Aflatoxin B1 production by Aspergillus flavus (NRRL 6432) was determined on physically damaged corn stored at 35,25 and 20°C and at relative humidities of 97 and 92%. Production at lower relative humidities of 80 and 85% were also tested at 25°C. Production lag times were significantly different for all test conditions. Lag times ranged from 46 h at 97% relative humidity and 35°C to 173. 8 h at 20°C and 92% relative humidity. Aflatoxin B, concentration doubled every 6 to 10 hours after a level of 10 ppb had been reached. Production rate constants were not significantly different between temperatures at 97% relative humidity; however, significant differences in the production rate constant were observed between 97 and 92% relative humidities evaluated at 25°C and between 25 and 35 °C evaluated at 92% relative humidity.
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This paper is published with the approval of the Director of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and designated as Paper No. 84-2-5-238.
Repository Citation
Wieman, D. M.; White, G. M.; Taraba, Joseph L.; Ross, I. J.; Hicks, Clair L.; and Langlois, Bruce E., "Production of Aflatoxin on Damaged Corn Under Controlled Environmental Conditions" (1986). Biosystems and Agricultural Engineering Faculty Publications. 155.
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Agriculture Commons, Agronomy and Crop Sciences Commons, Bioresource and Agricultural Engineering Commons
Notes/Citation Information
Published in Transactions of the ASAE, v. 29, issue 4, p. 1150-1155.
© 1986 American Society of Agricultural Engineers
The copyright holder has granted the permission for posting the article here.