Submissions from 1996
Children's Perception of Gender-Role-Congruent and -Incongruent Behavior in Peers: Fisher-Price meets Price Waterhouse, Cecile B. McAninch, Richard Milich, Ginger B. Crumbo, and Miriam N. Funtowicz
Effects of an Academic Expectancy and Gender on Students' Interactions, Cecile B. McAninch, Richard Milich, and Monica J. Harris
Submissions from 1994
Sustained and Selective Attention in Boys with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Kim Hooks, Richard Milich, and Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch
Effects of Sugar Ingestion Expectancies on Mother-Child Interactions, Daniel W. Hoover and Richard Milich
The response of children with ADHD to failure: If at first you don't succeed, do you try, try again?, Richard Milich
Submissions from 1993
Promising school-based practices for students with attention deficit disorder, Burcham Barbara, Laurance Carlson, and Richard Milich
ADHD boys' performance and attributions following success and failure: Drug effects and individual differences, Caryn L. Carlson, William E. Pelham Jr., Richard Milich, and Betsy Hoza
Gender, Creativity, Depression, and Attributional Style in Adolescents with High Academic Ability, Karen DeMoss, Richard Milich, and Stephen DeMers
The Self-Perceptions and Attributions of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered and Nonreferred boys, Betsy Hoza, William E. Pelham, Richard Milich, David Pillow, and Katrina McBride
Gender Differences in Social Persistence, Mary Beth Manolis and Richard Milich
Impression Formation in Children: Influence of Gender and Expectancy, Cecile B. McAninch, Mary Beth Manolis, Richard Milich, and Monica J. Harris
Introduction to the Special Issue on Disinhibitory Disorders in Childhood, Richard Milich and Michael T. Nietzel
Submissions from 1992
Single and Combined Effects of Methylphenidate and Behavior Therapy on the Classroom Performance of Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Caryn L. Carlson, William E. Pelham Jr., Richard Milich, and Joanne Dixon
Self-Fulfilling Effects of Stigmatizing Information on Children's Social Interactions, Monica J. Harris, Richard Milich, Elizabeth M. Corbitt, Daniel W. Hoover, and Marianne Brady
Effects of stigmatizing information on children's peer relations: Believing is seeing, Richard Milich, Cecile B. McAninch, and Monica J. Harris
Teacher Ratings of DSM-III-R Symptoms for the Disruptive Behavior Disorders, William E. Pelham Jr., Elizabeth M. Gnagy, Karen E. Greenslade, and Richard Milich
Methylphenidate and Attributions in Boys With Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, William E. Pelham, Debra A. Murphy, Kathryn Vannatta, Richard Milich, Barbara G. Licht, Elizabeth M. Gnagy, Karen E. Greenslade, Andrew R. Greiner, and Mary Vodde-Hamilton
Visual Attention to and Comprehension of Television in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered and Normal Boys, Landau Steven, Elizabeth Pugzles Lorch, and Richard Milich
Submissions from 1991
Predictive Power Methods May Be More Helpful for Making a Diagnosis than Sensitivity and Specificity, Steven Landau, Richard Milich, and Thomas A. Widiger
Effects of Methylphenidate on the Persistence of ADHD Boys Following Failure Experience, Richard Milich, Caryn L. Carlson, William E. Pelham Jr., and Barbara G. Licht
An Examination of Learned Helplessness Among Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered Boys, Richard Milich and Mimi Okazaki
Effects of Background Anger, Provocation, and Methylphenidate on Emotional Arousal and Aggressive Responding in Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disordered Boys with and without Concurrent Aggressiveness, William E. Pelham, Richard Milich, E. Mark Cummings, Debra A. Murphy, Elizabeth A. Schaughency, and Andrew R. Greiner
Submissions from 1990
First Impressions Formed of Boys with Learning Disabilities and Attention Deficit Disorder, Laura Bickett and Richard Milich
Effects of Expectancies on Children's Social Interactions, Monica J. Harris, Richard Milich, Elizabeth M. Johnston, and Daniel W. Hoover
Methylphenidate and Baseball Playing in ADHD Children: Who's On First?, William E. Pelham Jr., Keith McBurnett, Gary W. Harper, Richard Milich, Debra A. Murphy, Joseph Clinton, and Cathy Thiele