Winter Cold Temperate Rangelands: Improvement Strategies for Intensive Rangeland Ecosystems B E. Allan, AgResearch, NZ |
A Koocheki, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad |
Rangelands in Dry Mountain Areas T Boyadgiev, N. Poushkarov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agroecology |
Developing Eastern Gamagrass on a Conserved Forage John A. Dickerson, USDA |
Alfalfa Cultivar Selection from 30 years of Records in the State of Illinois, USA Don W. Graffis, University of Illinois |
Interaction of Drill Type and Herbicide on Pasture Establishment in Semi-Arid Environments W L. Lowther, AgResearch, NZ |
Winter Grazing Rough Fescue Grasslands With and Without Preconditioning on Annual Pasture W D. Willms, AgResearch, NZ |
W H. Johnston, Soil Conservation Service of NSW |
Effects of Lime and Fertilizer on the Establishment of White Clover in the Falkland Islands J A. Kerr, Agricultural Research Centre |
Small-Grain Forage for Winter Pastures D J. Undersander, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee |
Use of Dryland Forage Plants for Improving Semi-Arid and Hawkweed-affected land in New Zealand B J. Wills, Landcare Research New Zealand |
Rangeland Improvement on Granitic Soils in Uruguay D F. Risso, INIA |
G G. Cossens, AgResearch, NZ |
C C. Boswell, AgResearch, NZ |
Breeding Switchgrass for Improved Animal Performance K P. Vogel, USDA, Agricultural Research Service |
M P. Rolston, AgResearch, NZ |
Pasture Grasses for Semi-Arid Environments in New Zealand R F. Woodman, AgResearch, NZ |
R F. Woodman, AgResearch, NZ |
A 52-Year Ecological History of Selected Introduced and Native Grasses Planted in Central Idaho Stephen B. Monsen, USDA |
Interaction of Drill Type and Herbicide on Pasture Establishment in Semi-arid Environments W L. Lowther, Invermay Agricultural Centre |