Submissions from 2016
Book Review: The Gilded Age and Progressive Era: A Historical Exploration of Literature, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Creating a Knowledge Infrastructure: KM in Libraries, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Internet Reviews: Maps and Geographic Information Systems, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Just Give ‘Em Something New? How We Think about Innovation in Libraries, Jennifer A. Bartlett
The Value-Added Organization: Beyond Business as Usual, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Workplace Bullying: A Silent Epidemic, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Search, Explore, Connect: Using OHMS to Enhance Access to Oral History, Douglas A. Boyd
Exploring Collaborative Stewardship of Government Information in the Southeast: The ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program, Cheryle Cole-Bennett, Sandra McAninch, and Heath Martin
Using the I-LEARN Model for Information Literacy Instruction, Stacey Greenwell
[Review of] Scholarly Metrics Under the Microscope: From Citation Analysis to Academic Auditing, Adrian K. Ho
Book Review: Fundamentals of Technical Services, Julene L. Jones
[Review of] Saving Seeds, Preserving Taste: Heirloom Seed Savers in Appalachia, Julene L. Jones
Making Oral History Interviews Accessible at the Louie B. Nunn Center for Oral History, Kopana Terry and Judy Sackett
Submissions from 2015
Blowing Our Own Horns: Library Marketing as an Essential Management Skill, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Developing a Strategic Mindset: Librarians as Politicians, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Internet Reviews: Open Access Institutional Repositories, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Library Analytics and Assessment: The Sine Qua Non of Measuring Our Success, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Your Professional Brand, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Time Is on My Side: Harnessing the Power of Automation for Efficient Archival Workflows, Sarah Dorpinghaus and Heather Fox
Authors Alliance: A Force to Promote Authorship for Public Good, Michael Wolfe and Adrian K. Ho
Submissions from 2014
[Review of] Encyclopedia of Great Popular Song Recordings, Robert A. Aken
[Review of] Musopen, Robert A. Aken
Coming to Terms with Librarian Stereotypes and Self-Image, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Internet Reviews: Alternatives to Google, Jennifer A. Bartlett
Internet Reviews: Crowdsourcing in Libraries and Archives, Jennifer A. Bartlett