- 12th Kentucky Grazing Conference
- Frost Approaching: Beware of Prussic Acid!
- KFGC Field Day
- Don't Overgraze Warm-Season Grasses
- Freeze Tolerance of Forage Bermudagrass
- Performance by Spring and Fall-Calving Cows Grazing with Full Access, or No Access to Toxic, Wild-Type Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue - 3-Year Summary
- The Determination of Switchgrass Growth Curves
- Chemical Suppression of Seedhead Emergence in Toxic Endophyte-Infected Tall Fescue for Improving Cattle WEight Gain and Physiology
- Reducing Feed Costs with Grazing Management
Publication Date
Repository Citation
Department of Plant and Soil Sciences, University of Kentucky, "Forage News [2011-10]" (2011). Forage News. 77.