About This Journal | Kentucky undergraduate research open access | Lewis Honors College | University of Kentucky

About This Journal

We are a student-founded program based at the University of Kentucky that is open to all undergraduate students, especially those attending a college or university in Kentucky. KUJHH uses esteemed and knowledgeable faculty at the University of Kentucky for its editorial board. We use a blind review process to ensure that students, regardless of the institutions they are from, have their submissions reviewed solely for their content.

KUJHH is a biannual journal and will be published once in the Spring and once in the Fall of each year

A few examples of appropriate topics:

  1. Health Policy/Law related to ethics
  2. Business ethics related to health
  3. Environmental ethics and its impact on health
  4. The efficacy of music or art therapy
  5. An essay on what it’s like to live with a particular illness
  6. A poem about watching a loved one go through treatment
  7. A photo series on what it’s like to work in a hospital environment
  8. A review of a book that depicts a disability
  9. Artwork that illustrates what it’s like to have a mental illness
  10. Essentially, your field of interest + the humanities + a health subject(s)
  11. Background

    eriel editorialboard

    Eriel Burns '24, Founder

    The Kentucky Undergraduate Journal for the Health Humanities (KUJHH) was founded by Eriel Burns, an honors student and Gaines Fellow, who graduated from the University of Kentucky with a major in Political Science and a Business minor. The journal serves as Burns' project for Mississippi State University and Harvard University's Delta Scholars' Summer Institute. A nationally competitive program that selected 18 students to create projects centered around pressing issues in the U.S. This journal provides an outlet for undergraduate students—especially those attending Kentucky institutions— to showcase their research and highlight the importance and application of humanities education in health fields. Burns is studying to practice corporate and health/pharmaceutical law. During her time at UK, she was involved in undergraduate research for the Kinesiology and Health Promotion department and the Public Forum debate team.