disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory- University of Kentucky Libraries | Social Theory | University of Kentucky


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Editor Title

disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory is an annual thematic publication dedicated to investigating and stimulating interest in new directions in contemporary social theory.

In Fall 2016, disClosure: A Journal of Social Theory became a No-Fee Open Access Journal. This means that the journal is freely available, allows the largely unrestricted use of its content, and does not charge publication fees. Content is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC-BY-NC 4.0), meaning that interested parties are free to share and adapt published work, so long as they give appropriate credit to the author and the journal, indicate what changes were made (if any), and agree to not make commercial use of the work. This license is also retroactively applied to all content previously published by disClosure.

Current Volume: Volume 30 (2022) Queer Theory & Animal Theory



Creating a Power Map: An Interview with Karma Chávez
Karma Chávez, Aylin Castro, Kelly Ferguson, Shawna Irissarri, and Shruthi Parthasarathy


To Be in Conversation: a Queer Theory Roundtable
Charlie Yi Zhang, Elizabeth W. Williams, Jack Gieseking, Rusty Barrett, Lee Mandelo, and Ivy Monroe


Translating Across Difference: Affect, Animal Studies, and Anthropology
Radhika Govindrajan, Qingfei Zhang, and Morgan Keith Stewart


Relations, Ethics, and Storytelling: On Ecology without Culture
Christine Marran, Lee Mandelo, and Abby Rudolph


Studying Other Species: Understanding the Webs of Living
Kathryn Gillespie, Aylin Castro, Jed DeBruin, and Kelly Ferguson


Whose Ethics?: Thinking Multispecies Relationships Through the Pandemic Classroom
Dierdra Reber, Erin Koch, Aylin Castro, Jed DeBruin, Kelly Ferguson, and Jacob Saindon


Animals: The Ultimate Radical
Doug Slaymaker, Tony Stallins, Aylin Castro, Jed DeBruin, Kelly Ferguson, and Jacob Saindon