College of Law Class of 1931




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Class Year



Alfred Andrews Naff, L.L.B.

Lexington, Kentucky

Sigma Beta Xi, Debating Team, Oratorical Representative, Liberal Club, Henry Clay Law Society (Vice President)

-The Kentuckian, 1931

Alfred Andrews Naff (July 1, 1909 - December 19, 1992) was born in Lexington, Kentucky to James Naff and Lucille Clay Smith. Naff practiced law in Lexington and in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. He served in as a representative in the Kentucky General Assembly for the 76th District for a single term, beginning in 1938. He spent several years as an enforcement attorney for the United States Office of Price Administration and was promoted to regional board enforcement coordinator for the southeast in 1945. Naff moved to Hopkinsville in 1949 and served as the director and attorney for the Fort Campbell Rent Control Area. He was elected mayor of Hopkinsville twice in 1965 and 1969. He resigned from this position to serve on Kentucky's Workmen's Compensation Board. After three years of serving in the position, Naff served three years as an attorney for the United States Department of Labor. He was elected as a district judge for Christian Count in 1978 until he was then elected as a circuit judge in 1981. Naff married Janice Harris in 1943.
