KWRRI Research Reports
The investgations, developments and guidelines for several hydrologic modeling strategies are presented. Investigations were conducted to determine appropriate event curve numbers for surface mined disturbed watersheds; and performance of four synthetic unit hydrograph models (SCS curvilinear, SCS single triangle, Williams and TVA double triangle) on 38 USDA experimental watersheds in 14 physiographic provinces using in excess of 270 events. A second test using only the SCS curvilinear unit hydrograph on 11 small watersheds and 48 events was conducted to investigate the excess rainfall pattern simulated with the curve number model. A procedure for developing a unit hydrograph using the time area method and a two parameter gamma distribution is presented for ungaged watersheds or watersheds undergoing land use changes. The development of a coupled explicit finite difference Green and Ampt infiltration-implicit finite element kinematic wave model is presented. The deterministic overland flow model includes a variable width which is essential for the accurate modeling of the watershed geometry. Both impervious and pervious watershed simulations are presented for the deterministic overland flow model.
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Funding Information
The work upon which this report is based was supported in part by funds provided by the United States Department of the Interior, Washington, D.C., as authorized by the Water Research and Development Act of 1978. Public Law 95-467.
Repository Citation
Meadows, Michael E. and Blandford, George E., "Improved Methods and Guidelines for Modeling Stormwater Runoff from Surface Coal Mined Lands" (1983). KWRRI Research Reports. 56.
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Geography Commons, Hydrology Commons, Natural Resources Management and Policy Commons, Sedimentology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Statistical Models Commons