
This comprehensive review illuminates the current state of scholarly literature on trans and gender diverse inclusion in libraries, with the intention to provide a foundation and identify gaps for further research. Covering 50 works published between 2002 and 2023 in the areas of general inclusion, public libraries, academic libraries, experiences of library workers, archives, information behavior, and cataloging, we found that, with the exception of works on archives and cataloging, little scholarly literature goes beyond introductory talking points on basic information about trans and gender diverse people. We conclude with a call for much more in-depth research on this essential topic.

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Notes/Citation Information

Adolpho, K. & Krueger, S. (2024, April 24). "Decistifying trans and gender diverse inclusion in library work: A literature review." In the Library with the Lead Pipe. Available at: https://www.inthelibrarywiththeleadpipe.org/2024/decistifying/
