Consuming Cultures
Editors' Preface and Acknowledgements
David Hoopes and Derek Ruez
Consumed with (and by) Collecting: Museology as a Narrative Strategy
Gretchen E. Henderson
Andy Warhol: Folk Artist in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction
T. D. Richardson
Commodifying My Culture: An “Appalachian” Reflects on Her Role in Sustaining a Limited Discourse of Appalachia
Amanda Fickey
Celebrity Culture and the Rise of the Ordinary: An Interview with Joshua Gamson
David Hoopes and Drew Heverin
Boundaries of the Self
W. Hunter Stamps
Invited to the Slaughter in Šurany, Slovakia
Brendan F. R. Edwards
An In-Between Place: To Tokelau by Boat
Alice Driver
Consuming and Maintaining Difference: American Fans Resisting the Globalization of Japanese Pop Culture
Laura Beltz Imaoka
Care, Cure, and Control: A Politics of Dietetics
Rick Dolphijn
Much Ado about Mutton: An interview with Deborah Gewertz and Frederick Errington
Rebecca Lane and Christine Smith