Two systems of grass farming were compared in an eight-year experiment in West Virginia, USA. The grassland consisted primarily of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerara L.), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and red (Trifolium pretense L.) and white clover (T. repens L.). The objective was to compare two systems of beef cow calf production. The experiment was a randomized complete block with two replicated treatments. The grassland of treatment 1 (system 1) was overseeded with legumes, grazing started 1 wk earlier and continued 1 wk later than treatment 2 (system 2) and calves were allowed to forward creep graze. The hay land of treatment 2 received 56 kg N ha-1, at the start of the growing season. Response was measured as calf weaning weight, hay production, and pre-grazing herbage accumulation. Each treatment/replicate (experimental unit) was assigned 6.5 ha divided into three grassland managements units: pasture, buffer and meadow. Pasture was grazed and not cut for hay. First growth of buffer and meadow was harvested as hay. Subsequently, buffer was grazed, meadow was again harvested, followed by late season grazing. Management units were divided into four paddocks. Animals occupied a paddock for 7 days resulting in 4-week grazing cycles from May to mid-November. Eight cow/calf pairs grazed each treatment/replicate (stocking rate 1.23 cow calves ha-1 ). Calves, born in March, were weaned in late September. System 1 calves gained 1.18 kg dy-1 (P < 0.04 SE=0.01) compared with those on System 2 which gained 1.14 kg dy-1. Annual hay production on System 2 was 5784 kg ha-1, significantly more than on System 1 (P < 0.01 SE=107). However, in System 1 extending the grazing season reduced the amount of hay required annually by 1680 kg ha-1. System 1 hay had a greater proportion of legume (9 vs. 3%, P < 0.01 SE=0.5) and a lesser proportion of grass (75 vs. 85%, P < 0.01 SE=0.7) than those of system 2.
Bryan, W. B.; Padrino, Mata; Felton, E.; Prigge, E. C.; Temu, V. W.; and Gekara, O. J., "Comparison of Two Low-Input Cow/Calf Production Systems on Temperate Grassland" (2024). IGC Proceedings (1989-2023). 145.
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Agricultural Science Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Plant Biology Commons, Plant Pathology Commons, Soil Science Commons, Weed Science Commons
Comparison of Two Low-Input Cow/Calf Production Systems on Temperate Grassland
Two systems of grass farming were compared in an eight-year experiment in West Virginia, USA. The grassland consisted primarily of cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerara L.), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis L.), tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.), and red (Trifolium pretense L.) and white clover (T. repens L.). The objective was to compare two systems of beef cow calf production. The experiment was a randomized complete block with two replicated treatments. The grassland of treatment 1 (system 1) was overseeded with legumes, grazing started 1 wk earlier and continued 1 wk later than treatment 2 (system 2) and calves were allowed to forward creep graze. The hay land of treatment 2 received 56 kg N ha-1, at the start of the growing season. Response was measured as calf weaning weight, hay production, and pre-grazing herbage accumulation. Each treatment/replicate (experimental unit) was assigned 6.5 ha divided into three grassland managements units: pasture, buffer and meadow. Pasture was grazed and not cut for hay. First growth of buffer and meadow was harvested as hay. Subsequently, buffer was grazed, meadow was again harvested, followed by late season grazing. Management units were divided into four paddocks. Animals occupied a paddock for 7 days resulting in 4-week grazing cycles from May to mid-November. Eight cow/calf pairs grazed each treatment/replicate (stocking rate 1.23 cow calves ha-1 ). Calves, born in March, were weaned in late September. System 1 calves gained 1.18 kg dy-1 (P < 0.04 SE=0.01) compared with those on System 2 which gained 1.14 kg dy-1. Annual hay production on System 2 was 5784 kg ha-1, significantly more than on System 1 (P < 0.01 SE=107). However, in System 1 extending the grazing season reduced the amount of hay required annually by 1680 kg ha-1. System 1 hay had a greater proportion of legume (9 vs. 3%, P < 0.01 SE=0.5) and a lesser proportion of grass (75 vs. 85%, P < 0.01 SE=0.7) than those of system 2.