Theme 1-2: Rangeland/Grassland Ecology--Poster Sessions
Biodiversity conservation from heavy grazing impacts, through the creation of national parks, is usually considered to sustain higher ecosystem resilience and to protect the natural plant cover as well as the threatened species. The study was carried out in Bou Hedma national park, a biosphere reserve containing the unique Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan steppe with trees in Tunisia. Several functional traits of seven (7) rare and threatened plant species are used to highlight their adaptive strategies in order to understand the evolution of plant communities and the overall ecosystems functioning inside the park. Such results may provide many environmental benefits and maintain the flora biodiversity under harsh dryland conditions.
Msadek, Jamila and Tarhouni, Mohamed, "Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Threatened Plant Species Belonging to the Unique Steppe with Trees in Tunisian Drylands" (2022). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 39.
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Biodiversity Assessment and Conservation of Threatened Plant Species Belonging to the Unique Steppe with Trees in Tunisian Drylands
Biodiversity conservation from heavy grazing impacts, through the creation of national parks, is usually considered to sustain higher ecosystem resilience and to protect the natural plant cover as well as the threatened species. The study was carried out in Bou Hedma national park, a biosphere reserve containing the unique Acacia tortilis (Forssk.) Hayne subsp. raddiana (Savi) Brenan steppe with trees in Tunisia. Several functional traits of seven (7) rare and threatened plant species are used to highlight their adaptive strategies in order to understand the evolution of plant communities and the overall ecosystems functioning inside the park. Such results may provide many environmental benefits and maintain the flora biodiversity under harsh dryland conditions.