College of Law Class of 1931

Class Year
Kenton Malone Prichard, L.L.B.
Lexington, Kentucky
Kappa Sigma, Phi Alpha Delta
-The Kentuckian, 1931
Kenton Malone Prichard (March 13, 1905 - August 20, 1967) was born in Grayson, Kentucky to Kenton Prichard and Elizabeth Malone. Prichard graduated from the University of Michigan in 1926 before receiving his LL.B. from the University of Kentucky in 1931. Prichard also studied law at Columbia University in the 1920s. He served as an attorney for the Federal Trade Commission in Chicago. He later moved to Houston, Texas where he was employed as associate general counsel for the Schlumberger Well Servicing Corporation. Prichard married Katherine Lucille Conyers in 1928.