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About Social Theory

Social Theory is one of the most significant, fastest growing areas in the humanities and social sciences. We bring together scholars from a multitude of disciplines to consider the social constitution of individuals in contemporary and historical contexts. Social Theory studies such topics as the nature of the political, the structure of agency, cultural and economic processes associated with globalizations, and the constitution of public space and civil society.

The Committee on Social Theory (CST) was formed in 1989 to enable multidisciplinary teaching and research in the theoretical study of social life. At the University of Kentucky, CST is committed to making connections between substantive research in the humanities and social sciences. Currently spanning fourteen departments, five schools, and including some seventy faculty associates, CST offers students and faculty an opportunity to study social theory across disciplinary boundaries.

CST serves to enhance graduate education, faculty research, and campus life. Students participate in a series of forums culminating in a Graduate Certificate in Social Theory. These forums include team-taught graduate seminars, broad based theory courses, an editorial collective and public lectures. Faculty affiliates also participate in a range of activities, from team-teaching and hosting distinguished speakers to discussing works in progress. It is this range of opportunities for dialogue and interdisciplinary engagement that has over the past two decades made CST at UK a model of intellectual community.

CST is sponsored by the College of Arts and Sciences, the Graduate School, and the Office of the Vice President for Research at the University of Kentucky.

For more information about our program, visit the Committee on Social Theory.