KWRRI Research Reports
Pike county, the largest coal producing and exporting county from the state of Kentucky was studied to assess the impact of a possible coal slurry pipeline project on the water resources allocation and utilization in the region. Potential coal slurry pipelines from the region were identified and water requirement for operating several hypothetical pipelines were computed by using a recently developed computer program. Climatological data for the county were collected and analyzed for a 29-year period of record with a view to determining the monthly net consumptive use in the region. Available groundwater data for the region was also collected in an effort to assess the groundwater situation of the region. Present urban demand was quantified and an estimate of urban demand in 2010 A.D. was made by using the population projections. Streamflow data from three flow gaging stations encompassing almost the entire drainage basin of the streams in Pike county were collected. On the assumption that the water required for coal slurry pipelines would be withdrawn from a location near Pikeville, only the streamflow records from the USGS gaging station No. 03209500 on the Levisa Fork at Pikeville were analyzed to determine the risks in meeting the total demand (urban demand and minimum baseflow requirement plus combined demand for operating all seven hypothetical coal slurry pipelines) in any month of the year. The allowable demand at 5 percent risk defined as sustainable withdrawal was also computed on a month by month basis.
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Funding Information
The work upon which this report is based was supported in part by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., as authorized by the Water Research and Development Act of 1978. Public Law 95-467.
Repository Citation
Saquib, Muhammad Najmus; Kavvas, M. Levent; Kao, David T.; and Ormsbee, Lindell E., "Impact Assessment of Coal Slurry Pipelines on Water Resources Utilization and Allocation" (1984). KWRRI Research Reports. 51.