Alfalfa Seeding Patterns and Their Relations with Vegetative and Reproductive Development R B. Medeiros, UFRGS |
Potential Seed Yield of Sterile F1 and 3-Way Crosses on Forage Sorghum-Sudan Hybrid in Egypt M S. Radwan, Cairo University |
Improvement of Forage and Seed Yields in Orchardgrass in Western Canada Joanna Fraser, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
S Kozlowski, Agricultural University, Wojska Polskiego |
L Ferrari, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora |
Seed Quality of Five Native Grasses of the Humid Argentine Pampa Prairie: Germination Conditions L Ferrari, Universidad Nacional de Lomas de Zamora |
Seed Yield of Three Tall Fescue Cultivars as Affected by Endophyte Infection T D. Phillips, University of Kentucky |
B Radenovic, SEME |
Utilization of Regrowth for Forage in Seed Stands of Meadow Fescue (Festuca pratensis Huds.) Lars T. Havstad, The Norwegian Crop Research Institute |
Precrop Effects of Grass Seed Stands on the Yield of Succeeding Crops W Schöberlein, Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg |
Differentiation of Festuca pratensis Varieties and Festulolium Hybrids by Electrophoresis H Hahn, Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg |
Effect of White Clover Defoliation on Seed Production and Maturity Slepetys, Lithuanian University of Agriculture |
Residue Management and Establishment Systems for Annual Ryegrass Seed Production W C. Young III, Oregon State University |
Arthropods, Silvertop, and Grass Seed Yields J J. Soroka, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada Research Centre |
The Effect of Paclobutrazol on Seed Yield Components of Trifolium subterraneum J M. Virgona, NSW Agriculture |
Evaluation of Lolium perenne and Lolium multiflorum Cultivars in Chilean Andisols F R. Demanet, Universidad de La Frontera |
Narrow Rows and Residue Management Increase Seed Yield of Three Turfgrasses B D. Gossen, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada |
Alfalfa Seed Production Under Marginal Environmental Conditions S R. Smith Jr, University of Manitoba |
Management Requirements for Dryland Creeping Bentgrass Seed Production D J. Cattani, University of Manitoba |
Proximate Composition of Mature Seeds from Soybean Plants Grown in Different Environments T M. Kuo, Oil Chemical Research |
Post-Harvest Residue Management for Fine Fescue Seed Crops in Oregon T G. Chastain, Oregon State University |
Effect of Seed Storage on Integrity of Grass Germplasm G Zurek, Plant Breeding & Acclimatization Institute, Botanical Garden, 85-687 Bydgoszcz, Poland |