StateMap 2020-2021: New Surficial Geologic Mapping along the I-65 Corridor in Hardin County, Kentucky
This dataset characterizes the types and distributions of surficial geologic materials in the Cecilia, Constantine, Howe Valley, and Sonora 7.5-minute quadrangles. The primary goal for this mapping project was to identify and map the spatial distribution and understand the mechanical and chemical properties of surficial geologic materials in a rapidly developing area of Kentucky. This new dataset will have immediate utility to a range of users in local, state, and Federal agencies that are working on applications that rely on accurate and detailed surficial geologic data for geotechnical planning, evaluation of water resources, and geologic hazard assessment (karst, landslide, radon).
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New Surficial Geologic Mapping along the I-65 Corridor in Bullitt, Hardin, and Nelson Counties, Kentucky
This project presents new surficial geologic mapping that will address immediate societal needs and support new scientific discovery in an area of west-central Kentucky prioritized with the guidance of the Kentucky State Geological Mapping Advisory Committee (KSGMAC). The new mapping presented represents four new 1:24,000-scale (or greater) surficial geologic maps located along the actively developing I-65 corridor south of the Louisville metropolitan area. The study area is also situated in a geologically unique area that will provide an opportunity to examine relationships of surficial deposits to groundwater resources, geologic hazards (radon, sinkholes, and landslides), and Quaternary landscape evolution of the ...Read More
Hydrology Data for Edge of Field Monitoring in a Sinkhole Dominated Karst Landscape, The Homeplace on the Green River
These data are a combination of precipitation quantity, spring flow, spring chemistry, spring and stream field measurement data, and dye trace results for a USDA funded research project at The Homeplace on the Green River in Taylor County, KY.
Kentucky Structural Contours from Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangles
This dataset includes geologic stuctural contours of varying datums across Kentucky in shapefile format. These structural contours are compiled from structural contour layers published as a part of the individual Digitally Vectorized Geologic Quadrangles (DVGQ) datasets (by the Kentucky Geologic Survey: https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/services/pubs/?pubtype=DVGQ&searchtype=pubcategory). The original structural contours were mapped on the 7.5-minute (1:24,000 scale) series geologic maps published during the Kentucky geologic mapping program (Kentucky Geological Survey - U.S. Geological Survey from 1960 to 1989: https://kgs.uky.edu/kygeode/services/pubs/?pubtype=GQ&searchtype=pubcategory). The digital contours were subsequently digitized as a part of the DVGQ datasets during the geologic digital mapping program at KGS (1996 – 2007). Contoured ...Read More