XXIV IGC and XI IRC (2021) Kenya
The XXIV International Grassland Congress / XI International Rangeland Congress (Sustainable Use of Grassland and Rangeland Resources for Improved Livelihoods) takes place virtually from October 25 through October 29, 2021.
Proceedings edited by the National Organizing Committee of 2021 IGC/IRC Congress
Published by the Kenya Agricultural and Livestock Research Organization
Browse the contents of XXIV IGC and XI IRC (2021) Kenya:
- Plenary, Keynote, and Summary Papers
- Theme 1-1: Rangeland/Grassland Ecology--Oral Sessions
- Theme 1-2: Rangeland/Grassland Ecology--Poster Sessions
- Theme 2-1: Forage Production and Utilization--Oral Sessions
- Theme 2-2: Forage Production and Utilization--Poster Sessions
- Theme 2-3: Forage Production and Utilization--Poster Sessions
- Theme 3-1: Livestock Production Systems--Oral Sessions
- Theme 3-2: Livestock Production Systems--Poster Sessions
- Theme 4-1: Wildlife, Tourism and Multi-Facets of Rangelands/Grasslands--Oral Sessions
- Theme 4-2: Wildlife, Tourism and Multi-Facets of Rangelands/Grasslands--Poster Sessions
- Theme 5-1: Drought Management and Climate Change--Oral Sessions
- Theme 5-2: Drought Management and Climate Change--Poster Sessions
- Theme 6-1: Pastoralism, Social, Gender and Policy Issues--Oral Sessions
- Theme 6-2: Pastoralism, Social, Gender and Policy Issues--Poster Sessions
- Theme 7-1: Capacity, Institutions and Innovations for Sustainable Development--Oral Sessions
- Theme 7-2: Capacity, Institutions and Innovations for Sustainable Development--Poster Sessions