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Farmers' Screening of Indigenous Fodder Trees and Shrubs in Kenya

R L. Roothaert, KARI/KEFRI/ICRAF, Kenya
H K. Arimi, MoLD, Kenya
E N. Kamau, MoENR, Kenya

Long-Term Impact of Leucaena-Based Grazing Systems on Soil Acidity

A D. Noble, Davies Laboratory, QLD Australia
R J. Jones, Davies Laboratory, QLD Australia

The Effects of Tree Density on Pasture Production Under Acacia Melanoxylon

B S. Thorrold, Whatawhata Research Centre, NZ
I L. Power, Whatawhata Research Centre, NZ
M B. Dodd, Whatawhata Research Centre, NZ

Forestry, A Valuable Crop for the Pastoral Farmer

N M. Shadbolt, Massey University

Changes in Understorey Pasture Composition in Agroforestry Regimes in New Zealand

M F. Hawke, C/- Forest Research Institute, Rotorua
A G. Gillingham, Ag Research, Palmerston North

Evaluation of Animal Productivity in a Sustainable Grazing System Based on the use of Trees in Association with Pastures

J M. Iglesias Gomez, Central Espaoa Republicana, Cuba

Introduction of Multipurpose Tree Species for Improving the Productivity of Grasslands in the Tropics

N G. Hegde, BAIF Development Research Foundation, India
C Sall, ISRA-LNERV, Senegal
T Nolan, Teagasc, Ireland
J Connolly, University College Dublin, Ireland

Tree Forages as Nitrogen Source for Ruminants in Sahelian Agro-Silvipastoral Systems

B M. Doreau, INRA Centre de Clermont-Ferrand Theix

Differences in Chemical Composition Among Provenances of Browse Species in a Subhumid Environment: Relation to use as Supplements

B H. Dzowela, SADC-ICRAF
L Hove, Makoholi Research Station, Zimbabwe
P L. Mafongoya, Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe

Fodder Production of Multipurpose Trees in a Maize Farming System of Subhumid Southern Africa

B H. Dzowela, SADC-ICRAF, Zimbabwe
L Hove, Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe
P L. Mafongoya, Department of Research and Specialist Services, Zimbabwe

Psyllid Resistance in the Leucaena Genus

B F. Mullen, The University of Queensland, Australia
H M. Shelton, The University of Queensland, Australia
F Gabunada, IRRI, Philippines
W W. Stur, IRRI, Philippines

Morphological and Physiological Response of Planeleaf Willow (Salix Planifolia Pursh.) to Simulated Browsing

L Xu, North Dakota State University--Fargo
J L. Dodd, North Dakota State University--Fargo
M A. Smith, University of Wyoming
Q D. Skinner, University of Wyoming
W A. Laycock, University of Wyoming

Productivity of Three Tree Legumes Grazed by Cattle

R C. Gutterridge, The University of Queensland, Australia

A Silvopastoral System in the North Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica: Combining Indigenous Timber Species with Dairy Pasture Swards

A Moulaert- Quiros, North Carolina State University
J P. Mueller, North Carolina State University
M Villarreal, Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica
R Piedra, Instituto Tecnologico de Costa Rica
L Villalobos, Universidad Nacional de Costa Rica

Trees for Shelter: The Implications in Agroforestry System

L C. Nwaigbo, University of Aberdeen
A R. Sibbald, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK
G Hudson, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK

Soil Nutrient Redistribution Pattern About the Tree in a Silvopastoral System

L C. Nwaigbo, University of Aberdeen
H G. Miller, University of Aberdeen
A R. Sibbald, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK
G Hudson, Macaulay Land Use Research Institute, UK

Shrub Palatability to Rusa Deer (Cervus Timorensis Russa) in New Caledonia

C Corniaux, Centre de CoopÈration Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le DÈveloppement
S Le Bel, Centre de CoopÈration Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le DÈveloppement
J M. Sarrailh, Centre de CoopÈration Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le DÈveloppement

Grazing Management of Tagasaste (Chamaecytisus Proliferus) for Sheep and Cattle Production in Southern Australia

N J. Edwards, The University of Western Australia
G M. Allen, The University of Western Australia
D M. McNeill, The University of Queensland, Australia
C M. Oldham, The University of Western Australia

Temperate Pasture and Sheep Performance Under Radiata Pine and In Open Pasture

K M. Pollock, Lincoln University, NZ
R J. Lucas, Lincoln University
D B. Pownall, Lincoln University
S E. Thomson, Lincoln University

The Effects of Shelterbelts on Adjacent Pastures and Soils in a Temperate Climate

A G. Gillingham, AgResearch, Palmerston North
M F. Hawke, Forest Research Institute, New Zealand

Use of Annual Self-Reseeding Legumes in an Oak Forest in Central Italy

P Talamucci, Universita di Firenze, Italy
G Argenti, Universita di Firenze, Italy
A Pardini, Universita di Firenze, Italy
S Piemontese, Universita di Firenze, Italy
N Stagliano, Universita di Firenze, Italy

Silvopastoral Agroforestry in Upland and Lowland UK Grassland: Tree Growth and Animal Performance

W R. Eason, Institute of Grassland and Environmental Research, UK
R Lavender, IGER, UK
R O. Clements, IGER, UK
C Duller, IGER, UK
E Gill, IGER, UK
M Hislop, Forestry Authority, UK

The Analysis of Dynamic Interaction in Legume Binary Mixture Under Controlled Conditions of Irrigation and Clipping

M S. Vrahnakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
B Noitsakis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
Z Koukoura, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki