
Este artigo centra-se nos usos das plataformas Web 2.0 por moradores de favelas a fim de expandir nossa compreensão sobre a capacidade de transformação que a Web 2.0 pode (e não pode) fazer em termos de mudança social e inclusão digital. Para explorar essa problemática, eu realizei uma etnografia de dez meses nas favelas de Vitória, Brasil, para estudar as práticas e experiências dos moradores das comunidades na Web 2.0. Eu analiso como a Web 2.0 permitiu aos residentes da favela a capacidade de protestar nas ruas e atravessar as fronteiras sociais, mas quando isso aconteceu, eles enfrentaram algo muito mais forte: exclusão social, brutalidade policial contra negros e pobres e engajamento civil limitado.

Web 2.0 technologies have initiated a new age of the Web with promises to empower its users, to promote creativity, and to democratize information production (O'REILLY, 2007). This techno-optimistic rhetoric has led the general public to the notion that Web 2.0 platforms indicate some grand authoritative social change. Although Web 2.0 tools can promote citizenship and empowerment for its users, this study questions such emancipatory promises, especially in relation to people facing social and digital marginalization. In order to explore this problem space, an ethnography was carried out for ten months in the favelas of Vitória -ES, Brazil, to study the practices and experiences of the local residents with the Web 2.0. This study analyses how Web 2.0 afforded favela residents the ability to protest on the streets and cross social boundaries, but when they did, they faced something much stronger: social exclusion, police brutality against blacks and the poor, and limited civil engagement. This study aims to expand our understanding of what Web 2.0 can and cannot do in terms of social change and digital inclusion.

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Notes/Citation Information

Published in Revista Tecnologia e Sociedade, v. 15, no. 35.

Esta obra está licenciada sob uma licença Creative Commons Atribuição 4.0 Internacional.

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