This collection was known as Library and Information Science Faculty Publications before July 1, 2015.


Submissions from 2020


Creating Space for Youth Voice: Implications of Youth Disclosure Experiences for Youth-Centered Research, Roberta Lynn Woodgate, Pauline Tennent, and Sarah C. Barriage


The Centrality of Disclosure Decisions to the Illness Experience for Youth with Chronic Conditions: A Qualitative Study, Roberta Lynn Woodgate, Pauline Tennent, Sarah C. Barriage, and Nicole Legras


The Lived Experience of Anxiety and the Many Facets of Pain: A Qualitative, Arts-Based Approach, Roberta Lynn Woodgate, Pauline Tennent, Sarah C. Barriage, and Nicole Legras


Harnessing Artificial Intelligence Capabilities to Improve Cybersecurity, Sherali Zeadally, Erwin Adi, Zubair Baig, and Imran A. Khan

Submissions from 2019


“Okay Okay Okay, Now the Video Is On”: An Analysis of Young Children’s Orientations to the Video Camera in Recordings of Family Interactions, Sarah C. Barriage and Darcey K. Searles


Search Results Outliers Among MEDLINE Platforms, Christopher Sean Burns, Robert M. Shapiro II, Tyler Nix, and Jeffrey T. Huber


Examining MEDLINE Search Query Reproducibility and Resulting Variation in Search Results, C. Sean Burns, Robert M. Shapiro II, Tyler Nix, and Jeffrey T. Huber


Sensitive Research, Practice and Design in HCI, Stevie Chancellor, Nazanin Andalibi, Lindsay Blackwell, David Nemer, and Wendy Moncur


A Traffic-Aware Approach for Enabling Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) in Smart City Scenarios, Hesham El-Sayed, Moumena Chaqfa, Sherali Zeadally, and Deepak Puthal


On Rapport: Connecting with Students, Brandi Frisby


Investigation of Factors That Influence Public Librarians’ Social Media Use for Marketing Purposes: An Adoption of the Technology Acceptance Model and Theory of Planned Behavior, Soohyung Joo, Namjoo Choi, and Lindsey M. Harper


Repensando as desigualdades digitais: as promessas da web 2.0 para os marginalizados, David Nemer


Important Factors in Midwestern Public Librarians’ Views on Intellectual Freedom and Collection Development: Part 1, Shannon M. Oltmann


Important Factors in Midwestern Public Librarians’ Views on Intellectual Freedom and Collection Development: Part 2, Shannon M. Oltmann


Delivering health knowledge and wisdom from the hills and hollows of Appalachia, F. Douglas Scutchfield MD, Erin N. Haynes, Robert M. Shapiro II, and Charlotte S. Seidman


Anonymous and Efficient Message Authentication Scheme for Smart Grid, Libing Wu, Jing Wang, Sherali Zeadally, and Debiao He


Is DNS Ready for Ubiquitous Internet of Things?, Zhiwei Yan, Hongtao Li, Sherali Zeadally, Yu Zheng, and Guanggang Geng

Submissions from 2018


"Participant" Perceptions of Twitter Research Ethics, Casey Fiesler and Nicholas Proferes


Assessing Students’ Writing and Public Speaking Self-Efficacy in a Composition and Communication Course, T. Kody Frey and Jessalyn I. Vallade


Sensor Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Juan Guerrero-Ibáñez, Sherali Zeadally, and Juan Contreras-Castillo


Analysis of College Students’ Personal Health Information Activities: Online Survey, Sujin Kim, Donghee Sinn, and Sue Yeon Syn


Social Responsibility, Librarianship, and the ALA: The 2015 Banned Books Week Poster Controversy, Emily J. M. Knox and Shannon M. Oltmann


Performance Evaluation of Energy-Autonomous Sensors Using Power-Harvesting Beacons for Environmental Monitoring in Internet of Things (IoT), George Dan Moiş, Teodora Sanislav, Silviu Corneliu Folea, and Sherali Zeadally


Going Beyond the "T" in "CTC": Social Practices as Care in Community Technology Centers, David Nemer


FacePET: Enhancing Bystanders' Facial Privacy with Smart Wearables/Internet of Things, Alfredo J. Perez, Sherali Zeadally, Luis Y. Matos Garcia, Jaouad A. Mouloud, and Scott Griffith