Date Available


Year of Publication


Degree Name

Doctor of Nursing Practice


Dr. Julianne Ossege

Committee Member

Dr. Julianne Ewen

Co-Director of Graduate Studies

Dr. Angela Hensley


BACKGROUND: In an attempt to decrease significant no-show rates amongst telehealth patients in a Hepatology outpatient clinic, a clinic-specific intervention was executed, which was efficient in decreasing no-show rates, however could not continue to be financially supported.

PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate correlations between demographic data and social determinants of health with patients who showed and did not show for their telehealth appointments, with an overall goal of determining if there is a need for targeted support for telehealth appointments to decrease no-show rates.

METHODS: Electronic health records of telehealth patients were reviewed in an outpatient Hepatology clinic from August 2021 to November 2022 for demographic data, co-morbidities, and if the patient showed or did not show for their telehealth appointment. Charts were reviewed before, during, and after the pilot intervention in this descriptive, correlational study.

RESULTS: 250 charts were reviewed. A statistically-significant correlation was found between no-show rates and new patients, and those who were under 45 years old, unemployed, and had a medical history of HCV, cirrhosis, and IVDU. There was no significant correlation between gender, race, insurance status, incarceration history, area of residence, and the diagnoses of HBV, HAV, NASH, alcohol abuse, OUD/SUD, depression/anxiety, and BPD with no-show appointment status.

CONCLUSION: These results suggest the need for targeted intervention amongst new, younger, and unemployed telehealth patients with a history of IVDU, Hepatitis C, and cirrhosis, to assist them to access and receive care in the Hepatology clinic.
