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Measuring Spatial Variation within Pastures

C K. McDonald, CSIRO
R M. Jones, CSIRO

Nitrogen Nutrition of Brant (Branta bernicla L.) Grazing on Saltmarsh and Pasture Species

G Q.A Anderson, University of Sunderland
M Andrews, University of Sunderland
S M. Percival, University of Sunderland
J S. Kirby, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust, Slimbridge, Gloucestershire

Productivity and genotypic diversity of Trifolium ambiguum in the Central Caucasian Mountains, Georgia

R G. Patterson, Longslip Station, NZ
P R. Espie, Highview, NZ

Accounting for Selective Grazing in the Stocking Rate Decision

M F. Quirk, Queensland Dept. of Primary Industries
J W. Stuth, Texas A&M University

The Grazing Manager: A New Application of the Carrying Capacity Concept

M M. Kothmann, Texas A&M University
R T. Hinnant, Texas A&M University

The Influence of Light on the Succession of Calcareous Grassland Using a GIS as an Instrument for Analysis

G Spatz, University of Kassel
Th Fricke, University of Kassel

Relationship Between Broadleaf Dock (Rumex obtusifolius L.) and Seasonal Yield of Orchardgrass Grazed Pasture

Y Iijima, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Y Kurokawa, Tokyo University of Agriculture
T Monya, Tokyo University of Agriculture
Y Suzuki, Tokyo University of Agriculture

Using Nested Paddocks to Study Multiple-Paddock Grazing Systems

B E. Anderson, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
W W. Stroup, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
W H. Schacht, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Application of the Phygrow Forage Production- Runoff Model for Regional Stocking Analysis

J W. Stuth, Texas A&M University
J R. Conner, Texas A&M University
W T. Hamilton, Texas A&M University
D M. Schmitt, Texas A&M University

Vertical Distribution in Grass Swards: Interactions Between Dry Matter and Nutritional Quality

D R. Buckmaster, Penn State
R H. Mohtar, Penn State
S L. Fales, Penn State

Forage Production and Performance of Beef Yearlings Grazing Diploid and Tetraploid Crested Wheatgrass

J D. Bruynooghe, University of Saskatchewan
R.D H. Cohen, University of Saskatchewan
N W. Holt, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
P G. Jefferson, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada