Date Available
Year of Publication
Degree Name
Doctor of Nursing Practice
Dr. Leslie Scott
Committee Member
Dr. Jessica Wilson
Committee Member
Katie Walker
Co-Director of Graduate Studies
Dr. Cameron Stephenson
Background: Depression is a significant problem for adolescents with chronic health conditions. Prevalence rates are two to three times higher in adolescents with diabetes compared to adolescents without diabetes (Badescu et al., 2016). Routine depression screening is not transpiring at rates and frequency recommended by the American Diabetes Association for this population. Implementing use of the Patient Health Questionnaire for all adolescents over the age of twelve years with Type 1 & Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus during routine health visits may improve early identification and diagnosis of depression and improve long-term health outcomes.
Purpose: The goal of this project was to evaluate the implementation of an educational PowerPoint for a universal depression screening process of adolescents with diabetes being followed at the Barnstable Brown Diabetes Center.
Methods: Data was collected from the Electronic Health Records. The analysis was completed using IBM SPSS software to run a chi-square analysis test and t-test. These tests were used to assess change in proportion of charts with PHQ-9 screening before and after the education was completed as well as any changes in demographics during the pre and post period.
Results: Results of chi-square analysis showed a significant increase in PHQ-9 screening after the educational PowerPoint (p p >.05)
Conclusion: The results of the study showed that the number of screenings increased significantly between the pre and post period. The rate of screening increased by 38%. Further research is recommended to support additional resources in the clinic for universal screening.
Keywords: depression, diabetes, PHQ-9
Recommended Citation
Westberry, Jenna, "Evaluation of Universal Depression Screening in a Pediatric Diabetes Outpatient Clinic with the Integration of a Depression Screening Tool into an Electronic Health Record" (2023). DNP Projects. 422.