Contesting Masculinity: Editor's Preface
Christine Metzo
(De)Constructing Daddy: The Absent Father, Revisionist Masculinity and/in Queer Cultural Representations
Andrew Schopp
Dangerous Bond Shot
Michael Velliquette
Reimagining Masculinities: disClosure interviews bell hooks
Mary Curran, Susan Mains, Christine Metzo, and Sarah Moore
That Which Was the Burning Slag of Navarone
Chris Green
Better Loving through Chemistry: How New Impotence Treatment Technologies Promise to Change Male Sexuality
Chris Weinke
(Un)settling Accounts: disClosure interviews Peter Jackson
Paul Kingsbury, Jennifer Kopf, Matt McCourt, and Theresa Zawacki
The All-Aroundness of Man
Wayne Hogan
The Green Dress Project
Amanda Lewis
Sculpture Student Waits to Pour a Bucket of Red Hot Iron, Reynolds Building, University of Kentucky, Lexington
Andrew Feight
Elijah, Nomadic Prophet
Andrew Feight