Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Agriculture, Food and Environment


Plant and Soil Sciences


Dr. Chad Lee


Relatively little change in national soybean (Glycine max) yield over the previous years have led many farmers to creating management regimes focused on plant stress. Field experiments consisting of two different relative maturity (2.8RM and 4.5 RM) soybean cultivars were established at three locations across Kentucky in 2013 and 2014. Each maturity group received a single application, sequential applications, or a combination of the following treatments: N’N-diformyl urea, lactofen, lambda-cyhalothrin with thiamethoxam, and azoxystrobin with propiconazole. Relative maturity and yield environment*treatment interactions were observed to be significant (p 0≤.05). 4.5 RM soybean cultivars yielded significantly greater (800 kg ha-1) than 2.8 RM cultivars. Compared to the untreated check, no treatment in the yield environment*treatment interaction significantly increased yield. Significant yield decrease varied across yield environment, but was observed for treatments containing a combination of lactofen and N’N-diformyl urea. Application of stress management practices was not a consistent approach to improving soybean yield.
