Track 4-1-1: Plant Genetic Resources, Collection, Conversation, Evaluation and IPR Issues
Forage crops and grasses are important in arid region of Rajasthan state of India because most of the area is rainfed. Main occupation of the farmers in the area is animal husbandry. Important green fodder crops of this region are, viz. pearl millet, cowpea, cluster bean and sorghum in Kharif season and oats, lucerne and barley (dual purpose) during Rabi season. Three perennial fodder grasses, viz. Lasiurus sindicus, Cenchrus ciliaris and Cenchrus setigerus are important in the region. Guinea grass and bajra x napier hybrid can also be cultivated where sufficient water is available throughout the year from canal irrigation or tube wells.
Shekhawat, Surendra Singh, "Genetic Improvement and Conservation of Range and Forage Species of Arid Region of Rajasthan State of India: Achievements and Challenges" (2020). IGC Proceedings (1993-2023). 3.
Included in
Genetic Improvement and Conservation of Range and Forage Species of Arid Region of Rajasthan State of India: Achievements and Challenges
Forage crops and grasses are important in arid region of Rajasthan state of India because most of the area is rainfed. Main occupation of the farmers in the area is animal husbandry. Important green fodder crops of this region are, viz. pearl millet, cowpea, cluster bean and sorghum in Kharif season and oats, lucerne and barley (dual purpose) during Rabi season. Three perennial fodder grasses, viz. Lasiurus sindicus, Cenchrus ciliaris and Cenchrus setigerus are important in the region. Guinea grass and bajra x napier hybrid can also be cultivated where sufficient water is available throughout the year from canal irrigation or tube wells.