Social Communication Patterns of Attention-Deficit-Disordered Boys
This study was designed to compare the social communication patterns of attention-deficit-disordered (ADD) and normal boys. This was accomplished by employing a "TV Talk Show" social role-playing procedure in which the task required different strategies for the roles of "host" and "guest." Groups of ADD and normal elementary-age boys were formed, and each boy was paired with a normal classmate. Measures of communication competence were coded from videotapes made of subject and partner social interactions while performing both roles. Results indicated that the ADD boys, in contrast to the control group, failed to modulate their social communication behaviors as task demands shifted. Additionally, the behavior of the ADD boys resulted in their normal partners'' altering their response patterns in order to maintain the equilibrium in the dyadic interaction. These results suggest that the social behavior of ADD children is relatively independent of environmental requirements and may contribute to the inappropriate responding of others.
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Repository Citation
Landau, Steven and Milich, Richard, "Social Communication Patterns of Attention-Deficit-Disordered Boys" (1988). Psychology Faculty Publications. 23.
Notes/Citation Information
Values portrayed in the figures were reversed such that Fig. 1 reflects the partner data and Fig. 2 reflects the subject data.