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Lodging Resistance Evaluation in Lolium Multiflorum

Katsuo Egara, Hokuriku Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan
Kazuhiro Tase, Hokuriku Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan
Makoto Kobayashi, Japan International Research Center for Agricultural Science, Japan
Hiroki Fujii, Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station, Japan

Selecting Acid-Soil Tolerant White Clover

P W. Voigt, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
D R. Morris, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Aluminum Tolerance QTL in Diploid Alfalfa

M K. Sledge, University of Georgia
J H. Bouton, University of Georgia
J Tamulonis, University of Georgia
W A. Parrot, University of Georgia
G Kochert, University of Georgia

Possibility of Selection for Mineral Concentration in Orchardgrass by X-Ray Microanalysis

S Saiga, Iwate University
Y Nishimura, Iwate University
K Izumi, Iwate University

Transformation in Lotus Corniculatus: Towards Low-Lignin Pasture Through Antisense RNA

R Akashi, Miyazaki University
T Uchiyama, Miyazaki University
Y Sakatani, Miyazaki University
O Kawamura, Miyazaki University

Improvement of Forage Quality by Means of Biotechnology: Stable Transformation of Warm-Season Grasses by Particle Bombardment

C Yuge, Miyazaki University, Japan
R Akashi, Miyazaki University, Japan
O Kawamura, Miyazaki, Japan

Differential Energy Allocation Among 15 New Guineagrass (Panicum Maximum Jacq.) Hybrids

J A. Usberti Jr, State University of Campinas, Brazil
R Usberti, DSMM-CATI, Campinas, Brazil
R S. Paterniani, State University of Campinas, Brazil

Selection for Seed Size and Coleoptile Length in Timothy (Phleum Pratense L.)

Hans Arne Jonsson, Svalöf Weibull, Sweden

Selecting Lucerne (Medicago Sativa Complex) for Traits Conferring Adaptation to Grazing

E Piano, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere
L Pecetti, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere
M Romani, Instituto Sperimentale per le Colture Foraggere

Characterization of Somatic Hybrids Between Festuca Arundinacea and Lolium Multiflorum

M Fujimori, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan
T Takamizo, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan
K Suginobu, Tohoku National Agricultural Experiment Sation, Japan

Characterization of Chilling Sensitivity of Tropical and Temperate Grasses

M Ebina, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan
K Okumura, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan
H Matsu-ura, Kyushu Agricultural Experiment Station
Y Tsurumi, National Grassland Research Institute, Japan

Evaluating White Clover for Resistance to Cylindrocladium Root Rot

D S. Wofford, University of Florida
A Amaya, University of Florida

Development of Red Clover with High Levels of Resistance to Root-Knot Nematodes

K H. Quesenberry, University of Florida
R A. Dunn, University of Florida
D E. Moon, University of Florida

Selection of Stylosanthes Guianensis for the Cerrados of Brazil

B Grof, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
C D. Fernandes, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
A V. dos Santos, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
C B. Almeida, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil

Development of a Multicross Cultivars of Stylosanthes spp.

B Grof, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
C D. Fernandes, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
C B. Almeida, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil
A V. dos Santos, National Beef Cattle Research Center, Brazil

Selection for Nitrogen Use Efficiency in Perennial Ryegrass using Hydroponics

E N. van Loo, DLO-Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research, The Netherlands
A.J. P. van Wijk, Mommersteeg International BV, The Netherlands
O Dolstra, DLO-Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research, The Netherlands
H.J. P. Marvin, DLO-Centre for Plant Breeding and Reproduction Research, The Netherlands
C.H. A. Snijders

Fitness of Apomictic and Sexual Buffelgrass Germplasm

M A. Hussey, The Texas A&M University
Yue-Wen Wang, The Texas A&M University
B L. Burson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Selection for Field Survival Increases Freezing Tolerance in Festulolium

M D. Casler, University of Wisconsin-Madison
P G. Pitts, ITB Technology, Inc., WI
P C. Bilkey, Ag Research International, Inc., WI
C A. Rose-Fricker, Pure Seed Testing, Inc., OR

Selection for Herbage Yield and Flowering in Ladino White Clover

J A. Garcia, INIA La Estanzuela, Uruguay

Backcrosses of Diploid Lolium-Festuca Hybrids to Festuca

W Nitzche, Humboldt-University Berlin

Increased Longevity of Red Clover Through Selection for Persistence and Disease Resistance

R R. Smith, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Phylogenetics of Apomictic Common Dallisgrass (Paspalum Dilatatum)

B L. Burson, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
M A. Hussey, Texas A&M University

Morphological and RAPD Variations and Regenerants Derived from Cell Suspension Culture of Pangolagrass

C S. Chen, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Taiwan
S M. Wang, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Taiwan
Y K. Cheng, Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Taiwan

Selection for Self-Fertility and Self-Fertility in Alfalfa as a Tool for Breeding Strategy Assessment

D Rosellini, University of Perugia
F Veronesi, University of Perugia
F Lorenzetti, University of Perugia

Study of Genotype X Environment Interaction in Alfalfa Forage Yield

S N. Acharya, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
G C. Kozub, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
H Najda, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development
A Aasen, Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development

Use of the Grazing Animal in Forage Breeding

J H. Bouton, University of Georgia
C S. Hoveland, University of Georgia
R N. Gates, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Germplasm Enhancement of Annual Forage Legumes Suitable for Use in Cold Highland Environments

H K. Firincioglu, Central Research Institute for Field Crops, Turkey
N Karagullu, Central Research Institute for Field Crops, Turkey
S Unal, Central Research Institute for Field Crops, Turkey
A M. Abd-El Moneim, The International Center for Agricultural Research in Dry Areas. Syria

Colchicine-Doubling of Germinating Seedlings of Interspecific Wildrye Hybrids

T A. Jones, Utah State University
D C. Nielson, Utah State University
H Jaussi, Utah State University

Introduction of Vegetative and Reproductive Characters into Trifolium Repens by Interspecific Hybridisation

A H. Marshall, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK
T P.T Michaelson-Yeates, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK
M Meredith, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK
D H. Hides, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK

The Effect of Abscisic Acid on the Freezing Tolerance in Lolium Temulentum L.

K Tase, Hokuriku National Agricultural Experiment Station
H Fujii, Hokkaido Prefectural Konsen Agricultural Experiment Station

Inbreeding of Some Populations in the Genus Agrostis L.

Zorica Tomic, Center for Forage Crops, Yugoslavia
Gordana Surlan Momirovic, University of Belgrade
Dusica Delic, Center for Forage Crops, Yugoslavia
S Ostojic, Center for Forage Crops, Yugoslavia

Mitochondrial Genome Polymorphism in Lolium perenne

Y Shimamoto, Hokkaido University
Y Tominaga, Hokkaido University
M Sato, Hokkaido University
T Mikami, Hokkaido University

Selection of Interspecific Hybrids of Brachiaria-A Tropical Forage Grass


Field Evaluation of Crown Rust in Annual Ryegrass Populations

G M. Prine, University of Florida

Persistency in Lolium x Festuca Hybrid Derivatives and its Relationships with Flowering Traits

M Ghesquiere, Station d’Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France
C Mousset, Station d’Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France

Use of Flow Cytometer in Breeding Festuca x Lolium Hybrids

M C. Kerlan, INRA Station d’ Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France
M Ghesquiere, INRA Station d’ Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France

Prediction of Seed Yield of Festuca x Lolium Hybrids from the Nursery Mother Plants

C Mousset, INRA Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France
L Hazard, INRA Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France
M Ghesquiere, INRA Amélioration des Plantes Fourragères, France

Evolution in Segregating Genotype Mixtures of Subterranean Clover

P.G. H. Nichols, University of Western Australia
P S. Cocks, University of Western Australia

Protogynous Interval in Elephantgrass (Pennisetum purpureum Schum.)

A V. Pereira, EMBRAPA, Brazil
R B. Barra, Recipients of Scholarship from the National Research Council
J C. Abreu, Recipients of Scholarship from the National Research Council
V de P. Freitas, EMBRAPA, Brazil

Improving Forage Productivity by Using Cytoplasmic Male Sterility of Pearl Millet

A A. Younis, Field Crops Research Institute, Egypt
A H. Belal, Suez Canal University

Breeding Morphogenetic Traits to Match Genotypes to Their Utilization

L Hazard, INRA Amélioration des plantes fourragères
M Betin, INRA Amélioration des plantes fourragères
M Ghesquiere, INRA Amélioration des plantes fourragères

Regeneration of Somatic Hybrids Between Festuca Arundinacea var. glacescens and Lolium multiflorum LAM.

T Sasaki, Forage Crop Breeding and Seed Research Institute, Japan
T Hasegawa, Forage Crop Breeding and Seed Research Institute, Japan
S Ueda, Forage Crop Breeding and Seed Research Institute, Japan

Developing Well Adapted Early to Midseason Cultivars of Trifoiloum subterraneum ssp. Brachycalycinum

C T. de Koning, South Australian Research Development Institute (SARDI)
P G.H. Nichols, Agriculture Western Australia, South Perth
R L. Tuckwell, Kapunda, SA
N Schubert, Turretfield Research Centre, SARDI

Assessment of Grazing Procedures in the Evaluation of Plant Breeding Material

D Real, Pasture Research Programme, INIA, Uruguay
I L. Gordon, Massey University
J Hodgson, Massey University

Direct Selection Response for Stem Rust Resistance in Tall Fescue

R E. Barker, Oregon State University
R E. Welty, Oregon State University

Cytogenetical Studies in Range Grasses of Iran

M Sheidai, University of Shahid Beheshti
A Tavasoli, University of Alzahra
P Derakhshandeh, University of Alzahra

Apomixis and the Reproductive Dynamics of Eastern Gamagrass Tripsacum Dactyloides L.

B Kindiger, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
C L. Dewald, USDA, Agricultural Research Service

Breeding for Persistence in Lotus Corniculatus

M Rebuffo, INIA La Estanzuela, Uruguay
N Altier, INIA La Estanzuela, Uruguay

Screening Ryegrass Cultivars for Aluminium Sensitivity in Nutrient Soluations

F O. Gallardo, Department de Ciencias Quimicas
S Benavides, Department de Ciencias Quimicas
R Demanet, Universidad de La Frontera
F Borie, Department de Ciencias Quimicas

SSR- and RAPD Analysis of a New Agropyron Repens Genotype

G Gyulai, Agricultural University, Hungary, Purdue University
H Ohm, Purdue University
I Dweikat, Purdue University
E Kiss, Agricultural University, Hungary
H Sharma, Purdue University
J Janovszky, Irrigation Research Centre, Hungary
L Heszky, Agricultural University, Hungary

Gene Flow in Medicago Through Somatic Hybridization

S Arcioni, Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere
F Crea, Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere
O Calderini, Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere
F Damiani, Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere
P D. Cluster, University of Kyoto
F Pupilli, Istituto di Ricerche sul Miglioramento Genetico delle Piante Foraggere

Evaluating Cultivars of Subterranean Clover in Monoculture or with Perennial Ryegrass

K F.M. Reed, Agriculture Victoria, Australia
S G. Clark, Agriculture Victoria, Australia
W M. Feely, Agriculture Victoria, Australia

Advances in Breeding Apomictic Brachiaria in Tropical America

J W. Miles, CIAT, Colombia
C B. do Valle, EMBRAPA-CNPGC, Brazil

Identification of Alfalfa Chromosomes Using Giemas Banding and Image Analysis Techniques

G R. Bauchan, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
M A. Hossain, USDA, Agricultural Research Service