2018 Black History Month Virtual Exhibit
Black History Month 2018 was an online celebration via Facebook during the month of February. The project was a joint effort by Bluegrass Black Pride, Inc. and Kentucky Black Pride, Inc. The daily features highlight present and past persons associated with one of the African American lgbtq* communities in Kentucky. Reinette F. Jones, Co-chair of Bluegrass Black Pride, Inc. created the features for her organization.
Bluegrass Black Pride, Inc.
Bluegrass Black Pride, Inc. [BBP, Inc.] is a community organization established in 2013 to educate, advocate, and demand equity for those in the African American lgbtq* communities. The organization provides grant-funded health and wellness programs such as HIV/AIDS prevention and medical care, and domestic violence prevention; and programs addressing discrimination and prejudice within the lgbtq* community, the church, and the public at large. There is also the fundraising event “Reflections” that reintroduces drag culture at the Lyric Theatre in Lexington, KY. The end-of-the year event is the annual honors awards celebration held in recognition of individual and organizational contributions to the well-being of the African American lgbtq* communities in Lexington.
Find us on Facebook or email us at bluegrassblackpride.inc@gmail.com
Kentucky Black Pride, Inc.
Our mission is to promote unity, pride, self-awareness and a positive visibility within Kentucky's LGBTQIA community of color.
Kentucky Black Pride was founded by Shawn Ka'Ron Bumpase in December 2016. Mr. Bumpase held a conference call with other LGBTQ Community Trail Blazers to discuss common issues within the state of Kentucky's African American Gay community. On January 9, 2017 the organization was finally organized and officers were elected. In April 2018 Kentucky Black Pride will have its official office space on South Broadway.
Kentucky Black Pride, Inc is a 501c3 non-profit organization that helps the community by providing financial assistance, mental counseling, LGBTQ marital counseling or wedding officiant. Kentucky Black Pride provides back to school supplies to families with in Fayette Co and surrounding counties. Also KBP has a Care Bear Mission that helps during holidays with food baskets and provide gifts for families.
Kentucky Black Pride hosts an annual Pride Festival every 3rd weekend of September as part of the Roots and Heritage Festival month. Also, KBP host bi-monthly Let's Talk Series that is for the community and serves as a town meeting.
For more information please contact us at kentuckyblackpride@yahoo.com or visit our website!
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