The Kentucky Transportation Center has published many reports addressing a variety of transportation issues and problems. Research reports describe the methodology and results for KTC research projects.

Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report has different titles over the years:

  • Highway Materials Research Laboratory Research Report: 1939-1966
  • Kentucky Department of Highways Research Report: 1967-1975
  • Kentucky Department of Transportation Research Report: 1976-1980
  • Kentucky Transportation Research Program Research Report: 1981-1988
  • Kentucky Transportation Center Research Report: 1988 to present


Submissions from 1964


Experimental Feature, Construction Project F 160(10), U.S. 127, Mercer County, Experimental Guardrail Installations and Performance Studies, James H. Havens
No. 221


Manufactured (Crushed), Limestone, Fine Aggregate for Portland Cement Concrete, James H. Havens
No. 219


Proposed Special Specification for Manufactured (Crushed) Limestone, Fine Aggregate for Use in Portland Cement Concrete, James H. Havens
No. 167


Use of Kentucky Rock Asphalt for De-slicking Purposes, James H. Havens
No. 220


Kentucky Highway Research Program, James H. Havens and Robert C. Deen
No. 207


Inspection of Salt-Treated Granular Bases, Multiple Seals, District 8, James H. Havens and Robert L. Florence
No. 218


Performance of Initial Treatments, Constructed During 1963, James H. Havens and Robert L. Florence
No. 216


Final Construction and Interim Performance Report: Experimental Use of Thermoplastic Pavement-Striping Materials, James H. Havens and John W. Scott
No. 210


A Laboratory Investigation of the Properties of Coal-Bitumen Paving Mixtures, Gary Grant Howard
No. 213


Fourth Annual Performance Survey of Reinforced Concrete Pipe Culverts, Ronald D. Hughes
No. 208


Use of Preformed, Compressed, Neoprene Seals in Joints of Concrete Bridge Decks, Ronald D. Hughes
No. 221a

Use of Preformed, Compressed, Neoprene Seals in Joints of Concrete Bridge Decks, Ronald D. Hughes
No. 221a


Annual Report Fiscal Year 1963-64, Kentucky Highway Materials Research Laboratory
No. 206


Kentucky Rock Asphalt, Traffic-Bound Bases, George R. Laughlin
No. 215


A Rheological Investigation of Asphaltic Materials, W. A. Mossbarger Jr.
No. 214


A Study of the Effects of Quick Freezing on Saturated Fragments of Rocks, John W. Scott and George R. Laughlin
No. 211

Submissions from 1963


Status Report on Landslide Area on I-75, Covington, Kentucky [August 1963], Robert C. Deen
No. 196


Status Report on Landslide Area on I-75, Covington, Kentucky [May 1963], Robert C. Deen
No. 195


Some Effects of Fabrication Practices on the Strength Characteristics of Reinforced Concrete Culvert Pipe, Robert C. Deen and James H. Havens
No. 198


Interim Report on Rural Secondary, Base Stabilization Projects, Robert C. Deen and J. D. Shackelford
No. 201


Inspection-Performance Report; Plant-Mix, Initial Treatment; Morgantown-Woodbury Road, Butler County, Robert L. Florence
No. 203


Slurry Seal Maintenance and Test Applications of 1962, Robert L. Florence
No. 202


Experimental use of Thermo-Plastic Pavement-Striping Materials, James H. Havens
No. 204


Fundamental Principles in Paint Technology, James H. Havens
No. 205a

Fundamental Principles in Paint Technology, James H. Havens
No. 205a