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This study was conducted at Aldama Experimental Station of INIFAP, in Aldama, Tamps., Mexico, to determine the quality and nutritive value of angleton (Dichanthium aristatum Poir.) (A) and klein (Panicum coloratum L.) (K) pastures used as standing hay. Pastures were closed to grazing in September to promote herbage accumulation until February when the experiment was initiated. Two 200 kg live weight crossbred steers were set stocked per each replication. Two fistulated steers were used to collect extrusa samples every 16 days during the 83-d experimental period. Average daily gain in K was 1.3 times higher (P<0.01) than in A. Crude protein concentration was similar (P > 0.01) in leaves of klein and angleton, while ADF was lower (P < 0.01) in klein. CP and ADF concentration in stems did not vary (P > 0.05), but the values for complete plant were higher (P < 0.01) in K for CP concentration and lower in ADF.



Forage Quality of Klein and Angleton Grasses as Standing Hay in the Dry Tropic

This study was conducted at Aldama Experimental Station of INIFAP, in Aldama, Tamps., Mexico, to determine the quality and nutritive value of angleton (Dichanthium aristatum Poir.) (A) and klein (Panicum coloratum L.) (K) pastures used as standing hay. Pastures were closed to grazing in September to promote herbage accumulation until February when the experiment was initiated. Two 200 kg live weight crossbred steers were set stocked per each replication. Two fistulated steers were used to collect extrusa samples every 16 days during the 83-d experimental period. Average daily gain in K was 1.3 times higher (P<0.01) than in A. Crude protein concentration was similar (P > 0.01) in leaves of klein and angleton, while ADF was lower (P < 0.01) in klein. CP and ADF concentration in stems did not vary (P > 0.05), but the values for complete plant were higher (P < 0.01) in K for CP concentration and lower in ADF.