KWRRI Research Reports
Submissions from 1986
Abatement of Nitrate Pollution in Groundwater and Surface Runoff from Cropland Using Legume Cover Crops with No-Till Corn, M. Scott Smith and Jac J. Varco
Hydraulic Design Algorithms for Upgrading and Enhancing Water Distribution Systems, Don J. Wood and William T. Gilbert
Submissions from 1985
Red River Gorge Residents: A Cultural and Historical Perspective, Pamela L. Brinegar, Billie R. DeWalt, and Eugenie C. Scott
Identification of Soil-Water Chemical Parameters for the Prediction and Treatment of Suspended Solids in Surface Water Reservoirs of Coal Mine Lands, V. P. Evangelou, J. H. Grove, and R. I. Barnhisel
Modeling of Overland Flow by the Diffusion Wave Approach, Rao S. Govindaraju, S. E. Jones, and M. L. Kavvas
Modeling Soil Erosion with Emphasis on Steep Slopes and the Rilling Process, Michael C. Hirschi, Billy J. Barfield, and Ian D. Moore
Development of General Guidelines for the Planning of Stormwater Management Facilities: Application to Urban Watersheds in Kentucky, Lindell E. Ormsbee and Vincent T. Reinert
Reductive Dechlorination of Toxic Chlorocarbons, K. Grant Taylor
Investigation of Pollution in a Karst Aquifer Utilizing Optical Brightener, John Thrailkill, Ralph F. Wiseman, and Bridget R. Scanlon
Submissions from 1984
Toxicological Studies on Aquatic Contaminants Originating from Coal Production and Utilization: The Induction of Tolerance to Silver in Laboratory Populations of Fish and the Chronic Toxicity of Nickel to Fish Early Life Stages, Wesley J. Birge, Jeffrey A. Black, James F. Hobson, and Albert G. Westerman
Finite Element Simulation of Saturated-Unsaturated Subsurface Flow, George E. Blandford
Wetlands and Coal Surface Mining: A Management Handbook, Milady A. Cardamone, Jan R. Taylor, and William J. Mitsch
Identification of Soil-Water Chemical Parameters for the Prediction and Treatment of Suspended Solids in Surface Water Reservoirs of Coal Mine Lands, V. P. Evangelou, J. H. Grove, and R. I. Barnhisel
A Membrane-Organic Phase Oxidation Process for the Destruction of Toxic Organics in Hazardous Wastewaters, Charles E. Hamrin Jr., Dibakar Bhattacharyya, and William K. Glynn
Impact Assessment of Coal Slurry Pipelines on Water Resources Utilization and Allocation, Muhammad Najmus Saquib, M. Levent Kavvas, David T. Kao, and Lindell E. Ormsbee
Water Quality Evaluation Yatesville Lake Project: Volume 1, Stephen B. Sullivan, Edward G. Foree, and John S. Tapp
Discharge and Travel Time Determinations in the Royal Spring Groundwater Basin, Kentucky, John Thrailkill and Douglas R. Gouzie
Submissions from 1983
The Red River Gorge: The Existence of "Recreational Niches" and Their Management Implications, Sara E. Alexander, Billie R. DeWalt, and Eugenie Scott
The Induction of Tolerance to Heavy Metals in Natural and Laboratory Populations of Fish, Wesley J. Birge, William H. Benson, and Jeffrey A. Black
Modeling Erosion on Long Steep Slopes with Emphasis on the Rilling Process, Michael C. Hirschi, Billy J. Barfield, and Ian D. Moore
Water Requirement for Coal Slurry Transportation, David T. Kao and Sandra L. Rusher
Improved Methods and Guidelines for Modeling Stormwater Runoff from Surface Coal Mined Lands, Michael E. Meadows and George E. Blandford
Atlas of Wetlands in the Principal Coal Surface Mining Region of Western Kentucky, William J. Mitsch, Jan R. Taylor, Kimberly B. Benson, and Paul L. Hill Jr.
Modeling Surface and Subsurface Stormflow on Steeply-Sloping Forested Watersheds, Patrick G. Sloan, Ian D. Moore, George B. Coltharp, and Joseph D. Eigel
Movement of Bacteria Through Macropores to Ground Water, M. Scott Smith, Grant W. Thomas, and Robert E. White