Satellite Symposium 2: Silage


The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined.



Parameters of Ensiled Maize With Biological and Chemical Additives

The amount of maize grown in Poland has increased rapidly. Nowadays it takes about 600,000 ha, 40% of which is used as silage. Changing climate in Poland, with dry summer followed by wet autumn with ground frost causes extensive moulds contamination and high presence of the fusarium toxins in the maize during the harvest. The norms accepted in the EU concerning the acceptable level of deoxynivalenol (DON) and zearalenol (ZON) in feedstuffs for cattle require detailed examination of this problem as it decides on the health quality and production results. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of ensiling forage maize with microbiological additive and chemical preservative on the DON and ZON amount. The effects of the secondary fermentation after the silos were open (stability evaluation) were also examined.