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Results are presented from an overdrilling experiment comparing a conventional triple-disc drill with an' experimental single-pass strip­seeder drill designed to remove competing vegetation mechanically; Herbicide application markedly increased herbage mass of sown species in the triple-disc treatments. ,However, herbage mass was. 􀁻igher from the strip-seeder drill than the .triple-disc in both ihe' nbsence and presence of herbicide. The results indicate the potential of the strip-seeder drill technology for cost-effective establishment of pasture species in difficult environments.



Interaction of Drill Type and Herbicide on Pasture Establishment in Semi-arid Environments

Results are presented from an overdrilling experiment comparing a conventional triple-disc drill with an' experimental single-pass strip­seeder drill designed to remove competing vegetation mechanically; Herbicide application markedly increased herbage mass of sown species in the triple-disc treatments. ,However, herbage mass was. 􀁻igher from the strip-seeder drill than the .triple-disc in both ihe' nbsence and presence of herbicide. The results indicate the potential of the strip-seeder drill technology for cost-effective establishment of pasture species in difficult environments.