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Annual and perennial grasses growing in the semiarid, west-central North American continent mature by early to midsummer. Forage mineral concentrations in these C-3 grasses decrease curvilinearly as the season advances from day of year (DOY) 75 to 300. Total digestible dry matter (TDDM) and digestible cell wall (DCW) decrease linearly with DOY while neutral detergent fiber (NDF) increases curvilinearly. By midsummer; energy, N, P, and Zn usually become deficient for ruminant nutrition.



Seasonal Changes in Forage Quality of C3 Grasses on Sagebrush Grassland

Annual and perennial grasses growing in the semiarid, west-central North American continent mature by early to midsummer. Forage mineral concentrations in these C-3 grasses decrease curvilinearly as the season advances from day of year (DOY) 75 to 300. Total digestible dry matter (TDDM) and digestible cell wall (DCW) decrease linearly with DOY while neutral detergent fiber (NDF) increases curvilinearly. By midsummer; energy, N, P, and Zn usually become deficient for ruminant nutrition.