
The Grand Challenges in Assessment Project (https://assessment.charlotte.edu/excellence-assessment/grand-challenges-assessment-project) is a national, collaborative effort to create national strategic plans to address pressing challenges facing assessment in higher education. Endorsed by key higher education assessment organizations including the Association for the Assessment of Learning in Higher Education (AALHE), the American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U), and the National Institute for Learning Outcomes Assessment (NILOA), as well as the Assessment Institute, assessment practitioners and community members across higher education participated in the identification of three grand challenges facing assessment in academia: (1) using assessment findings to increase equity, (2) using assessment findings to direct immediate pedagogical improvements, and (3) producing visible and actionable assessment findings that drive innovation and improvement. These goals are shared by library assessment professionals, and a small number of librarians are included on the project committees. This poster seeks to share the goals, work, and outcomes of the Grand Challenges project with the assessment community and highlight the contributions librarians are making—as well as the broader benefits library assessment practitioners may gain—from this undertaking.

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