Blog Posts from 2021
The Conundrum of Racial Epithet Frequency in Employment Discrimination Cases, Taylor Ecleberry
A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: June Medical and the Uncertain Future of Abortion Rights, April Ford
Unlocking Our Public Lands, Elizabeth Goss
The Astros Cheated: Calling for the Recognition of a New Flavor of Judicial Standing Following the 2019 World Series, Brady Grove
A Call to “Detach” from the Strict Interpretation of the Duberstein Standard, Harlee Havens
Strange Clouds: A Discussion of the Recent EVALI Outbreak and the FDA’s Approach to Regulating the Vaping Industry, Weslen Lakins
The Equal Rights Amendment: No Expiration Date to Put Women in the Constitution, Jessica Lewis
NIL’s Not-So-Sleeping Giant: Will Barstool’s Reign be Stopped Before it Begins?, Cole Manion
Tag, You’re Seized: The Supreme Court Defines 'Seizure'—Now What?, Andrew Moore
EA Sports: It's in the Game–But is it in the Law?, Olivia Morton
Toxic: The Difficulties of Removing a Conservator, Emily Penn
Advice to SCOTUS: Disallow Consideration of Conduct Underlying Acquitted Charges at Sentencing, Sanders Platt
Apocalypse Coal: Why it May Be Necessary to Amend Title IV of the SMCRA, Mitchell Potter
Breyer Rabbit: The Apolitical Justice and the Refusal to Hop Toward Factionalism, Jackson Sanders
Game On: GameStop, Market Manipulation, and Its Implications, Travis Strickler
New Influencers on the Block: The NIL and High School Athletes, Andrew Tao
Playing the Field: Organizational Conflicts of Interest in Federal Procurement Contracts, Michaela Taylor
One Virus, Two Results: Contrasting the Judicial Response to COVID-19 in Michigan and Kentucky, Samuel Weaver
Sword or Shield? Religious Hospitals, Secular Practitioners, and Expansion of the Ministerial Exception, Joshua Wolford
Blog Posts from 2020
Casting Lumos on Protections for Defendants in the Wizarding World, Erica Ashton
Tale of the Tape: the NFL’s Copyright Claim to the Only Known Super Bowl I Recording, Cameron Baskett
A Never Ending Debt to Society: Florida Voters' Attempt to Re-Enfranchise Felons, Derailed, Molly Crain
What is Executive Privilege? Can Trump Invoke it to Block Bolton’s Testimony?, Satchell Fowler
A Different Battle Over the Border: Concerns Over New DNA Collection Program, Kami Griffith
Supreme Court Denies Cert, Allows State Double Taxation on Foreign Income, Ellen Hancock
Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's Career Long Fight for Gender Equality, Brannan Herrington
Kentucky Business Closures Help “Flatten the Curve,” But Are They Constitutional?, Robert Hudson
Federal Judge Reverses Course on LIBERTAD Act Claim, Aaron Johnson
From 1973 to Today: The Risks of Funding Public Education by the Property Tax, Morgan King
Holla, “We Want Prenup!” . . . But Preferably If It Is Before December 31, 2018, Noah Lewis
Recount: A Tale of Kentucky's Gubernatorial Election, Zac Losey
The Legalities of Leap Day: A Survey of Modern and Historical Jurisprudence, Sean Meloney
The Dark Side of “Going Viral”: Can You Still Sue for Defamation, Hannah Oates
Keeping Up With Copyright Infringement: Fast Fashion’s Modern Takeover, Catherine Potter
Kentucky Must Pony Up to the 21st Century: The Path Towards Sports Betting in the Bluegrass State is Worth the Gamble, Michael Simon
Chapter 11 Bankruptcy: The Get Out of Jail Free Card for Big Pharma That May Not Work, Scarlett Sloane
Sanctity in the Sanctuaries (?): Legal Implications of “Second Amendment Sanctuary” Resolutions in Kentucky, Austin Sprinkles
To Defend or Not to Defend: Commercial General Liability (CGL) Insurers at the Center of Opioid Litigation, Clay Thornton
Google v. Oracle: Issues & Analysis, Adam Weiland
A Stranger to the Action: Third Party Litigation Financing, Lili Williams
Restorative Justice: Unique Challenges for Rural Communities, Seth Woods
Blog Posts from 2019
Is the Second Time the Charm? The Ongoing Medicaid Battle in Kentucky, Megan B. Barker
FERC’s Role in Bankruptcy, Barrett Block
Happy Halloween: A Litigation Nightmare?, Madeline S. Cain
Blood is Thicker than Water: Adapting Bloodline Citizenship to the Modern Age, H. S. Collier Clay
Taggart: an (Old) New Standard for Civil Contempt in Bankruptcy Court, B. Gammon Fain
You can Bet on It, Christian Farmer
Shauna’s Law: Will It Be the First of Its Kind?, Alicia Gilbert
Workin’ for a Livin’: The Blurred Line Between Employees and Independent Contractors Has Taken Another Hit in the World of Ride-Sharing, Kyle A. Girouard
Not All Fun and Logic Games: The LSAT’s Attempt to Ensure Inclusivity through Reformation, Paige Goins
A Set-Back for Adidas in Trademark Expansion, John Brady Hagen
Hallelujah! We Have Waited 30 Years for Stark and AKS Reform. Sadly, it Still Is Not Enough, Brenton Hill
When Immigrants are Safe, We are All Safe, Marianna C. Januario
Marsy’s Law: It Persuaded Voters, But Will It Persuade the Kentucky Supreme Court?, Ameena R. Khan
The Healthcare Industry Wants to Know What Amazon, Berkshire, and JPMorgan Are Up To: Could Optum Inc. v. Smith Provide Answers?, William B. Kilgore
Kentucky’s New Presumption For Joint Custody and Equal Parenting Time Kentucky’s New Presumption For Joint Custody and Equal Parenting Time, Amanda K. Krugler
The Curious Case of Singular They, Sarah Laytham
Turning the Tide: Big Pharma Willing to Settle, Allie McNamara
Is Texas v. United States “Great News for America” or Yet Another Procedural Skirmish in the Battle for “Obamacare?”, Aaron Wallace Meek
Making an ImPACT: Congressmen Work to Revamp Decade Old Federal Animal Rights Legislation to Offer New Protections, Mary Elizabeth Morey
California Shaking Up the Gig Economy: Should Uber and Lyft be Worried?, Cameron F. Myers
Saving the Earth One Suit at a Time: Juliana and Atmospheric Trust Litigation, Lesley Nash
Kaestner: Applying a Minimum Connections Test to State Taxation of Trusts, J. Conner Niceley
#MeToo and Minarsky: The Evolution of the Faragher-Ellerth Affirmative Defense, S. Patrick Riley
Apple, Angry Birds, and Antitrust: The Direct Purchasing Requirement’s Survival, Jacob Sherman
“Finder’s Keepers” OR “Theft by Finding”, Dalton Stanley
A Whole New Kind of Ghostwriting, Austin Stevenson
Knick v. Township of Scott: “Taking” Away the Williamson County Doctrine, R. Austin Stevenson
State Tax Law and the New Economy: a KLJ Symposium Topic Covered by Adam Thimmesch, Brittany Warford
Blog Posts from 2018
Kentucky Supreme Court: Determining the Constitutionality of GOP-crafted Pension Bill, Summer R. Bablitz
Unlike the Nosy Neighbor: Digital Privacy in the Modern Age, Drew M. Baldwin
Transgender Service Members & Decision Making Deference to the United States Military, Annie R. Barry
Medical Review Panels: Solving the Malpractice Crisis or Blocking the Courthouse Doors?, Emily J. Bertram
Don’t Hate the Players (Nor the Haters), Hate the Game: A “Swift” Dismissal in Copyright Law and the Banalities of Lyricism, Mark Edward Blankenship Jr.
Prince & the Revolution of Transformative Use: Observing “New Portraits” Alongside the Potential Specter of Appropriation Art’s Past, Mark Edward Blankenship Jr.
Bagging the Public Domain: Trade Dress in Steven Madden, Ltd. v. Jasmin Larian, LLC, Barrett Block
Kentucky Legislature Needs to Get Ahead of Juvenile Solitary Confinement, Patrick Brennan
The Role of Businesses in Reducing Recidivism in Ex-Offenders, Kelsey Bryant
Conspiracy: What Does “Knowingly” Mean?, Jamila Malaika Carter
Kentucky Criminal Justice Reform Amidst the Opioid Epidemic, Chelise L. Conn Greer
Sales Tax in a Brave New World: A Brief Look at South Dakota v. Wayfair, Inc., Bethany Davenport
Victims of Progress: The Tort Liability and Economic Ramifications of Autonomous Vehicles, Nicholas J. Davis
Protect the Jury or Eliminate Racial Bias? How to Proceed After Peña-Rodriguez, Spencer Eastwood
Identifying Proceeds with Blockchain: A Solution to the UCC § 9-315(a) Problem of Proof, Brittany J. Foster
Federal Tax Reform: Burgeoning The Bottom Line for the Bourbon Industry, William T. Gilbert
Public Safety, Panhandling, and Protecting Free Speech, Julie J. Greenlee
Black Lung on the Rise: A Call for Greater Protection of Miners, Tyler E. Greer
The Benefits of Arbitration with Entities in Financial and Political Distress: ConocoPhillips and Venezuela, J. Brady Hagan
As Justice Should be Blind, So Should We: Analyzing the Federal Judicial Center’s Reports on Cameras in the Courtroom and an Argument in Favor of Keeping Cameras Out of the Supreme Court, Justin Austin Hatfield
Opioid Litigation: Can We Put a Price on Addiction?, Alexandra N. Henning
To Kneel or Not to Kneel: A Balancing Act of First Amendment Rights, Chynna Breann Hibbitts
An Endless Appeal: What Were Ezekiel Elliott and the National Football League Fighting About Anyway?, Michael E. Hooper Jr.
DACA in 2018: Renewals Continue, but the Legality of the Program is Still up in the Air, Marianna C. Januario
Improving Landlord-Tenant Relations in Kentucky Through the URLA, Micah Johnson
Congratulations to Volume 107 Staff!, Kentucky Law Journal
The Seventh Circuit: Expanding Protections for LGBT Individuals in Title VII and Title IX Discrimination Cases, Akesha Kirkpatrick