin
Red Clover Needs for Mobybdenum and Boron Soil Threshold Values of Deficiency and Toxicity, H Gembrazewski
Reduction of order: Analytical solution of film formation in the electrostatic rotary bell sprayer, Mark Doerre and Nelson Akafuah
Regulation of RORα Stability through PRMT5-Dependent Symmetric Dimethylation, Gaofeng Xiong, Brynne Obringer, Austen Jones, Elise Horton, and Ren Xu
Relations Entre Facteur Hydrique, Drainage er Evolution de la Flore Des Prairies en Lorraine, S Oberle, S Plantureux, R Bonischot, and A Guckert
Relationships Between Root Morphology and Nutrient Uptake in Winter-Flooded Mediterranean Grasslands, A J. Hernandez and J Pastor
Relative Adrenal Insufficiency Is a Risk Factor for Pediatric Sepsis: A Proof-of-Concept Study, Dan Hao, Ling Guo, Qian Wang, Misa Ito, Bin Huang, Chieko Mineo, Philip W. Shaul, and Xiang-An Li
Remote Query Resonant-Circuit Sensors for Monitoring of Bacteria Growth: Application to Food Quality Control, Craig A. Grimes, Keat Ghee Ong, J. Samuel Bitler, and Libby G. Puckett
Rendement Des Prairies Dans Les Marais De L'ouest De La France. Diagnostic Des Insuffisances Minerales, Y Pons and E Lafon
Repeated Shifts in Sociality Are Associated With Fine-tuning of Highly Conserved and Lineage-Specific Enhancers in a Socially Flexible Bee, Beryl M. Jones, Andrew E. Webb, Scott M. Geib, Sheina Sim, Rena M. Schweizer, Michael G. Branstetter, Jay D. Evans, and Sarah D. Kocher
Resolving the Size and Charge of Small Particles: A Predictive Model of Nanopore Mechanics, Samuel Bearden, Tigran M. Abramyan, Dmitry Gil, Jessica Johnson, Anton Murashko, Sergei Makaev, David Mai, Alexander Baranchikov, Vladimir Ivanov, Vladimir Reukov, and Guigen Zhang
Response of Forage Oats to Nitrogen Fertilizer in High and Low Fertility Soils, N Moreira
Response to Replication Stress and Maintenance of Genome Stability by WRN, the Werner Syndrome Protein, David K. Orren and Amrita Machwe
RNF20 contributes to epigenetic immunosuppression through CDK9- dependent LSD1 stabilization, Bo Dong, Xinzhao Wang, Xiang Song, Jianlin Wang, Xia Liu, Zhiyong Yu, Yongkun Zhou, Jiong Deng, and Yadi Wu
Role of Gramineous Species in Cereal-Annual Legume Farming Systems, G N. Roberts, P G. Tow, and E D. Carter
Role of Ley Farming in Crop Rotations in the Tropics, M A. Mohamed Saleem and M J. Fisher
Role of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizae in Leucaena Establishment, N J. Brandon
Row covers limit pests and disease and increase profit in organic acorn squash, Kathleen Fiske, Nieyan Cheng, Ryan Kuesel, Wendong Zhang, Ricardo Bessin, Mark A. Williams, and David J. Gonthier
Rural Reflections of Appalachia: A Qualitative Study of Health Professional Students’ Experiences from a Rural Immersion Experience in West Virginia, Treah Haggerty MD MS; Jessica Stidham MA; Stephan Brooks MPH; Abigail Cowher BA; Sandra Pope MSW; Patricia Dekeseredy MScN RN; and Cara L. Sedney MD,MA
Scaling nonreactive cross flow over a heated plate to simulate forest fires, Nikolay Gustenyov, Nelson Akafuah, Ahmad Salaimeh, Mark A. Finney, Sara McAllister, and Kozo Saito
Screen-Printed Sensors Modified with Nafion and Mesoporous Carbon for Electrochemical Detection of Lead in Blood, Elena Boselli, Zhizhen Wu, Erin N. Haynes, and Ian Papautsky
Seasonal Changes in the Chemical Composition of Cultivated Tropical Grasses in the Savannas of Brazil, M.C M. Macedo, V.P B. Euclides, and M.P De Oliveira
Seasonal Changes in the Dry Matter Digestibility of Individual Tillers of Napiergrass at two sites of at Different Altitudes, Y Ishii, K Ito, and H Numaguchi
Seca Stylo (Stylosanthes scabra cv. Seca) Populations Increase Faster Under Light Grazing, D M. Orr and C J. Paton
Selection of Sylosanthes spp. for the Cerrados of Brazil, B Grof, A.T F. Fernandes, and C D. Fernandez
Sesbania sesban: A Promising Forage Legume in Semi-Arid Central Tanzania, D N. Msariri and M L. Kusekwa
Settlement Scaling in the Northern Maya Lowlands: Human-Scale Implications, Scott R. Hutson, Adrian S. Z. Chase, Jeffrey B. Glover, William M. Ringle, Travis W. Stanton, Walter R. T. Witschey, and Traci Ardren
Shading Increases Yield of Nitrogen-Limited Tropical Grasses, D.W M. Wild, J R. Wilson, W W. Stur, and H M. Shelton
Shared patterns of population genomic variation and phenotypic response across rapid range expansions in two invasive lady beetle species, Angela G. Jones, John J. Obrycki, Arun Sethuraman, and David W. Weisrock
Sharing the Story of Public Library Programming for Young Children with Disabilities or Developmental Delays, Denice Adkins, Maria Cahill, Alicia Long, Bobbie Sartin Long, and Derek Daskalakes
Sheep and Forage Productivity in Rubber Plantations, I Tajuddin, D T. Chong, K F. Ng, W W. Stur, and H M. Shelton
Shorting at Long Duration: Impact of Extended Discharge Capacity on Battery Solid Electrolytes, Ryan C. Hill, Amanda S. Peretti, Leo J. Small, Erik D. Spoerke, and Yang-Tse Cheng
Should Kentucky Extend the Loss of Consortium Claim to an Adult Child for the Wrongful Death of a Parent?, Ben Whatley
Simple SARS-CoV-2 concentration methods for wastewater surveillance in low resource settings, Mohammad Dehghan Banadaki, Soroosh Torabi, Alexus Lori Rockward, William Strike, Ann Noble, James W. Keck, and Scott M. Berry
Single-cell analysis identifies PLK1 as a driver of immunosuppressive tumor microenvironment in LUAD, Yifan Kong, Chaohao Li, Jinpeng Liu, and Sai Wu
Size and shape dependence of hydrogen-induced phase transformation and sorption hysteresis in palladium nanoparticles, Xingsheng Sun and Rong Jin
Small Island Risks: Research Reflections for Disaster Anthropologists and Climate Ethnographers, Crystal A. Felima
Smart QoS-Aware Resource Management For Edge Intelligence Systems, Minoo Hosseinzadeh
snpAIMeR: R package for evaluating ancestry informative marker contributions in non-model population diagnostics, Kim L. Vertacnik, Oksana V. Vernygora, and Julian R. Dupuis
Social Media and the Study of Feminisms, Frances Henderson
Solvent-Free Manufacturing of Lithium-Ion Battery Electrodes via Cold Plasma, Zhiming Liang, Tianyi Li, Holden Chi, Joseph Ziegelbauer, Kai Sun, Ming Wang, Wei Zhang, Tuo Liu, Yang-Tse Cheng, Zonghai Chen, Xiaohong Gayden, and Chunmei Ban
Southern United States Forest Range Management: History and Development, Henry A. Pearson
Sowing the Seeds of Confusion to Reap Content Mastery, Rebecca McGrail
Spontaneous Alignment of Myotubes Through Myogenic Progenitor Cell Migration, Lauren E. Mehanna, Adrianna R. Osborne, Charlotte A. Peterson, and Brad J. Berron
Stability in Rangelands: Ecology and Economics, B H. Walker
Stability of Arid Western Queensland (Australia) Rangelands and their Grazing Management, I F. Beale
Standing Root Biomass and Root Distribution in Brachiaria decumbens- Arachis pintoi Pastures Under Grazing, M A. Ayarza, I M. Rao, R J. Thomas, M J. Fisher, C E. Lascano, and P Herrera
Staphylococcus aureus oleate hydratase produces ligands that activate host PPARa, Christopher D. Radka, Matthew W. Frank, Tyler S. Simmons, Cydney N. Johnson, Jason W. Rosch, and Charles O. Rock
Statistical prediction of satellite magnetic anomalies, H. K. Goyal, R. R. B. von Frese, W. J. Hinze, and D. N. Ravat
StaufenC facilitates utilization of the ERAD pathway to transport dsRNA through the endoplasmic reticulum to the cytosol, Jinmo Koo and Subba R. Palli
Stockpiling of Brachiaria decumbens for Steer Maintenance During the Dry Season, Esther G. Cardoso, V.P B. Euclides, and J.M Da Silva
Strategies for improving the performance of prediction models for response to immune checkpoint blockade therapy in cancer, Tiantian Zeng, Jason Z. Zhang, Arnold Stromberg, Jin Chen, and Chi Wang
Students Participating as Ambassadors for Research in Kentucky (SPARK): A health equity undergraduate research training program, Ariel A. Arthur, Rebecca L. deLacerda Allen, Fidelis Y. Sesenu, Maxwell A. Groznik, Carrie B. Oser, Madeline Dunfee, Philip A. Kern, and Nancy Schoenberg
Studies on the Macropores Structure of Grassland's Soil, K Sato and K Tokunaga
Study of Some Factors that Influence Upon P Fertilization on Pastures from Red Ferralitic Soil, Marta Hernandez and A R. Mesa
Successional Dynamics of an Acacia Savanna in Southern Africa, C. Richard Hurt and Richard I. Yeaton
Suda, Jennifer Hootman
Sustainability of Sown Pastures in the Tropics and Subtropics, Jose M. Toledo and Daniel Formoso
Sustainable additive manufacturing of polysulfone membranes for liquid separations, Brian Leonard, Harrison Loh, David Lu, Ebuka A. Ogbuoji, Isabel Escobar, Konstantinos Sierros, and Oishi Sanyal
Table B: Generally Recognized as Safe (GRAS) Food Additives Containing Aluminum, Robert Yokel
Table C: Some Other FDA-Approved Sources of Aluminum in Food, Robert Yokel
Table D: Aluminum-Containing Additives Allowed by the EU and FAO/WHO, Robert Yokel
Table E: Aluminum Lakes of Permitted Colors Allowed by the European Union, Robert Yokel
TAM receptors mediate the Fpr2-driven pain resolution and fibrinolysis after nerve injury, Beate Hartmannsberger, Adel Ben‑Kraiem, Sofia Kramer, Carolina Guidolin, Ida Kazerani, Kathrin Doppler, Dominique Thomas, Robert Gurke, Marco Sisignano, Pranav P. Kalelkar, Andrés J. García, Paula V. Monje, Michael Sammeth, Asma Nusrat, Alexander Brack, Susanne M. Krug, Claudia Sommer, and Heike L. Rittner
Targeted long-read sequencing to quantify methylation of the C9orf72 repeat expansion, Evan Udine, NiCole Finch, Mariely DeJesus-Hernandez, Jazmyne L. Jackson, Matthew C. Baker, Siva Arumugam Saravanaperumal, Eric Wieben, Mark T. W. Ebbert, Jaimin Shah, Leonard Petrucelli, Rosa Rademakers, Björn Oskarsson, and Marka van Blitterswijk
Temperature-dependent stress–strain behavior of amorphous and crystalline P3HT, Kehinde H. Fagbohungbe, Connor P. Callaway, and Chad Risko
The Above Ground and Root Production of Grass on Different Soils, Sophia TOTH
The Absence of CXCL10 Activity Does Not Affect the Capability of CD8+ T Cells to Migrate and Eliminate the Tissue Cysts of Toxoplasma gondii from the Brains of Chronically Infected Mice, Rajesh Mani and Yasuhiro Suzuki
The Aeschynomene Genus as a Source of Pasture Legumes for Tropical and Subtropical Australia, H G. Bishop and T B. Hilder
The AlzMatch Pilot Study - Feasibility of Remote Blood Collection of Plasma Biomarkers for Preclinical Alzheimer’s Disease Trials, S. Walter, O. Langford, G. A. Jimenez-Maggiora, S. Abdel-Latif, R. A. Rissman, J. D. Grill, J. Karlawish, A. Atri, S. Bruschi, K. Hussen, M. C. Donohue, G. A. Marshall, Gregory Jicha, M. Racke, R. S. Turner, C. H. van Dyck, V. Venkatesh, K. E. Yarasheski, R. Sperling, J. Cummings, Paul Aisen, and R. Raman
The cancer-associated secretory phenotype: a new frontier in targeted therapeutics, Xiaochao Tan, Guan-Yu Xiao, Priyam Banerjee, Shike Wang, and Jonathan M. Kurie
The carboxy terminus causes interfacial assembly of oleate hydratase on a membrane bilayer, Christopher D. Radka, Christy R. Grace, Hale S. Hasdemir, Yupeng Li, Carlos C. Rodriguez, Patrick Rodrigues, Michael L. Oldham, M. Zuhaib Qayyum, Aaron Pitre, William J. MacCain, Ravi C. Kalathur, Emad Tajkhorshid, and Charles O. Rock
The Cyclical Peril of Aggressive Tariff Strategies, Michael Kern
The Danger of Retelling Family Stories: The Story of the "Conjure" Chest, Deana Thomas
The Depletion of Soil K as Affected by Fertilization of Eragrostis curvula Used for Hay Production, N.F G. Rethman and C C. De Witt
The differential proteomic response to ischemic stroke in appalachian subjects treated with mechanical thrombectomy, Christopher J. McLouth, Benton Maglinger, Jacqueline A. Frank, Kristin J. Hazelwood, Jordan P. Harp, Will Cranford, Shivani Pahwa, David Dornbos III, Amanda L. Trout, Ann M. Stowe, Justin F. Fraser, and Keith R. Pennypacker
The Effect of Organic Semiconductor Electron Affinity on Preventing Parasitic Oxidation Reactions Limiting Performance of n-Type Organic Electrochemical Transistors, Maryam Alsufyani, Benjamin Moss, Claudia E. Tait, William K. Myers, Maryam Shahi, Katherine Stewart, Xiaolei Zhao, Reem B. Rashid, Dilara Meli, Ruiheng Wu, Bryan D. Paulsen, Karl J. Thorley, Yuanbao Lin, Craig Combe, Charlie Kniebe-Evans, Sahika Inal, Sang Young Jeong, Han Young Woo, Grant Ritchie, Ji-Seon Kim, Jonathan Rivnay, Alexandra F. Paterson, James R. Durrant, and Iain McCulloch
The Impact of Dissolved Organic Matter on Photodegradation Rates, Byproduct Formations, and Degradation Pathways for Two Neonicotinoid Insecticides in Simulated River Waters, Josephus F. Borsuah, Tiffany L. Messer, Daniel D. Snow, Steven D. Comfort, and Shannon Bartelt-Hunt
The Impact of Pdcd4, a Translation Inhibitor, on Drug Resistance, Qing Wang and Hsin-Sheng Yang
The influence of glacial topography on fluvial efficiency in the Teton Range, Wyoming (USA), Sarah E. Johnson, Meredith Swallom, J. Ryan Thigpen, Michael M. McGlue, Jason M. Dortch, Sean Gallen, Edward W. Woolery, and Kevin M. Yeager
The Integrated Behavioral Model of Mental Health Help Seeking (IBM-HS): A Health Services Utilization Theory of Planned Behavior for Accessing Care, Joseph H. Hammer, David L. Vogel, Patrick R. Grzanka, Nayeon Kim, Brian T. Keum, Claire Adams, and Sarah A. Wilson
The Janssen effect and the Chini ordinary differential equation, Adam Rogers, George Dyck, Jitendra Paliwal, Kurt Hildebrand, Michael D. Montross, and Aaron P. Turner
The Journal of Appalachian Health: A Year of Growth and Impact, Noah Wren, Bradley Firchow, Emily Wilson, and Randy Wykoff
The mechanoreceptor Piezo is required for spermatogenesis in Bombyx mori, Zhongjie Zhang, Xiaojing Liu, Bo Hu, Kai Chen, Ye Yu, Chenxin Sun, Dalin Zhu, Hua Bai, Subba Reddy Palli, and Anjiang Tan
The nonvesicular sterol transporter Aster-C plays a minor role in whole body cholesterol balance, Ranjan Banerjee, Rachel C. Hohe, Shijie Cao, Bryan M. Jung, Anthony J. Horak, Iyappan Ramachandiran, William J. Massey, Venkateshwari Varadharajan, Natalie I. Zajczenko, Amy C. Burrows, Sumita Dutta, Maryam Goudarzi, Kala Mahen, Abigail Carter, Robert N. Helsley, Scott M. Gordon, Richard E. Morton, Christopher Strauch, Belinda Willard, Camelia Baleanu Gogonea, Valentin Gogonea, Matteo Pedrelli, Paolo Parini, and J. Mark Brown
The potential beneficial role of anti-platelet/anti-coagulant medications on diabetic retinopathy: A Scoping Review Protocol, Sarah Draud, Qingjun Wang, and Lauren E. Robinson
The Public Library Routines Project, Darin Freeburg and Katie Klein
Therapeutic potential of berberine in attenuating cholestatic liver injury: insights from a PSC mouse model, Yanyan Wang, Derrick Zhao, Lianyong Su, Yun-Ling Tai, Grayson W. Way, Jing Zeng, Qianhua Yan, Ying Xu, Xuan Wang, Emily C. Gurley, Xi-Qiao Zhou, Jinze Liu, Jinpeng Liu, Weidong Chen, Philip B. Hylemon, and Huiping Zhou
Therapeutics for sickle cell disease intravascular hemolysis, Jianyao Xue and Xiang-An Li
The Reaction of Eragrostis curvula to N and K Fertilization, N.F G. Rethman and C C. De Witt
Thermophilic aerobic digestion using aquaculture sludge from rainbow trout aquaculture facilities: effect of salinity, Jihyun Chun, Su Min Kim, Gwangil Ko, Hyo Jeong Shin, Minjae Kim, and Hyun Uk Cho
The role of a dental healthcare provider, Jeffrey P. Okeson
The roles of carbonaceous wastes for catalysis, energy, and environmental remediation, Chi Huey Ng, Mohd Aizzan Mistoh, Siow Hwa Teo, Andrea Galassi, Hin Taufiq-Yap, Nancy Julius Siambun, Jurry Foo, Coswald Stephen Sipaut, Jeffrey Seay, and Jidon Janaun
The Seattle Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) Patient Project Database: observational, longitudinal, dyadic characterization of people with ALS and their partners, Suzanne C. Segerstrom and Edward J. Kasarskis
The Tenth Amendment’s Check on Proposed Immigration Policy, Benjamin Scott
The Undergraduate Engineering Mental Health Help-Seeking Instrument (UE-MH-HSI): Development and validity evidence, Joseph H. Hammer, Courtney J. Wright, Melanie E. Miller, and Sarah A. Wilson
Thin liquid films on a rotary bell atomizer in surface-following coordinates, Mark Doerre and Nelson Akafuah
Tiered Coalition Formation Game Variants, Stability, and Simulation, Nathan Arnold
Tolerance of homonegativity and transnegativity predicts negative evaluations of LGBT people and LGBT-supportive policies among US-based heterosexual, cisgender participants, Abigail M. Folberg, Jennifer S. Hunt, and Ellen D. B. Riggle
Topography and Wildfire Jointly Mediate Postfire Ecosystem Multifunctionality in a Chinese Boreal Forest, Jianjian Kong, Zifan Ding, Wenhua Cai, Jiaxing Zu, Bo Liu, and Jian Yang
Towards a Sociological Theory of Consent and Coercion in Sexual Violence Against Women, Lisa Kistler
Toward transparent taxonomy: an interactive web-tool for evaluating competing taxonomic arrangements, Oksana V. Vernygora, Felix A. H. Sperling, and Julian R. Dupuis
Transcriptomics analysis reveals potential regulatory role of nSMase2 (Smpd3) in nervous system development and function of middle-aged mouse brains, Zhihui Zhu, Timothy S. McClintock, and Erhard Bieberich
Transformation of organic to inorganic nitrogen in NH4 +-illite-bearing and Ga-Al-REE-rich bituminous coals: Evidence from nitrogen isotopes and functionalities, Qian Wang, Shifeng Dai, Victor P. Nechaev, David French, Ian Graham, Lei Zhao, Shaowei Zhang, Yang Liang, and James C. Hower
Transient interactions modulate the affinity of NF-κB transcription factors for DNA, Tianjie Li, Shandy Shahabi, Tapan Biswas, Oleg V. Tsodikov, Wenfei Pan, De-Bin Huang, Vivien Ya-Fan Wang, Yi Wang, and Gourisankar Ghosh
Trauma-related shame predicts daily non-medical prescription opioid use among individuals with PTSD symptoms, Tanya C. Saraiya, Alyssa C. Jones, Teresa Lopez-Castro, Caitlyn O. Hood, Jessica Flores, and Christal L. Badour
Trees and Shrubs as Secondary Components of Pasture, A N. Atta-Krah
Tree species richness and ash density have variable effects on emerald ash borer biological control by woodpeckers and parasitoid wasps in post-invasion white ash stands, Caleb J. Wilson, Toby R. Petrice, Therese M. Poland, and Deborah G. McCullough
Tropical Pasture Establishment in Thailand by Direct-Drilling, C Lekchom, S Sukpituksakul, N Wongsuwan, and B R. Watkin
Tropical Pastures for Dairy Heifers in the South-Eastern Region of Brazil, S Aronovich, S R. De Carvalho, and MM Aronovich
Tyrp1 is the mendelian determinant of the Axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum) copper mutant, Raissa F. Cecil, Lloyd Strohl, Maddie K. Thomas, James L. Schwartz, Nataliya Timoshevskaya, Jeramiah J. Smith, and S. Randal Voss
Undiagnosed Cancer Cases in the US during the First 10 Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Todd Burus, Feitong Lei, Bin Huang, W. Jay Christian, Pamela C. Hull, Amanda R. Ellis, Svetla Slavova, Thomas Tucker, and Krystle A. Lang Kuhs
Upregulation of Fatty Acid Synthase Increases Activity of β-Catenin and Expression of NOTUM to Enhance Stem-like Properties of Colorectal Cancer Cells, Courtney O. Kelson, Josiane Weber Tessmann, Mariah E. Geisen, Daheng He, Chi Wang, Tianyan Gao, B. Mark Evers, and Yekaterina Y. Zaytseva
Use of Blood Urea Nitrogen Concentration to Predict Response to Protein or Energy Supplementation in Grazing Cattle, A C. Hammond, W E. Kunkle, D B. Bates, and L E. Sollenberger
Use of Cattle Slurry for Irrigated Temporary Grasslands, J Tomasik
Use of Natural 15N Abundance in Estimating Nitrogen Fixation by Centrosema spp: Influence of Phosphorus and Strain of Bradyrhizobium, G Cadisch, S F. Ledgard, J Noseberger, and R Sylvester-Bradley
Using digital pathology to analyze the murine cerebrovasculature, Dana M. Niedowicz, Jenna L. Gollihue, Erica M. Weekman, Panhavuth Phe, Donna M. Wilcock, Christopher M. Norris, and Peter T. Nelson
Using the consolidated framework for implementation research to identify church leaders’ perspectives on contextual determinants of community‑based colorectal cancer screening for Black Kentuckians, Aaron J. Kruse-Diehr, Derek Cegelka, Carlee Combs, Rose Wood, Elizabeth Holtsclaw, Jerod L. Stapleton, and Lovoria B. Williams
Utilization of Faba Bean (Vicia faba L.) Fodder and Silage in Ruminants, P C. Gupta and M A. Akbar
Utilization of Leucaena leucophala as Fodder for Buffaloes, P C. Gupta and M A. Akbar
Vaginal Lactobacillus fatty acid response mechanisms reveal a metabolite-targeted strategy for bacterial vaginosis treatment, Paul C. Blainey, Seth M. Bloom, and Douglas S. Kwon
Variation in Hydrological Characteristics of the Soils Associated with Grazed Patches in Granitic Landscapes in Northern Australia, M M. Sallaway, D Waters, B Bridge, and F P. Wandera
Variations Saisonnieres De la Croissance D'une Prairie De Setaria Anceps en Guadeloupe, P Cruz and O Sobesky
Varied Uses of Class Time: A Case Study of EPE 301, Zitsi Mirakhur, Spencer Crawford, and Wyatt Driskell
Voices of experience: Lay perspectives on severe maternal morbidity in Appalachia, Anna Hansen, Cassidy Carter, Nancy Schoenberg, and Carrie B. Oser
Wastewater Surveillance for Identifying SARS-CoV-2 Infections in Long-Term Care Facilities, Kentucky, USA, 2021–2022, James W. Keck, Reuben Adatorwovor, Matthew Liversedge, Blazan Mijotavich, Cullen Olsson, William D. Strike, Atena Amirsoleimani, Ann Noble, Soroosh Torabi, Alexus Lori Rockward, Mohammad Dehghan Banadaki, Ted Smith, Parker Lacy, and Scott M. Berry
Wastewater Surveillance for Xylazine in Kentucky, Chris Delcher, Dana Quesinberry, Soroosh Torabi, Scott Berry, James W. Keck, Abhya Rani, and Bikram Subedi
Water Balance and Soil Fertility Characteristics of Brigalow (Acacia harpophylla) Lands Before and After Forest Clearing, Paul A. Lawrence, B A. Cowie, D Yule, and P J. Thorburn
What influences trust in and understanding of clinical trials? An analysis of information and communication technology use and online health behavior from the Health Information National Trends Survey, Aurora Occa, Allison S. Merritt, Allison Leip, and Jerod L. Stapleton
What in the World Can I Do With This Degree? Showcase Profile Assignment, Sarah Kercsmar
When Tragedy Strikes: Should Parents Be Held Criminally Responsible for Their Child's School Shooting?, Nathan Clark
Whiskey Business: Utilizing Certification Marks to Protect Intellectual Property and Promote Authenticity within the Whiskey Industry, Stevi Whitman
Whiskey Fungus: The Kentucky Courts' Ticking Timebomb, Phillip Burress
Wildfire effects on the fate of deposited nitrogen in a boreal larch forest, Weili Liu, Jiaxing Zu, B. Liu, Lin Qi, Wei Huang, Yunting Fang, and Jian Yang
Yields and Nitrogen Contents of Maize Receiving Fertilizer Nitrogen or After Alfalfa and Red Clover, M Collins
“Zero” Porosity High Loading NMC622 Positive Electrodes for Li-Ion Batteries, Haidar Y. Alolaywi, Kubra Uzun, and Yang-Tse Cheng
Zines: Radical Tools for Empathy and Introspection, Aanya Chugh