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Trifolium ambiguum occurred in12 diverse grassland communities, ranging from 1700 m to 2850 m, in the Kasbegi region, Central Caucasus. Total herbage mass in mid summer ranged from 310 to 763 g/m2with T. ambiguum composition ranging from 0.5 to 51%. Maximum T. ambiguum production occurred in fertile, regularly mown hay meadows, but was reduced in severely grazed pastures. It has persisted in these communities after centuries of grazing or cutting, without fertiliser input. T. ambiguum ploidy levels were predominantly diploid (82% frequency of occurrence), often in conjunction with triploid (18%) or tetraploid (27%) genotypes. The triploid T. ambiguum genotype ( 2n = 24) has not been previously reported. Further evaluation for use in temperate montane pasture systems is warranted.



Productivity and genotypic diversity of Trifolium ambiguum in the Central Caucasian Mountains, Georgia

Trifolium ambiguum occurred in12 diverse grassland communities, ranging from 1700 m to 2850 m, in the Kasbegi region, Central Caucasus. Total herbage mass in mid summer ranged from 310 to 763 g/m2with T. ambiguum composition ranging from 0.5 to 51%. Maximum T. ambiguum production occurred in fertile, regularly mown hay meadows, but was reduced in severely grazed pastures. It has persisted in these communities after centuries of grazing or cutting, without fertiliser input. T. ambiguum ploidy levels were predominantly diploid (82% frequency of occurrence), often in conjunction with triploid (18%) or tetraploid (27%) genotypes. The triploid T. ambiguum genotype ( 2n = 24) has not been previously reported. Further evaluation for use in temperate montane pasture systems is warranted.