College of Law Class of 1924




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Class Year



Holly Witherspoon Fluty, LL.B.

Winchester, Kentucky

O Dignity, thy name is Fluty! A product of Winchester and a disciple of Judge Shackleford. His greatest accomplishment is a dignity of bearing similar to that of “your honorable, the judge.”

-The Kentuckian, 1924

Holly Witherspoon Fluty (November 8,1902 - March 14, 1967) was born in Winchester, Kentucky to William Anderson Fluty and Mary Eliza Engle. After graduating from the University of Kentucky, Fluty moved to Baltimore, Maryland to work for the legal department of the Maryland Casualty Company. Fluty later worked for the Aetna Insurance Company in Hartford, Connecticut for twenty years. He also served as vice-president and general counsel of General Reinsurance Company in New York City. Fluty married Margaret DeLaney in 1928.
