Author ORCID Identifier

Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)


Agriculture, Food and Environment


Plant and Soil Sciences


Dr. Timothy Dale Phillips


The many benefits of utilizing teff (Eragrostis tef) as small grain is well documented in journal publications. Over time the domestication of this species has become essential to the diets of the local population and the livestock living in the African highlands. Current research points to a high diversity of trait characteristics found in many teff populations and the potential utilization of these traits to increase desirable characteristics in both grain and forage varieties. With the overarching goal of adding to what is already known about teff, this study evaluates the different traits that are of interest to local and international markets, compares improved varieties to the current US based germplasm collection in a field study, and evaluates differences in reported nutrient classes using a meta-analysis. The results of this study show that increased popularity of teff on the global market, may impact food security if resilient varieties and sustainable practices are not utilized. The high diversity of traits found in the germplasm collection have the potential to increase desirable forage traits in future breeding lines. The development of reduced logging varieties may increase the grain harvest for small hold farmers. The meta-analysis shows that although white seed color might be preferred, the nutrients found in the darker colored seed are more diverse in profile.

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

Funding Information

Funds awarded to Dr. Tim Phillips

Funder- Department of Plant and Soil Sciences

Funding years- 2020-2021
