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Winter Cold Temperate Rangelands: Improvement Strategies for Intensive Rangeland Ecosystems

B E. Allan, AgResearch, NZ
D Scott, AgResearch, NZ

Improvement Strategies in Winter Cold Temperate Rangeland Ecosystems with Particular Reference to Extensive Grazing Lands of Iran

A Koocheki, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad

Rangelands in Dry Mountain Areas

T Boyadgiev, N. Poushkarov Research Institute of Soil Science and Agroecology

Developing Eastern Gamagrass on a Conserved Forage

John A. Dickerson, USDA
Paul R. Salon, Soil Conservation Service, USDA

Alfalfa Cultivar Selection from 30 years of Records in the State of Illinois, USA

Don W. Graffis, University of Illinois

Interaction of Drill Type and Herbicide on Pasture Establishment in Semi-Arid Environments

W L. Lowther, AgResearch, NZ
R F. Horrell, Lincoln University
P D. Johnstone, AgResearch, NZ
K D. Trainor, AgResearch, NZ

Winter Grazing Rough Fescue Grasslands With and Without Preconditioning on Annual Pasture

W D. Willms, AgResearch, NZ
L M. Rode, AgResearch, NZ
B S. Freeze, AgResearch, NZ

Complementarity Between Summer-Active Grasses and Cool-Season Annual Legumes in Temperate-Zone Pastures

W H. Johnston, Soil Conservation Service of NSW

Effects of Lime and Fertilizer on the Establishment of White Clover in the Falkland Islands

J A. Kerr, Agricultural Research Centre
Rosie Poultney, Rothamsted Experimental Station

Small-Grain Forage for Winter Pastures

D J. Undersander, University of Wisconsin - Milwaukee
D P. Hutchenson, Texas A&M University

Use of Dryland Forage Plants for Improving Semi-Arid and Hawkweed-affected land in New Zealand

B J. Wills, Landcare Research New Zealand
J S. Sheppard, Landcare Research New Zealand
J.S C. Begg, Landcare Research New Zealand

Rangeland Improvement on Granitic Soils in Uruguay

D F. Risso, INIA
D A. Moron, INIA

Residual Effects of Oversowing, Overdrilling, and Herbicide in the Long-Term Control of Hieracium pilosella in Otago, New Zealand

G G. Cossens, AgResearch, NZ
C C. Boswell, AgResearch, NZ

Fertilizer Policies for Grassland Production in Winter Cold High Country in the South Island New Zealand and Southern China

C C. Boswell, AgResearch, NZ
M.J S. Floate, AgResearch, NZ

Breeding Switchgrass for Improved Animal Performance

K P. Vogel, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
K J. Moore, USDA, Agricultural Research Service
A A. Hopkins, University of Nebraska - Lincoln

Improvement of Shrub-Covered Hill Pasture by Root Raking: Effect of Aspect, Superphosphate and Time from Sowing on Nitrogen Fixation and Clover Growth

M P. Rolston, AgResearch, NZ
J R. Crush, AgResearch, NZ
B P. Devantier, AgResearch, NZ

Pasture Grasses for Semi-Arid Environments in New Zealand

R F. Woodman, AgResearch, NZ

Effect of Direct Drilling on the Establishment on the Establishment and Growth of Birdsfoot Trefoil in Montane Tussock Grasslands

R F. Woodman, AgResearch, NZ

A 52-Year Ecological History of Selected Introduced and Native Grasses Planted in Central Idaho

Stephen B. Monsen, USDA
Val Jo Anderson, Brigham Young University

Interaction of Drill Type and Herbicide on Pasture Establishment in Semi-arid Environments

W L. Lowther, Invermay Agricultural Centre
R F. Horrell, Lincoln University
P D. Johnstone, Invermay Agricultural Centre
K D. Trainor, Invermay Agricultural Centre