Reason INCorporated
Editor's Preface
Michael L. Dorn
Tomato Spaceman
Chris Heustis
Becoming Skilled in Doing What's Appropriate: The Nonreflective Rationality of Ethical Expertise
Robert Shields, Michael L. Dorn, Dan Schuman, and Dorothee Seifen
Issac Newton Died a Virgin
Michael Caufield
Plastic Heart, Black Box, Iron Cage: Instrumental Reason and the Artificial Heart Experiment
Thomas Strong
Representing Bounded Bodies
Susan Mains
Reconceptualizing Masculinity
Christine James
The Represented and the 'Real': Economy, Postmodernity, and PostOrientalist Research
Katherine Jones, Jennifer Kopf, and Angela Martin
Method as the Embodiment of Reason
Bryan Crable
Cultural Theory and Intellectual Politics
Jennifer Kopf and Caedmon Staddon
I Was Just Getting Started When
Michael Caufield