Date Available


Year of Publication


Document Type

Master's Thesis

Degree Name

Master of Science (MS)




Early Childhood, Special Education, and Counselor Education


Dr. Justin D. Lane


Naturalistic strategies have been shown in research to promote expressive language in children by embedding opportunities for learning trials during routines and activities. Efforts to promote expressive language development are often focused on training caregivers in implementing naturalistic strategies in their child’s typical daily routine. Coaching is a consistently effective training practice to prepare family members to implement the naturalistic strategies. While coaching has been shown to be effective, the recommended time requirement could be a barrier for most caregivers. Caregivers living in geographically remote areas also face additional barriers, such as higher rates of poverty and less access to adequate healthcare. Delivering services via telehealth, the use of technology to provide health care services from a distance, could bridge the gap between families located in rural areas and access to affordable health care.

I describe coaching caregivers who live in remote areas on implementing naturalistic strategies via telehealth. How the coach should prepare and implement the sessions is explained, along with a description of common naturalistic strategies used in research. Tracking adult and child progress, promoting generalization and generalization, and troubleshooting is also discussed.

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