
Submissions from 1990


Stimulant Medication Use by Primary Care Physicians in the Treatment of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Mark L. Wolraich, Scott Lindgren, Ann Stromquist, Richard Milich, Charles Davis, and Doretta Watson

Submissions from 1989


Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered Boys' Evaluations of and Attributions for Task Performance on Medication Versus Placebo, Richard Milich, Barbara G. Licht, Debra A. Murphy, and William E. Pelham


Normative Data on the IOWA Conners Teacher Rating Scale, William E. Pelham Jr., Richard Milich, Debra A. Murphy, and H. Allen Murphy

Submissions from 1988


Social Communication Patterns of Attention-Deficit-Disordered Boys, Steven Landau and Richard Milich


Teacher Ratings of Inattention/Overactivity and Aggression: Cross-Validation With Classroom Observations, Richard Milich and Steven Landau

Submissions from 1987


Differential Diagnosis of Attention Deficit and Conduct Disorders Using Conditional Probabilities, Richard Milich, Thomas A. Widiger, and Steven Landau


Sustained Release and Standard Methylphenidate Effects on Cognitive and Social Behavior in Children With Attention Deficit Disorder, William E. Pelham Jr., James Sturges, JoAnn Hoza, Casey Schmidt, Jan Jaap Bijlsma, Richard Milich, and Sam Moorer

Submissions from 1986


Computer-Assisted Instruction for Students with Attentional Difficulties, Gail Fitzgerald, Fick Landis, and Richard Milich


The Behavioral Effects of Sugar: A Comment on Buchanan, Richard Milich, Scott Lindgren, and Mark L. Wolraich


Playroom Observations of Activity Level and Sustained Attention: Two-Year Stability, Richard Milich, Jan Loney, and Mary Ann Roberts


Effects of Sugar Ingestion on the Classroom and Playgroup Behavior of Attention Deficit Disordered Boys, Richard Milich and William E. Pelham


Issues in the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Disorder: A Cautionary Note on the Gordon Diagnostic System, Richard Milich, William E. Pelham, and Stephen P. Hinshaw


Sugar and Hyperactivity: A Critical Review of Empirical Findings, Richard Milich, Mark Wolraich, and Scott Lindgren


Crime and Human Nature: A Psychology of Criminality, Michael T. Nietzel and Richard Milich


Effects of Continuous and Partial Reinforcement and Methylphenidate on Learning in Children With Attention Deficit Disorder, William E. Pelham, Richard Milich, and Jason L. Walker


Dietary Characteristics of Hyperactive and Control Boys, Mark L. Wolraich, Phyllis J. Stumbo, Richard Milich, Catherine Chenard, and Frederick Schultz

Submissions from 1985


Social Status of Aggressive and Aggressive/Withdrawn Boys: A Replication Across Age and Method, Steven Landau and Richard Milich


Validation of Inattention/Overactivity and Aggression Ratings With Classroom Observations, Richard Milich and Gail Fitzgerald

Submissions from 1984


A Comparison of Teacher and Peer Assessment of Social Status, Steven Landau, Richard Milich, and Paul Whitten


Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Observations of Activity Level and Sustained Attention in a Normative Sample, Richard Milich


Social Information Processing in Child Psychiatric Populations, Richard Milich and Kenneth A. Dodge


A Comparison of the Social Status and Social Behavior of Aggressive and Aggressive/Withdrawn Boys, Richard Milich and Steven Landau


Peer Relations in Children with Hyperactivity/Attention Deficit Disorder, William E. Pelham and Richard Milich

Submissions from 1982


Preschool Peer Perceptions of the Behavior of Hyperactive and Aggressive Children, Richard Milich, Steven Landau, Gretchen Kilby, and Paul Whitten

Submissions from 1981


A Multitrait-Multimethod Analysis of Variance of Teachers' Ratings of Aggression, Hyperactivity, and Inattention, Mary Ann Roberts, Richard Milich, Jan Loney, and James Caputo