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The objective of this study was to analyse the type of interference that occurred between the annual legume species, purple clover (Trifolium purpureum L.) and narrow leaved crimson clover (Trifolium angustifolium Loisel. ), growing in mixed conditions under two different watering regimes and two different clipping treatments. A replacement series experiment was conducted in pots placed in the field. The above ground biomass (gr/plant) were measured. The recently proposed Inverse Linear Model was implied in order to analyse the competitive interaction between the above species. The results suggest that Tr. purpureum was the superior competitor to Tr. angustifolium and a remarkable niche differentiation was occurred after the clipping treatment.



The Analysis of Dynamic Interaction in Legume Binary Mixture Under Controlled Conditions of Irrigation and Clipping

The objective of this study was to analyse the type of interference that occurred between the annual legume species, purple clover (Trifolium purpureum L.) and narrow leaved crimson clover (Trifolium angustifolium Loisel. ), growing in mixed conditions under two different watering regimes and two different clipping treatments. A replacement series experiment was conducted in pots placed in the field. The above ground biomass (gr/plant) were measured. The recently proposed Inverse Linear Model was implied in order to analyse the competitive interaction between the above species. The results suggest that Tr. purpureum was the superior competitor to Tr. angustifolium and a remarkable niche differentiation was occurred after the clipping treatment.