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Thomas Hoffmann
Andree Jacobs


Certain minimum densities should be targeted when storing silage in bunker silos. Often the minimum density is not reached. As a result, high losses can occur. This study aims to develop a measuring device for online density measurement. The basis of the measuring device is a source of caesium radiation with an activity of 37 MBq and a sodium iodide scintillation detector. The measuring device uses the backscattering method. Source and detector are arranged in a measuring wheel, which is connected with the tractor via the rear three-point linkage. Both, the current density as well as the density increase in the case of several crossings could be seen clearly.




Using a Radiometric Method to Determine the Silage Density in Bunker Silos

Certain minimum densities should be targeted when storing silage in bunker silos. Often the minimum density is not reached. As a result, high losses can occur. This study aims to develop a measuring device for online density measurement. The basis of the measuring device is a source of caesium radiation with an activity of 37 MBq and a sodium iodide scintillation detector. The measuring device uses the backscattering method. Source and detector are arranged in a measuring wheel, which is connected with the tractor via the rear three-point linkage. Both, the current density as well as the density increase in the case of several crossings could be seen clearly.