
Corresponding Author

Adam Baus, PhD, MA, MPH

Email: abaus@hsc.wvu.edu

Author Affiliations

Adam Baus, PhD, MA, MPH; West Virginia University School of Public Health - Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Morgantown, WV; West Virginia Alliance for Creative Health Solutions, Inc., Culloden, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-8993-3680

Martha Carter, CNM, DHSc, MBA, APRN, FACNM; West Virginia Alliance for Creative Health Solutions, Inc., Culloden, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-2740-2785

Jennifer Boyd, PA-C; New River Health Association, Scarbro, WV; West Virginia Alliance for Creative Health Solutions, Inc., Culloden, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0003-1757-6965

Erin McMullen; University of Maryland School of Nursing, Baltimore, MD; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9994-5543

Trey Bennett; West Virginia University School of Medicine, Morgantown, WV; West Virginia Alliance for Creative Health Solutions, Inc., Culloden, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-9154-9108

Alexandra Persily, BS; University of Virginia School of Medicine, Charlottesville, VA; West Virginia Alliance for Creative Health Solutions, Inc., Culloden, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0001-7235-5474

Danielle Davidov, PhD; West Virginia University School of Public Health, Department of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Morgantown, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-6754-6724

Christa Lilly, PhD; West Virginia University School of Public Health, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, Morgantown, WV; ORCID iD: 0000-0002-0009-0638

Author Area of Expertise

Adam Baus, PhD, MA, MPH; Expertise in health services research, practice-based research, quality of care improvement, research methods, and quantitative and qualitative data analysis.

Martha Carter, CNM, DHSc, MBA, APRN, FACNM; Expertise in practice-based research, quality of care improvement, and health policy

Jennifer Boyd, PA-C; Expertise in delivering medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder, and practice-based research.

Erin McMullen; Expertise in policy aspects of medication assisted treatment for opioid use disorder

Trey Bennett; Expertise in aspects of patient care.

Alexandra Persily, BS; Expertise in aspects of patient care.

Danielle Davidov, PhD; Expertise in quantitative research methods and data analysis.

Christa Lilly, PhD; Expertise in qualitative research methods and data analysis.


Introduction: Opioid addiction and opioid-related overdoses and deaths are serious public health problems nationally and in West Virginia, in particular. Medication-assisted treatment (MAT) is an effective yet underutilized treatment for opioid use disorder (OUD).

Purpose: Research examining factors that help individuals succeed in MAT has been conducted from provider and program perspectives, but little research has been conducted from the perspective of those in recovery.

Methods: This study, co-developed with individuals in recovery, took place in West Virginia-based MAT programs using an exploratory sequential mixed methods approach. The survey was open February through August 2021. Data were analyzed late 2021 through mid 2022.

Results: Respondents experienced many barriers to MAT entry and retention, including community bias / stigma, lack of affordable programming, and lack of transportation. Respondents sought MAT primarily for personal reasons, such as being tired of being sick, and tired of having to look for drugs every day. As one respondent shared, “I wanted to better my life, to get it under control.”

Implications: Programs and policies should make it easy for individuals to enter treatment when ready, through affordable and accessible treatment options, reduced barriers to medications, focused outreach and education, individualized care, and reduced stigmatization.



Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.

Recommended Citation

Baus AD, Carter M, Boyd J, McMullen E, Bennett T, Persily A, Davidov DM, Lilly C. A better life: factors that help and hinder entry and retention in MAT from the perspective of people in recovery. J Appalach Health 2023;5(1):72–94. DOI: https://doi.org/10.13023/jah.0501.06.
