

Editor-in-Chief: Randy Wykoff, MD, MPH & TM, East Tennessee State University
Senior Associate Editor: Erin Haynes, DrPH, MS, University of Kentucky
Managing Editors: Rachel E. Dixon, MPhil and Emily Wilson, MA
Media & Marketing Coordinator: Bradley Firchow, MD Candidate, University of Kentucky
Research Assistant: Noah Wren, BS

Welcome to the Journal

The Journal of Appalachian Health (“JAH”) is a fully peer-reviewed, open-access journal centered on the health and well-being of people living in the 13-state, 423-county region of Appalachia—and in other resource-limited settings. The Journal is available without charge to authors and readers, who are welcome to use the information within it to improve well-being across the region and in comparable regions across the globe. We work from within the region to publish information by and for the people of Appalachia. The Journal receives generous financial support from the Appalachian Regional Commission.

Founded in 2019, JAH was the culmination of efforts by Doug Scutchfield, Charlotte Seidman, Erin Haynes, Robert Shapiro, and others to create the first peer-reviewed outlet focused specifically on public health issues affecting the people of Appalachia.

Today, the Journal welcomes timely research, media reviews, commentary, and other pieces covering health-impacting topics and practical work to promote well-being in the Appalachian Region (and in comparable regions). JAH encourages submissions from academics, students, and practitioners alike to build a robust and interdisciplinary hub of the latest peer-reviewed research and evidence-based good practice. To begin a submission, please visit our submissions page.

A Gold Open Access (Gold OA) journal, JAH is published under the Creative Commons (CC) Attribution license CC BY 4.0 International, which means that all users are free to copy and distribute the material in any medium or format; and can remix, transform, and build on the material for any purpose. This CC license requires that you provide attribution by giving appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if any changes have been made.

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Interested in serving as a reviewer for the Journal? If so, please send a message with your name, institutional affiliation, qualifications (e.g., degree, current job title), and areas of interest to our Managing Editor, Rachel Dixon, at .

Current Issue: Volume 6, Issue 1/2 (2024)


Research Articles


Treatment at an Academic Medical Center Eliminates Survival Disparities for Appalachian Kentuckians with Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma
Emily Cassim, Hannah McDonald, Megan Harper, Quan Chen, Miranda Lin, Reema Patel, Michael Cavnar, Prakash Pandalai, Bin Huang, Pamela C. Hull, Joseph Kim, and Erin Burke


Maternal Age and Inadequate Prenatal Care in West Virginia: A Project WATCH Study
Madelin Gardner, Amna Umer, Brian Hendricks, Toni Marie Rudisill, Candice Lefeber, Collin John, and Christa Lilly


Ensuring Equitable Application of Interventions to Vulnerable Subpopulations in the Kentucky Consortium for Accountable Health Communities (KC-AHC)
Jing Li, Jessica M. Clouser, Akosua Adu, Aiko Weverka, Nikita Vundi, Terry D. Stratton, and Mark V. Williams


Community-level Factors and their Associations with Changing Opioid Overdose Fatality Rates in Kentucky, 2019–2021
Shawn R. Nigam, Philip M. Westgate, Svetla Slavova, Rachel Vickers-Smith, and Katherine L. Thompson


Disasters and Impacts in Appalachian Kentucky: A Behavioral Health Analysis
Walter David Mathews PhD, Joseph M. Clark, and Amy S. Potts

Notes from the Field


Community Needs Assessment Collaboration Following the July 2022 Flooding in Eastern Kentucky
Melissa Slone DSW; Frances Feltner DNP; William M. Baker RN; Anthony S. Lockard MSW, CSW; and Angela Raleigh RD